Squirrel Spy is here to save danutz and stop evil doggers.

Squirrel Spy, Captan and Amazing Nut Guard - here to save danutz
Hello hoomans,
I have cometo accept your rightful tribute of breadandsnacks. All yournutz are belong to the people.
Bow down to us from below our high places and hear our mighty rawr (sometimes you seem not to hear us).
Also, I have cometo findz the evil poopers that haz perptraded the highst of the centry.
Whatiz dis highst, you ask? Lemme tellyou.
For I haz safely burred many nutz. All were safe and hidden. I know I member where every lastone is. I have perfect memory.

Also, check amazing fluffy tail.
When I go to get deeznutz, they are gone!
Inconseevble. Not where perfect memory says they should be. No wayz can this be.
So I suspect it is long time nemsis, the evil doggers. Dirty little woofers all chase and bork and then pee on house. Honestly, who pees on house? I don't think they are smartest. At least cat is smart, eventho they too lazy to catch amazingly fast people like me.
The Nutz Shall Be Ours!
The new dawn comes and we shall end the woofer's reign. No longer shall hoomans haveto be tied to the silly four-legged evils. I have seen these ropes that they use to drag you along with. You shall befree and there will be muchhappy. (Good reason to give us more nutz.)
I shall begin my investgashun with none other than the nefarious @murphydog. He openly defies the squirrels, and is an enemy of the nut.
Watch here for many stories of our victories and for sekrit intel on doggo movements.
Your fearless warrior,
Rezident Sneeky Squirrel and Captan Squirrel Army
thankfully i had no coffee on hand, to projectile, through nose, in lolmoments
welcome aboard XD
Tried coffee once in park, hooman left cup behind.
I cleaned treehole 6 times and still gather half-tree of nutz.
No sleep for like 7 years.
I stop drink that stuff. Made tail twitchy.
squirrelspy dude, you seemz like a right sneaky aminal. admire da way youse bounce up da tree an fly da branches. and dat tail looks.... whoa!
i like mah fren Murph, he is a fun pupper and only barks cuz he is tryin to protec his hooman. he kens dat you is a superior aminal with cunning plans to take over da world, so peein be da way to stahp you from dese attacks on his hooman.
i tink he wants da hooman to do a 'notnotice' on youse so he get cookies n snootboops. but he a nice dawg. mebbe u could be frens?
Sneeky doggo, I won't fall for your tricks.
Don't matter how much you look like hopper, I know better.
I iz smart squirrel.
Can't make me fren this @murphydog, never no how.
We shall be nemmy to each until I get manutz back.
Captin Quirrel, ah hates to infroms yu, but da pupper an i did a under a tree deal about a huge satochi load of acorn nutz from Canandia. dey is good medicinals fer bunnies, so Murph give dem to me. he says get rid of em so i mashed em up an put dem in a secret dogbunny recipe.
i cansell you some fer a resonble cost. yesh???
Manutz went to hopper medsin?
Outrayedus! The nutz shall be venged!
good boy dimi!!! we will need all the doggos we can git in the upcoming spywatch. you sounds like a good sentry. i'z cannot alays spy dis sqrrl he is too cagey. your mission is to bork at him anytimes he try to get past. not let him get danutz!
The Nutz are safe wit me! I can hide them deep in my floof, the sqrls won't stand a chance unless they want to cough up fur balls 🐶🐾
@torico I've come to protect the recipe! I am loyal and can bork away enemies! I can sleigh our getaway mobile if we get hit hard by the Quirrelian Army! 🐶🐾
Squirrel, I see you and your heckin' lies here. I came to Steemit to do a big help of the animals, but you are here to do me a fight...Well, heckin' bring it! I am a proud Very Good Boy, and I do nothing in secret, because I am honourable and true. I will do a protect of the birdos and the hoomans, and even the mean old cattos from your deviousness, mark my borks!
BoRk bOrK I'm here to back you @murphydog I can sqweek but I can also growl. No little squirrel will match our defence! 🐶🐾
Dimi is here! The doggos do a stand tall together!
Dawn of the doggos! Our army shall rise and wipe out all ducks and sneky sqrlls!
too cute ;)
OMG. Hilarious! Welcome to Steemit, Squirrelspy. I look forward to more of your humour. Good luck with doggo.
I'm new here too, in case you want to check me out: Katrina's Intro Post
sprinkles nuts and seeds out along fence
disappears into house to watch squirrels snackem
A fitting tribute.
I shall be ever watchin for doggo. You shall be safe.
The Mother of all Cats is here to assist you in your investigation.
I believe we can safely Blame Shane for this heinous crime.
I haz no issue with cats. They do not threaten my nutz. I accept your offer to work for the greater good of squirrels.
I am not sure of this Shane character, but I feel he is part of scheme by doggo to take danutz. We Blame him.
LOL, I'm going to have to follow this squirrel and see what he's up to...
I iz up to tree branches? Silly hooman, you shood knowthis.
No corn for you, squirrel spy!
The chickadees told me to tell you to stay out of their sunflower seeds.
Can't stop squirrel spy. I iz master sneek.
I shall inform the chickadees of your reply. They may be unhappy....
donchu worry none, dat keener gonna get da bird.
I fear the woofers will find you Spy... you have revealed your location with these pictures! make sure you setup traps
Iz a trap. Woofer not smart nuff to get to me. We are leezhun. Many squirrel soldiers to throw old nutz at woofers who try attack. We don't fear the borking.
And we do not do a fear of your pitiful nuts! I use them for toys when I am outside, they are so silly. Inside, with my lady hooman, I have the best toys ever and don't even think about nuts. Inside is nice, you should try it! OH WAIT, FREN, the hoomans don't invite you in because you do a wreck and a mess. Maybe stop doing a steal of all the nuts which do a grow on trees for everyone, and of the birdo food too!
Can't steelnutz, mine already.
Any relation to Secret Squirrel? I will keep an eye on you, next time Im thrown with nuts I know where to find you...
You haz moar nutz? We will gladly accept your rightful tribute of nutz.
I will keep them hostage for now... Maybe next time your soldiers will think twice to throw them at me... muhahahahaha!
Why all keep danutz? Silly how none know danutz 'long to squirrels.
Give nutz nao!
I trade nutz for... Squirrel songs!
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