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RE: Ke Xu | The Woman behind Ono

in #ono6 years ago

I'm not going to be one of those who you've described as being upset or something over your excitement for ONO. Competition is good, and when it comes, it will motivate innovations in ways that weren't considered before.

However, so far, everything that's been talked about in your posts about ONO, in one form of another, has been used to describe STEEM. Decentralized, freedom, helping the masses, etc.

Yes, it sounds like they're taking some extra steps to get things off on the right footing, with a grueling survey and other measures to ensure those who are getting on the platform to start with line up with the principles of the platform. You know much more about all of the things they're doing than I.

The one thing I've been having a hard time getting around is the fact that this is happening in China. I'm not saying anything bad about Ke Xu. China has had their own freedom fighters over the years. I'm talking about the Chinese government, which, while adapting to some level of freedom and capitalism, is still very much a controlling, centralized communist State.

So, I don't know. The concepts are all there. The work behind it is good. It's just what does the Chinese government do with it if dissenting voices start emerging on it and/or mixing with philosophies or policies that are not in line with its mandates? How does ONO keep from being influenced by all of that?

I suppose we're all going to find out. :)


There are some similarities of its purpose of being decentralized, freedom, helping the people yet one early difference is communities is an integral part of it from the start.

When I heard that this was starting in China I had the same thoughts as the Chinese government has a habit of controlling and centralized.

However I want to believe since it will be built with Decentralization and freedom as core concepts that they would not be impeded by the state. That they will not be able to limit freedom of speech.

Okay, so they already limit free speech and a lot of other things. So, are you saying that somehow the international community will step in and not allow it? Or that the users of ONO will somehow not allow it? Again, I guess we'll find out. Seems to me though, that the best thing ONO can do is to make sure nothing is based in China once it's up and running. That might not be enough, even, but at least it won't be where they have sovereign control over it.

For the record, I have the same concerns about a government take over of STEEM or any other blockchain based cryptocurrency. It's just that it would take a little longer to do in the US, and would probably end up in the courts, rather than government troops sent in to confiscate it all.

We asked that with Ke and with nodes in different places and running in EOS it will limit the possibility of censorship by stifling the company, however the government can have internet service providers block access to the Ono app to the users which is why medium, YouTube, twitter and Facebook is not accessible there.
Hopefully the government will take a more progressive stance in this case.

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