​ Should you be loyal to the company or yourself | 忠誠的對象,是公司還是自己 -- 辦公室隨筆 (一)

in #office7 years ago (edited)

Yesterday, one of our colleague got sacked. We kind of expected this to happen but we were still shocked when it came. There were signs about his termination about 3 months back and it was obvious that it was inevitable. It was just when that would happen we were guessing. I was expecting a much earlier timeframe, that's why I didn't expect to see him again after my US trip. To my surprise, he was still here when I came back. But the time eventually came within 2 weeks.


He was still new to the company, a little bit more than 1 year. Position was not high. Not very smart but good enough for the job. He got sacked not due to his capability but was a result of poor execution of company strategy. His team could not support 2 headcounts, obviously he would be chosen by his boss. Luckily his didn't seem to have any financial or family burden. If I were in similar scenario , I would be in a much worst situation.



This made me reminded me about the question : "Should one be loyal to his company no matter what?" My colleague got terminated not because of his own issue. He was let go because of company's own issue. He was still new, he didn't experienced much with the company, but if someone else who had been contributing to the company for long time, let's say 20 years, were in the same situation, I believe the company would make same decision. Meaning that, loyalty of employee doesn't necessarily get repaid in a fair manner.


From my previous experiences, unless you're in decision makers' circle, you're not going to escape the fate of getting sacked during hard time, no matter how experienced you are, how much contributions and sacrifices you made, how much you're making, you name it. The bigger the company is, the easier for the company to dump their employees for its own interests.


It won't take you long to realize that nobody is irreplaceable in the company. It is just a matter of how much it costs to replace him/her. If the replacement is justified, anybody could be replaced. Employees' own issues, burdens are never part of company's considerations. Therefore, I am more towards the idea about putting my own interests at a higher priority over company's. If there is any promising opportunities, I am willing to accept the change, of course with integrity.


Unconditional love only exist within your family. Everything between company and employees should be a fair exchange. It is not worthwhile to cost you your own (or even your family's) interests for the company's own good. If you're lucky enough to work for a good company, working there long term seems very reasonable. That's why I know many people who work for companies more than 30 or even 40 years.


No matter what, being jumpy in your own career won't do you any good. No HR department would like a resume with jobs lasting only several months. It's normal to work for one or two companies that suck and you run away from them quick. However, people will think you're not capable if you exhibit that same pattern every time. I can't tell you which company is the right one to invest your time. I will, however, check for one fair indicator : if there are good amount of employees in that company stayed more than 20 or more years, there must be something within the company that keep them stay. That's something you might want to invest your time on.


Wish you all the best in your career!



Img source | 圖片來源 :1 2 3 4 5 6

New book : How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big / 新書: 如何在所有事上都失敗仍可以非常成功

Unspoken Rules of Office (3) - Salary Confidentiality / 辦公室潛規則 (三)- 薪金機密性

Unspoken Rules of Office (2) / 辦公室潛規則 (二)

Unspoken Rules of Office (1) / 辦公室潛規則 (一)


I totally agree with you. You're quite right.

Never be so loyal and hardworking as an employee the more you show your capabilities to your boss the more work he will give and there will always be someone in line for your job.



哥啊~ 是對"象".

不過這真的是給剛出社會的朋友良好的建議 , 畢竟雇主只能用最快速簡單的方法先評斷面試者,所以我們的履歷實在很重要!! 畢竟就像你說的 , 只要你位置不在決策的範圍內 , 都有可能要另謀出路... ((所以最不忠誠的其實就是公司啊!! XD))


別客氣~ :D



so tragic

Advice taken. thanks for sharing this post


Nowadays, the company are not loyal to you. :-)

Company cares only about profit!

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