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RE: Chess Board - One photo every day (31/365)

in #onephotoeveryday6 years ago

thats kool, i dont remember the day i learned chess but i do remember how.
I use to play checkers every night with my dad, he was brutal. i never won, ever. i would get so mad at losing i would always ask well what about chess, we have the peices maybe i can beat you at chess. he would tell me "once you can beat me at checkers i will teach you chess". I was so mad, i didnt think i would ever learn chess.
one day checkers clicked in my brain, all of a sudden everything made sence. not just how to play but how every move determied the outcome of the end game. from that moment (night/game) of playing checkers he never beat me again. it always ended with a draw or someone moving back and forth for an infinity loop (another draw).
He actually got mad a couple times, it was a strange feeling. after a couple days of stale mates in checkers he finally taught me chess, he wasent into chess like checkers and we played a couple times but that was about it. i suck at chess, i understand how to play but at bes i can think 3 moves ahead. checkers i kill at but i was playing it from a very young age, if it was chess at 5 like it was for you i wonder if i would be just as good with seeing into moves in the future as others.
Ever wantt o play some checkers let me know, i will forefit on chess though unless IRL with some drinks. then i can atleast enjoy a good ass wooping.


I played checkers with my wife when we started the relationship, but truthfully she did it just to please me, after a while I just stopped doing it

If that happened to me with chess, at the beginning I always lost, but one day just like you i do clicked and started to see the game differently.

I'm teaching chess to my niece who is the one who showed interest in the game, so far I have not let her win even once I want her to understand the game, If I let her win without effort, I think that it will not be beneficial in anything if I let her win without effort. Maybe your father thought the same way

About playing checkers sure, but I'll tell you even though I play chess a lot, but I'm not good at checkers

I dont think the game matters TBH, its not letting the kid win unless they actually win. Not wining gives you the want to get better, if you win at everything without trying because your opponets let you win you never learn anything. Give it 5 years and your niece will be wooping ur ass at chess if you dont go easy on her.
I think thats cute ur wife played checkers with you even though she wasent into checkers. just shows she was into you.

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