RE: One photo every day: Tools of the trade / What's in my bag? (63/365)
Wow! What a set of photographic equipments! Very professional indeed,,@gamer00! You really make me feel small and ashamed of myself. I walk around with my small Canon IXUS 185 in my pocket. I couldn't handle big and complicated camera. But then your photos are very sharp with clear details and crisp lighting.
I notice how much time and attention you give to answering these comments and you are perhaps too generous sometimes!? This puzzled me! Any way, you have an impact on people somehow, in a positive way.
I gather you have been sick, so I had better stop writing so that you can stop reading.
May be I could ask you a real serious question about 'voting' oneself later on. This has given me a mental problem, right or wrong in my head for several weeks.
Please take care and keep up your good work. I am following you, not far away!