Dtube Chat: My Cancer Scare

Hey ya'll!

I wasn't sure whether or not to talk about this, because I am hesitant to share personal stuff like this, but I figured you guys are like my new awesome family, and who better to talk about this with!?

I have been quite intermittent on Dtube lately, and it's because my head has been so full. I am still in the process of figuring out if I have ovarian cancer or not. This is on top of still dealing with how to move forward with my MS care and still recovering from my car accident. It seems like I am destined to not go back to police training. If I have taken away nothing else from what life has thrown at me lately, it's that maybe, just maybe, the police is not the right path for me. This in and of itself has been really hard to swallow. (Not unlike a bag of dicks.)

(They are removing a tumor, not my sense of humor. Lucky you.)

So I am doing pretty well aside from pain, and it is looking more and more like I am in the clear...for now!

All of this has led to a huge epiphany in my life as to what is most important, and it was surprising to me what conclusions I came to.

Anyway, for more of this heart-to-heart, tune in above!

Love you all!


▶️ DTube

Meditate & trust your intuition 😊

YeAH. rather your intuition than opinions of others. Or if a Dr. teĺls you something different to how you feel, it's good to get a second opinion.

It’s good to be highly cynical of all drs opinions in this day & age.

Wow - I'm terribly sorry to hear that news. I'm sure your emotions are a roller coaster with all of this, but it sounds like you're being proactive with the surgery and attacking the problem rather than running from it. As far as the police training goes, maybe you're right (that life is hinting strongly to you to go in another direction), or maybe life is just hitting pause for you right now. I think you're definitely doing the right thing by reflecting and figuring out your next move.

Thank you for sharing your story @bethwheatcraft. I hope everything ends up well with you and your Mom. I know it is easy to say but you have to do your best to keep a positive every day. On another note no... you are not a good singer. YOU ARE A GREAT SINGER! Please hang tough.

Very Intimate share, life never has a clear path as it seems but not stopping is our only option. Your humor will be a great strength through times of challenge don't let that flame burn out. Maybe this was your destiny, not a pleasant road to finding it yet the best journeys are not easy.


@bethwheatcraft these bad network ishhh... Is getting on my nerves you know. I couldn't stream this video pass two minutes.

I feel bad that you mum was diagnosed with ovarian cancer... 15% survival rate is scary to me, I'm surprised and perplexed you said people diagnosed with this only live pass 5years... I hope this is just a fantasy, your mum will outlive the results of the doctor.

I wished you were in Nigeria now - I have witnessed family who have pattern infirmity, death, miscarriage, barrenness get delivered by prayers....

If by chance you need the prayer line for prayers, kindly ask me and I'll Dm them to you on discord.

Now you said you ran some test and they discovered some tumor... But it's fine.

I'm a Christian I'm sure you are one too.

Here's a prayer for you, Miracles do happen

  • My life shall not be used for sacrifice in the name of Jesus
  • Power that wants to punish my parent and me be disgraced in the name of Jesus
  • I covenant my life and my family to God for protection and healing in the name of Jesus.

My prayers are with you


Shame man. That feeling when you don't feel invincible. You realise that life is unpredictably. Thank you for sharing. You know it's really appreciated when people are real and personal on steemit. Makes it less of a money making thing. I really hope and Pray that you will be cleared for good. Happy easter. I really enjoy your updates. Always something to look forward to.

I respect you even more now. Take care Beth.

Great post.thanks for sharing your post.keep it up

lol youre thinking about moving to Sagnasty!?! Well I'll say this. Winter here sucks. Period. So brace yourself for that. Also be aware Saginaw is basically a 2nd flint. It can get pretty rough around Saginaw.

Yeah I know that. Cold and ghetto as hell. I really hate Phoenix though.

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