Open Mic SONGWRITERS Week 8 | Walk in beauty

in #openmic7 years ago (edited)

Hello there,

this week was especially difficult, as I have spent most of it in bed fighting with being ill. I guess they call it songwriters' "challenge" for a reason, we all have our own struggles. Today was the first day, when I felt strong enough to get out of bed, so this is what I wrote for week 8.

This week theme - till we meet again - inspired me to write about this feeling/moment of leaving a place / person / people that you love a lot, while not knowing when/if ever you will meet again. But something is telling you that you must go on, go different ways.

(me and "the crew" on koh tao, thailand 2014 - god, that's a long time)

I have moved so many times, traveled a lot, and had to leave a lot of places, that were beautiful and sometimes I look back and wish we could stay like that forever. But, life has other adventures planned, not just staying in paradise :)
When I leave a magical place, where, I felt like at home it breaks my heart. But, isn't that how you know you really cared about something and someone?

I love this expression walk in beauty, here is a lovely explanation from :

To “Walk in Beauty” means to walk in harmony with all living things. It’s about being that state of awareness where you feel connected to everything around you. The Lakota Indians say their goodbyes to each other with the phrase “Walk in Beauty.”This is my wish for you today, May you walk in Beauty~

As I walk, as I walk
The Universe is walking with me
In beauty it walks before me
In beauty it walks behind me
In beauty it walks below me
In beauty it walks above me
Beauty is one every side
As I walk, I walk with Beauty.
~Traditional Navajo Prayer

Dear steemit friends, may you all walk in beauty :)

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PS One of these towns I left behind,
India, 2013, the blue town - Jodhpur in Rajasthan


Hey there...from one health "challenged" artist to another!
Way to go finishing out the last week no matter what. This is great! So it goes to show that the best part comes through even when we are not feeling good.
You have the perfect delay effect on this by the way
Hoka Hey

thank you @onetruebrother
I love delay effects, I try not to over do it, but with some words and in some places it somehow works for me.

Hoka Hey :)

Even with an illness, your voice is still beautiful!

Such a lovely composition, @chaifm! Your performances have been truly outstanding all throughout the challenge, and this one is no exception. A really great effort, especially as you were still a bit under-the-weather! Feel better! :-)

Thanks for all the music. I hope you feel better soon.

Hallo! This was a great topic to end this challenge! You may have been I'll but you still did it well! (Love the delay you used by the way :).

Love that phrase "walk in beauty" thank you for sharing it! I hope you feel better soon! It has been wonderful writing along with you for this challenge! I hope you keep making originals and sharing them :)

thank you! you gotta love the delay, I have not got around actually making a song with ableton, but it is coming... :) in meantime I recorded one of my older originals, and added some more delay (yey!) and some flute for a change (I am still not sure how I feel about the flute, but I wanted to give it a go anyway, I cannot really say if it helped the song or not)
What do you think?

I have a feeling that is very easy for original songs outside the "openmic" tag to get lost in steemit universe ... :(

I think the flute adds something cool, it's a different texture, which adds variety, and the notes you chose are nice! I'm a big proponent of using everything you have as long as it works, and this one works :)

I too have a feeling original music will get lost outside of that tag hehe, we'll see how that goes :)
Cool use of that delay BTW!!! :D

a lovely message to send us out on! thankyou chaifm, your songs have been gorgeous to listen to. Walk in beauty x

Thank you, same here :) walk in beauty my friend :)

Great song. That coda "Walk in beauty my friend/ Walk in Beauty 'til we meet again" is going to stick in my head :)

Your voice sounds a little bit scratchier maybe with being sick? But beautiful. And I love the way you go back and forth from an almost whisper to full voice.

thank you :)

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