
aw, thanks @ana-maria - no courage needed. I used to sing solos regularly (funerals, weddings, holy days...) so I'm good as long as I don't have a whistling booger singing along with me. The pipes are rusty but maybe this will be my excuse to start vocalizing again. :)
You should try it! It's all in good fun :D

You should start vocalizing again - that's for sure! :)
But when I am in question, believe me, that's an entirely different story!
God was very generous to me in many ways and gifted me with many things. Unfortunately, singing is not one of those gifts I have received. Quite contrary! If there is some betting going on for this, I would be 100% guaranteed win for those who would bet on me that I would miss the note! ;) :D
The funniest thing for me is that on the other hand, I have a perfect hearing and interpretation skills for foreign languages, even slang, and dialects. Almost like I have a different pair of ears for that! - lol - :D

Your response reminds me of something my husband says all the time. He says, "When I grow up, I want to be a pole dancer....and people will throw money at me to put my clothes back on!" LOL

Now your skills are awesome! I wish I had a smidgen of skill for interpreting foreign languages as well as sign language - but I don't think it's in my DNA. I can, however, pick up a pretty bad country drawl if I'm around rednecks for too long. LOL

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