Lake Michigan Trip for BeautifulSunday

in #oldtimers7 years ago

A special thank you to @ace108 for hosting #beautifulsunday


I Went on a Quick Overnight Trip to Ludington, Michigan on the Shore of Lake Michigan


On the way there, a friend gave me some nice plants! How cool is that?

There's a Storm A'Coming

It was very windy along the shore. Of course the lake was rough as bricks! I have fancied buying a sailboat (proper sized one) and LEARNING to sail.... Hmmm, maybe I need to reverse that logic?! Old Lake Michigan shivered me timbers, alright. It was big, deep, mean and angry, especially compared to my friendly inland lake I know and love! Maybe the Old Guy should stay with something a bit more manageable.

I tried to get in the shot with the lighthouse, but apparently my head was too big...


For dinner, I walked over to a Meijers and bought a salad and a bunch of healthy stuff.

There was an Applebee's, but I skipped that coz it would have been too temping to be naughty!

Texting at a rest stop

I haven't seen one of these in ages!!!

I stayed at a Holiday Inn and they had a pretty good free breakfast buffet in the morning.

I am happy to report staying away from the sausage and bacon....WHAT?!?!

I know right?

It was interesting to see this couple all alone on the deserted beach...



Thanks for stopping by!

All words and images are mine and can be also found on my various social media sites.
YouTube Main channel
YouTube Photography
YouTube ASMR/Mukbang


That sausage and bacon definitely did not have your name on it. Still, really proud to see you walk away from it, even if you might have been weeping a tiny bit.

I think the shot of the couple along the lakeside is so very touching, even without knowing what is going on. The wheel tracks in the sand give the shore a curving look. I know it is my eyes playing tricks on me, but, it does lend a curvature to it when I look at it. Could you move that head a little to the right so I can see the lighthouse? Crimminey! Pass my address on to your friend. Those look like hardy specimens to me.

Texting at a rest stop? Let me see. :) Every time I come across a telephone, I look twice. Most places have ripped them out. Looks like a nice outing, but, almost time to pull the anchor in for the weather coming in off the lake.

Have a great Monday, my friend!

Na, I wasnt weeping too bad because I knew I was being good :)

Now I got to share plants with you too?!?! Geez enough is enough already LOL

It doesnt say "testing", it says "texting"... See some person in DC was bugging me...or maybe it was the other way around actually ;)

Heh. I fixed it.

I always like a good free breakfast buffet.

Its hard to beat free!!

The Lake Michigan shoreline is so beautiful! I like that constrast of the color photo and the B&W, in the bottom two images. Enjoy your autumn!

It almost doesn't much feel like Autumn yet with the unseasonably warm weather.

It always seemed to me that southern Michigan stayed pretty warm until Halloween. So many folks wore costumes that were created during the warm weather, but then it would be raining and downright cold on Halloween night. So they'd have to wear a coat over their costume, and it would sure cut down on the impressiveness of their effort! And then snow during the first couple weeks of November, lol.

Looks like a fun trip! I love a hotel with a breakfast bar. I would have gotten change and called someone on the payphone just to have the experience before such an endangered species disappears. lol.

Well that is a good idea. Unfortunately Im old enough that I had the experience plenty in the olden day lol.

Sounds like a nice Sunday trip! Very good eating healthy, even for breakfast. yay!

Nice nature pics. Strange to see a phone telephone. Very vintage!

It's been raw and stormy the last few days here on the southern shores. Looks to be dry and sunny for the coming week, though. I'll take all the mild weather I can get in mid-October!

Thanks for letting us tag along on the roadtrip!

Freezing her tonight! 39 for a low but should get milder for the coming week. Hope your week is a good one!

Brrrr! Hope you keep toasty!

Lows only in mid/high 40's here thanks to the influence of the Big Lake.

Hope you have a great week as well!

What is that contraption in the blue box with all the buttons?

Nice! Some fine plants you got there

Glad you crossed over for the night and enjoyed the fearsome Lake Michigan! You can't believe what Lake Saint Claire looked like today. There must be a huge storm on its way!

Cool post, keep steeming ! :)

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