The blood of the sea - watercolor - story -5 steps

in #ntopaz5 years ago (edited)


The blood of the sea

2  0  1  9
watercolor on paper Fabriano 420g. - size cm.60x35


The blood of the sea

Sea blood is not bright red.

Like the blood of men.

Dark red, brown and no more oxygen.

Reddish brown, if you try to observe it, then it changes shape and color, it becomes dark, gloomy.

Black, coagulated by death.

Blood of men killed by the ferocity of other men.
Blood of men left to die by the inference of the living.

Lifeblood destroyed by plastic whaler, slave traders.

Corpses that obscure the transparency of the seabed.

Blood of progress that crushes everything.

Black as oil from dark ships.


Silvery like pyramids, symbols of lost civilizations and theorems of advanced civilizations.


Silvery like the mercury that silently kills.


The color of the sea has mixtures of blood and mammals, of marble statues emerging from the abyss, of wreckage from the past, of sad signs of the future.

It is the color that we wanted, for ever and ever, painted by our madness, by our ambitions.


The same ambition that led Ahab to death, with everyone.

The blood of the sea must have the color of the sea!

Blue, with the oxygen of life.

A hug and a scream.






this is our final result


Il sangue del mare

Il sangue del mare non è rosso acceso.

Come il sangue degli uomini.

Rosso scuro, marrone e senza più ossigeno.

Marrone rossastro, se provi a osservarlo, poi cambia forma e colore, diventa scuro, tetro.

Nero, coagulato dalla morte.

Sangue di uomini uccisi dalla ferocia di altri uomini.
Sangue di uomini lasciati morire dall'indifferenza dei vivi.

Linfa vitale distrutta da baleniere di plastica, da mercanti di schiavi.

Cadaveri che offuscano le trasparenze dei fondali.

Sangue di un progresso che tritura tutto.

Nero come il petrolio di oscure navi.


Argenteo come piramidi, simboli di civiltà perdute e teoremi di civiltà avanzate.

Argenteo come il mercurio che uccide in silenzio

Il colore del mare ha impasti di sangue e mammiferi, di statue di marmo che emergono dagli abissi, di rottami del passato, di tristi segnali del futuro.

E' il colore che abbiamo voluto, nei secoli dei secoli, dipinto dalle nostre pazzie, dalle nostre ambizioni.

La stessa ambizione che portò Achab alla morte, con tutti.

Il sangue del mare deve avere il colore del mare!

Blu, con l'ossigeno della vita.

Un abbraccio ed un urlo.

src go for a ride, for art lovers.

separatore 2.jpg


This is a strong and clear message from his beautiful artwork.

[nTopaz Curator]

The comments from curators are for information and encouragement. The upvotes from nTopaz and rankings are based on the popularity of your art work when posted to the nTopaz platform. Join nTopaz Discord Channel

Finalmente posseggo un tuo acquarello in carta, colori, amore ed emozioni: grazie, maestro e amico carissimo! Riesci molto bene a esprimere le tue passioni e sei un grande esempio per noi giovani! 👏

Posted using Partiko iOS

ma grazie a te e alla tua dolce sensibilità, e ai tuoi cari che ti sono vicini! Un abbraccio grande come i colori dell'anima.

Such a powerful painting, Armando .... Blood of the sea... Hmm, I supposed its colours isn't like our blood and so its agonies are not as visible to our eyes too, but I can feel a lot of powerful emotions from your drawing, with the sea bleeding in its own colours, coloured by the madness of mankind's atrocities....


This post has been manually curated, resteemed
and gifted with some virtually delicious cake
from the @helpiecake curation team!

Much love to you from all of us at @helpie!
Keep up the great work!


Manually curated by @priyanarc.

thank you for supporting me

This post was shared in the Curation Collective Discord community for curators, and upvoted and resteemed by the @c-squared community account after manual review.
@c-squared runs a community witness. Please consider using one of your witness votes on us here

I share with you a phrase from a Portuguese poem from Fernando Pessoa
"...God placed danger and the abyss in the sea,
But he also made it heaven’s mirror.”

thank you for comment and phrase by Pessoa.

Es un dibujo grandioso donde plasmas un mar tormentoso, donde los veleros peces están revueltos y la agresividad del mar se revela. buena técnica en acuarelas felicitaciones amigo.@armandosodano

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