
Wow.. Well said!

Im going to watch your documentary :) followed you.

Keep up the madness.

Unleash your inner beast!

That would be awesome if you checked the movie out and would make me happy! Thanks!
Also.. I followed you as well before you even mentioned that cause I enjoyed your comment so much. :)

And haha I love what you said about keeping up the madness and unleashing the inner beast.. I shall do my best. :) Thank you.

Just watched it.....Amazing.

The end kind of reminded me of grey state...a documentary which was never released because the director was murdered. (media paints a different story that is fabricated)

Heres the trailer

The movie was never released but somebody made a fake documentary with the same name. Its propaganda: fear mongering.

The original version showed martial law in the united states.

How the military (police) are operating on us soil against the inhabitants.

The system is a domestic terrorist, but most of us are too asleep too realize.

Were in a trance like state.


The trailer shows us citizens with military gear and maps fighting battles.

Overall I think the message would have been that we can win this war against the system.

As I tried to address in this post - I failed - , the system is a paper tiger that uses fear as its main weapon.

It appalling the atrocities we allow to go on simply because we are afraid of death.

Hey. Thanks for checking it out and the thoughtful response! Glad you liked it!

That's interesting you bring up Grey State.. I just started resedarching that whole thing recently.. And.. I'm actually working on a lil short film with footage from the trailer and such.. And I'm going to title it something like.. "Where's your line?"

I only have a lil bit done so far, but it's incredibly powerful.. That guy did an amazing job and I wonder just what really happened.. I suspect foul play. I can't prove it.. But that's what I think.. And it is worrying.. As a film maker making stuff kind of similar.. Though.. I kinda doubt I'll ever become popular enough to get taken out. :) Who knows.. Maybe! It would kind of be an honor in a weird twisted way, just to know that I actually made enough of a difference to be targetted.. But.. I don't think I will ever get that popular..

Are you familiar with the Free Masons? If you look at the executioner in the trailer.. The dude in all white with the mask and stuff.. He's wearing a Free Mason apron.. I think that may have been why the guy was killed.. Cause he was painting the Free Masons in a bad light.. Just a theory of course.. I don't know.

On a bright side, I saw an interview with the main actor where he is claiming they are going to try to finish the film and release it some day.. It may be umm.. "Butchered" so to speak and they might ruin it. But I do hope they finish it and release it, I think it deserves to be seen.

And I totally agree with the last thing you said in regards to it being appalling the atrocities we allow to go on simply because we are "afraid of death".. That is powerful! Well said again! You have a great way with language.

I need to get to sleep soon, but.. I will check out the post you linked first! Thanks again for checking out the movie and the thoughtful responses.. It's much appreciated. :)

Just read your post.. And for some reason it wouldn't let me reply on there.. Maybe cause it's like a month old.. I dunno.. but I'll respond here.. And briefly cause I need to get to sleep.

Great article! Thoroughly enjoyed it and agreed with virtually all of it, especially the part about all the dif groups basically being gangs. And how important sovereignty and the ability to defend yourself and others is.
Well done! Also.. This quote is one of the best quotes I've ever seen.

"A voice not heard is a voice wasted"

Maybe we can talk more about this later, but I gotta go for a while! Take care!

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