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RE: The Nuclear Hoax: Some Reasons Why I Don't Believe Nuclear Weapons Exist

in #nuclear8 years ago

I like these controversial topics and I hope many of these ideas are discussed on this immutable blockchain history. Psyops are just an extension of propaganda so it's important to question everything, however uncomfortable it may be. Although my energy is focused elsewhere, I think this blockchain would be a great place to discuss and write about any and all the controversial ideas that are out there. It would make for good late-night reading. That's what a censorship resistant blockchain and free speech is all about isn't it?

Jesse Ventura once said: "Popular speech doesn't need protection, its unpopular speech that needs protection."

I agree with his sentiments.


Thanks so much for your input. I would like everyone to consider what the nuclear hoax implies. Really, this would be the mother of all state hoaxes of the twentieth century. Consider that the nuclear bomb was impossible to make. The science was not there. The theories were incorrect. The genius of geniuses were fabrications. Not even a thousand million dollars could produce the impossible--a weapon of apocalyptic proportions that produces the heat of 10,000 suns! Give me a break! The bomb never made anyone surrender. It never won a war. It did not deter wars. It did not stop communism. The communist never has a nuclear threat. The cold war was a fantasy. The military industrial complex which was sustained to counter the Soviet nuclear threat was a big lie. The massive secret infrastructure to counter the Soviet nuclear threat was a big lie. The space race based on superior technology is in question as well. Excuse me, but the whole rationale for building the massive state super complex after WWII is a complete fraud. And all the nuclear paranoia promoted by the state is down right evil. Even now the rhetoric that states blurt out on mass media about this or that power trying to obtain nuclear weapons is a complete charade. I sleep better. I feel relieved. There is no doomsday weapon. There never has been. We've been had. Now we can really start to live and be free.

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