New book : How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big / 新書: 如何在所有事上都失敗仍可以非常成功

in #life7 years ago (edited)

In my article posted one month ago ~ "Dilbert and the office life", I said I would get a copy of the latest Dilbert publication "How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big". I did that decision just because I liked the book's title. I won't said I fail at almost everything but I am pretty much average at almost everything. If someone as successful as Scott Adams said he failed at almost everything, then maybe I could be as successful one day! It's always good to have dreams, right?

大約一個月前,我寫了一篇介紹Dilbert這個我非常喜歡的漫畫人物的英文文章。「Dilbert」系列最新一本書叫作"How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big", 中文意譯大概就是"如何在所有事上都失敗仍可以非常成功"。 我說過只是看到書名我已經想買這書。雖然我我人生並沒有糟糕至所有事都失敗,但可以肯定我在所有事上都只是庸庸碌碌。我當然希望可以借鏡Dilbert作者Scott Adams 的「失敗」經驗令自己達至成功的境界。人總是有夢想的好!


I got my book this morning and I started reading it at once. I will be lying if I tell you I finished the book already in the 30 minutes of spare time I had today. In fact, I am still in chapter one, introduction of the book. However, I would like to share with you the summary of the book stated in the very beginning of it:

  1. Goals are for losers.
  2. Your mind isn't magic. It's a moist computer that you can program.
  3. The most important metric to track is your personal energy.
  4. Every skill you acquire doubles your odds of success.
  5. Happiness is health plus freedom.
  6. Luck can be managed, sort of.
  7. Conquer shyness by being a huge phony (in a good way).
  8. Fitness is the lever that moves the world.
  9. Simplicity transforms ordinary into amazing.



How many of these statements do you feel like you agree with them or you hope that they can really contribute to your success?


While some of them are obvious, like 4 and 8, the others sounds unresonable. For example, no.1, do not all the old sayings tell us you have to setup your goals, achieve them in order to be successful?



There are still lots of question marks inside my mind now, I need to figure them all out by read through the book. I will share more with you after that. Stay tuned!



Dilbert and the office life

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