I understand you perfectly @kendrawing, many times I spend a lot of time making a drawing and it turns out that in the end I am dissatisfied to the point that I do not see it anymore and I abandon it forever or in rare occasions I started again until I was happy with the result, it is more work but I think that things should be done well and even more in a portrait of a person... your portrait is amazing, I do not know Mayela Raga but from what I see in your portrait is a very beautiful girl.
Amazing work!!!
Whenever a drawing I get wrong I leave it, but lately, I've been taking them back and when I finish them I feel very satisfied, so do not let me win!
She is a professional makeup artist who lives in Spain, I met her by Instagram and we agreed for her to make a portrait. Her work is magnificent!
Yes! I think that also is a great ability, to be able to fix something if it is wrong and finish, I hope to learn to do it.
Your friend is very cute @kendrawing!