Do you feel like your content is being left out of the voting bonanza of #NewSteem?

in #ocd5 years ago
As of today, most bid bots are manually curating, a lot of whales are back at voting posts from minnows and plankton alike, a few circle jerkers stopped their only-friend-receive-my votes behaviour and even dolphins are spreading the love around.
TL;DR : It's a voting bonanza out there.

But perhaps you are not part of the party, yet. Maybe your amazing posts are not getting noticed. You keep making amazing posts and time after time they get just a few cents in rewards.

Well, I am inviting you to the party right now.

Picture by @midlet

But first, you have to ask yourself if there is any underlying reason for your posts to not get the attention you believe they posts should?

I know for a fact that there's a lot of whales who are not voting on Steemians who left during the low season, and they are focusing in curating those Steemians who kept posting on a regular basis over the past months. The curation bots (formerly know as bid bots) are spreading their millions of Steem power among a lot of people, but mostly established authors or posts that get curated by curation guilds. There's only so much that curation guilds can do and their reach is kind of short. It's known that almost nobody votes on posts from steemians who used to be abusers of some type - although some users manage to get rid of the bad rep.

But maybe, just maybe, your posts aren't gettin the attention you want because they lack that little sometihng that curation groups look for, or perhaps your content needs a small tweak here and there for people to vote on it.

So here I am, with my short experience curating offering you this:

If you feel like you are making High Quality content and still not getting rewarded, leave a short text on the comment section describing what you post about. I'll go to your profile and give you some suggestions to make your posts top notch. After that, if your content is indeed underrewarded I'll write your name down for when @ocdb starts whitelisting again, which will be very soon.

Being on the @ocdb whitelist means we will start following you thus enhancing your chances of getting manually curated by us.

If you know of some people who are making amazing content and are not getting noticed, feel free to drop their name and a small description of their content and i'll check it out.

Please, do not drop names that are getting support on their posts. Support means that some of their posts cross the $3 mark. I'm looking for those authors who are making incredible posts and are getting less than $1 on them on a regular basis


@sidekickmatt - senpai has noticed them a few times, but mostly earning barely above $1 per post. comicker :>
@spiritabsolute - great guy, always learning and always sharing his efforts earnestly. does 3D and 2D arts, and also developing their own game
@sheilamenher - amazing craftsperson, also a very lovely person, and a great mom :>
@romanskv - a faithful content generator for steemit. his artworks might not be 'high brow' but he infused his creations with so much personality
@ryivhnn - one of the most approachable steemians, absolute perfectionist when it comes to their artworks, and an incredible mum who shares their homeschooling miscellanies in glorious posts with Steemit :D
@jtrx99 - has a few well paying posts, but generally earning very low. he draws and writes his own comic and the lore is expansive!
@wales - poet and writer, to traverse his posts you must be ready to relinquish groundedness but boy, he does take his audience on wonderful trips :>

A spider has more, but that's for starters! :D Thanks for hosting this great thread, Noma!!!!

Coming from my favorite aracnid in the whole world oh my, I bet these Steemians are worth checking out! I'm pretty sure I recognize a few names there and I think we already started following them. Thanks for droppin by Spida!

Please try to support following Author and post, he is not getting much love onchain, I mean look at this post, so many comments, lots of engagement, you must truly consider this.

We should only be so thankful our overlords of trending permit us to even read it.

I'm thinking of encrypting it so only those paying get to read it but it would still take a spot on trending! :)

Use it as a front for sports betting. Pay $50 to get in and place your bets on the games.

We did that the 1st year, post rewards were shared amongst the closest bets instead but no buyin cost but decided not to the 2nd year as we tried doing 3 different leagues at once and it would have been way too many comments and "engagement" instead. With the bearmarket most authors dropped out early on though so we went with just 1 this year but people still like to complain I guess cause they don't know the history or the point of them.

Nothing against the flags but you do realize the one thing you go on complaining about all week is a 2x per week post where I keep 20% of the rewards after having run it for 3 years. Where were you 2 years ago? Too busy raking in daily rewards from appreciator while doing nothing? Where are your downvotes against the circlejerkers you said you'd help with, or was that just so I would lay off your unsustainable "business"? :3

It's funny how you wrote me a wall on my post, then didn't respond but keep bickering about this one thing and how it's lacking engagement. It's really sad mate, I'm sorry your business collapsed but don't hate too much on the person trying to make the most out of the EIP when it's affecting everyone the same, or you know, go ahead and continue, it's making you look really good. :D

Your everything starts with bots and ends with bots, move on guys, its EIP now. In reality, its the other way round, I have hurt your business's ROI which you so called curation but that's not why I am here.
I did not even mentioned about flags/dv or anything at all just mentioned 'Steem Fantasy Premier League' and you got pissed again. I am NOT a top witness, so I don't have to answer you for any of your questions but still just for this one time again. You on the other hand have to answer to community for getting all the witness votes again to the community publicly.

Just put everything aside and let me ask it again because I did asked it on your post because you due it to your community.

Please be sensible for once and tell me who runs a circle for whole 3 years to complete anything on this blockchain?
You publicly proclaimed claimed that reward pool is finite and we should use it more effectively, yet you are boosting a post by Wise authority in this bear market with below par engagement and say for yourself that is it right to do so. Why?

Major beneficiary for those posts is @fantasyleague? right. Its a dead account, which was supposed to be hosting and delivering rewards to real participants but you are simply accumulating SP on that account. I wonder why?

Even the Author of that post agrees that engagement is less, I am not sure why are you denying it.

Last reward distribution was 3 months ago going back to 5 months only but all those accounts seem dead to me and maybe they belong to one person only. Anyone can check out wallet history of @fantasyleague and its transfers and anyone can verify that following accounts are not that much active
@tusroni,@carita-feliz,@amosbastian,@davor27,@larsson9,@jsock,@tszunami and the list goes on...

There is no history of this going on 3 years, maybe you were not doing it publicly or perhaps its all just fantasy as the name claims to be, even the rewards.

Hahaha holy fuck mate you are dumber than I previously anticipated, just a bot owner who got lucky and thinks he knows the platform eh? For your accusations of sockpuppetry and scamming the contest, please do me a favor and fuck your own face.

Hahaha this is hilarious, I'm not denying engagement isn't there, but I'm also saying I'm only getting a fraction of the rewards and blocktrades agreed to sponsor it so if you do find any sockpuppets of others then please let me know cause I'll disqualify them from the rewards which btw to answer your other retarded accusation are distributed at the end of the season so instead of just leaving the steem liquid I'm doing some autocuration on it, do you have a problem with that too, maybe? If you wanna continue going on spreading shit and accusations against me then you better be prepared for the consequences, I'm not a top 20 witness by playing politics or watching out what I say to dickheads like you mate, I get there by putting in the work and actually doing a difference on this blockchain.

Aww man can't believe I wasted so much time on your dumbass. Was this the best you had to come with? Damn, I was really hoping you'd have at least had one valid reason to your complaining all over the chain, guess it was just cause of the downvotes on your sold votes cause you couldn't just continue on his rainbowcolored road to easy profits by selling votes eh? Awws poor baby. Blaming it on OCD's ROI didn't work, complaining about my fantasy league posts didn't work, I wonder what you'll do when you realize everyone frontrunning eachother is just a race to the bottom and you'll have to actually put in some time to curate. Woah, what's that? The EIP may actually be working? Dayum.

Please question my integrity again, I'll appreciate the laugh.

Here's a random accusation I'm shooting out of my ass the same way you did. You're selling votes privately for a fraction of the costs and feeding appreciator extra steem cause you're afraid freedom will undelegate you if you're sending him as little as the others back. :3

I wonder which one has more substance to it.

I see this is again going in circles which was expected from you

you better be prepared for the consequences

Oh I am very afraid now, LOL

Anyways, I rest my case and going to let others decide

I think you shouldn't even open cases if that's what the content of them is.

Sorry to hijack your post @anomadsoul but need to vote this up so others can see what this bid bot owner is saying, rofl.

Be my guest, this attempt of peroartion from one of the bid bot owners who are just mad that the New Steem doesn't go along with their business idea has been more than entertaining.

Following up on your requested input here @anomadsoul, I would encourage you to look through the posts of @leveuf. While he has historically written in Spanish, he is starting to make an effort to write some in English as well.

Overall, I think he is creating very good content and is a credit to all of those working hard to add value to our Steem blockchain. From my experience, he will welcome any input you may wish to provide on making improvements for the future.


And, if you don't mind a question, while you likely don't know my account, I am familiar with yours. As one of our more experienced Steemians, I would appreciate your perspective and opinion about those of us who simply don't have the time to post on a daily basis. Would you encourage us to continue to post anyway?

"It's a voting bonanza out there."

Or would you say the #newsteem focus on curation is primarily going to be on those who do post more or less daily and the rest can just "save their strength" for something else?

Thank you very much @Roleerob! Your words and advises are really encouraging to make my presence "in here" more valuable. Your friendship and consideration for my work, being as wise as you are, have been some of the greatest things that I've found in this platform. I'm grateful and honored!!
I know @Anomadsoul for his great presence in many projects for the spanish speaking community and for his own initiatives seeking the growth, value and good practices in this platform. I know this new initiative will bring great results too for many creators in the Steem blockchain.
I send you my best regards, @Roleerob, and wish you an excellent day and full of Light!!

Certainly my pleasure @leveuf. For me, it is a "win-win" opportunity, as any of our fellow Steemians who you and I (or anyone else, for that matter) can successfully encourage to grow in their ability to add value to our Steem blockchain will benefit us, as well themselves. Even if only indirectly, since overall we are doing our part to nurture the steady building of an ecosystem of encouragement and support.

I am signing this same statement of yours, @Roleerob!! You've defined this platform in the best way I've heard!!
Thanks for share your knowledge and great heart!! :)

Thanks so much, already going through their blog posts! Amazing author!

Certainly my pleasure @ocdb. I have featured him in my most recent monthly update and otherwise done what I can to provide encouragement and support. You are, of course, able to do that far beyond most any of the rest of us.

Thank you for investing your time to write this response!

Posted using Partiko Android

My account is where I post my final drafts of content I tested on @chrisrice.

I am a strong extrovert and I think as I type so it's helpful to separate my final drafts ( from my rough drafts (@chrisrice).

@emafe is my wife's Dtube channel where she films and uploads our life in video form..

And @steem-ph is our #SteemPhilippines group with our weekly meetups 👍


Thank you ☺️

That's a great picture! Seems like you are having a great time there. I'll make sure to check out the accounts.

Thank you 😀

"After that, if your content is indeed underrewarded I'll write your name down for when @ocdb starts whitelisting again, which will be very soon."

At least I got the answer to why ocdb suddenly started following me recently, that's awesome news!

I gotta say that even new steemians who makes some great content seem to get a lot of attention! I honestly believe if a person uses the right tags for the given topic. he/she is bound to get some recognition eventually, and maybe even faster than one might think.

Steem had never been more fair than what we are seeing now.

Yup, we are following all the authors that got voted by OCD at some point in the past. But at the same time we are rechecking the content behind the authors (you know how content creation can take a twist on steem and a great author a year ago became an abuser today).

Little by little we are checking the more than 3k accounts that we want to whitelist :)

Hi, I kinda fit in the description of the kind of author you're out for, though my last post was 4 days ago, its a long break overdo, I will appreciate if you can keep an eye on my posts. I write about tech a lot, sometimes poetry somet8mes life.

Heres my latest


Following :)

Thanks...followed back..

I support this request of @mistakili

Thanks smasssh

You're welcome. And deserve it to my opinion.

Sounds interesting! Will deinitely have you in mind for when we start whitelisting new people :) Thanks for nominating yourself.

Running out of stuff to curate and downvote?

High Quality Content.
The term by itself is stupid. And the concept too.

@whatsup calls for one shitpost a week.

Time for another HF?

Actually the other way around. I've been going for the past three days over at least 800 blog profiles on steem. Most of the ones creating high quality content are getting rewarded accordingly, and those who aren't, I'm taking care they are getting it through ocdb.

This made me think that despite all the efforts, I might be missing some (or a lot) of them. I have 12k followers, no matter how many of them are still active, it would be dumb to not reach out to them and try and get feedback. You know, engaging with your followers, not just creating content and circle jerking like others do.

Well, perhaps for you it's a stupid term, for me it's a very graspable and logical term in a social media platform where the posting behaviour from some authors is very obvious.

On the downvote part, nope, there's still a shiton of content that deserves downvotes, perhaps before joking about another hardfork you want to join in the downvoting instead of just complaining about it.

Thanks for dropping by, I always appreciate feedback, no matter if it's positive, negative or sarcastic.

You know, engaging with your followers, not just creating content and circle jerking like others do.

(below just a copy of two sentences I wrote as a comment on a post of @mindtrap earlier this evening)

It's a bit of a shame actually to see other posts with (mostly) automated and high upvotes but hardly any comments/engagement.
And what's even more disappointing are those who HAVE (some) comments on their posts, but hardly or don't reply at all.

Yep, it's weird on my side, either I get like 50 or more comments on my posts or I get none :D

I try to reply to all of them but sometimes it's not humanely possible. That being said, imagine back at the ATH I was getting around 300 comments on some of my posts :O

Still, I tried to reply to all of them but I ended up having to set myself to a limit otherwise i would spend a couple of hours a day just replying to comments.

I understand that with loads of comments you're more selective to who you reply.
But I think especially right now, when there are already less comments on posts, replying (to keep commenters motivated) is almost crucial. Also because the upvotes on comments are worth less (which btw could also be a reason for this less commenting).

P.s. I guess by now it'll be clear that my words are by no means a complaint, but more constructive criticism.

Running out of stuff to curate and downvote?

They want to save time in order dedicate on content discovery LOL

Posted using Partiko iOS

It's funny how, even when you're trying to be positive and spread the good vibes, there will always be this people with a loser mentality finding flaws in everything you do.

Come on man? You don’t have sense of humor? LOSER lo serás tú, amigo mío!

Después de tu post, se ve perfecto que no es broma ni poquito, compadre!

Y ojo que no te llame loser, sino la mentalidad, muy diferente ;)

Aclarado, aunque sigo pensando que te equivocas con este post...este no es el camino

Posted using Partiko iOS

What a great gesture!

I cannot day I feel I am being overlooked so much as I don’t understand the randomness of it all. I will assemble a post that takes me an hour of photo editing and copy editing and linking and storytelling and reach less than a dollar which is fine. Then, I throw up a simple deep thoughts discussion maker and get over 10$ because of some random upvote bot manual curation.

I try and create a wide variety of content from sports to blogging to steem initiatives and gardening and beer and music and adventure. I manually curate everything, participate in tribes and communities, and take networking seriously.

I am invested and positive and just don’t seem to grasp the randomness of it all. Just arriving for a huge organic (non-purchased) stake so my actions and support speak louder here.

Thanks for your consideration and well met!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thanks so much, even though you think you are not being overlooked that much, we'll still check out your profile :)

Me me Sir, looks at my posts pleases JK

Just wanted to say this is a really nice idea hope it will help a lot people.

Stay silly! :)

Thanks for this great opportunity. I'm Matthew by name and I'm a vlogger I use @dtube so much because when I first came into the platform. I was so shy to face camera but I some colleague introduced me to Dtube Platform and I became myself and I trained myself more with confidence and maturity. I do blog about Farming, homesteading , animals, FoodPorn and sometimes Travelfeed. I chose to go with the homesteading because I discovered that so many people avoid farming post or articles and just only few of us receive upvote due to maybe of high reputation. I can see some steemians with very high Reputation been followed by with great juicy upvote. That's why I want to break the chain off, to build more on farming and homesteading articles. Some of my Post will go uncurated but I do not lose any hope rather I go both on Twitter to forecast for Steemit community and bring more people into the community. But I have problem when it comes to Onboarding people, they check my profile and say , even you. You collect few cent on your post so I don't have any say when it comes to that Curating aspect.

I wonder why so many people avoid farming articles, so sad. But I do not look back still. I forge ahead and win together.

Thanks for checking on us and giving us all hope we deserve.

@anomadsoul , @ocdb , @acidyo

Posted using Partiko Android

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