
My horses will climb the cars and have! It's all good.
I'm getting two girls to train to pull carts, help me with grass control and milking.

Yeah, the chiggers favored my husband. But he got some ticks to. I know my critter posts seem silly to some people. I really do love my animals. But my plan is that everything and everybody is multipurpose. Everyone has more than one job with intertwined connected purpose... I really do have a plan and God willing it will come together.

Horses on the cars is a lot worse than goats! WOW!

Chiggers just about killed me! I had several hundred bites, and was not able to sleep for days.

I can tell you have planned, you know what you need, and which to start with to make it work. :D

Yes we have planned for a long time. My husband had a hospital stay last year that set us back but we are pushing forward. Thank you so much for your comments and support

We share a similar journey, so what small help I can be, you are welcome to! Be hard headed, that seems to be the best homesteading tool! :D

In fact, I just got Debbie home from the Hospital; 8 days ago. >:(

I hope she is doing well. Prayers for a speedy recovery!

She has MS, but she is improving. That is driving her doctors nuts; but she is fine! She just started running a high fever, which hit her hard because of the MS. I had to carry he to the car, because she couldn't sit up.

We beat the fever, and I have her back home now. So glad, she is my heart and soul!

It is slowing the move, but not stopping it! :)

So glad to hear she is doing better!

GOD's grace for sure!

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