Isola Bella - Taormina - Sicily - watercolor /// Isola Bella - Taormina - Sicilia -acquarello

in #ntopaz5 years ago (edited)


Isola Bella

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watercolor on paper Artistico Fabriano -size cm.30x22 - in my atelier

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A trip to Tarmina was in my plans, but I never expected to find such natural and historical wonders.
How to resist the beauty of Isola Bella, a beautiful peninsula, facing the beach of Taormina.

A watercolor is just what it takes to set a landscape like this inside the soul.

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Un viaggio a Tarmina era nei miei piani, ma non mi sarei mai aspettato di trovare tali meraviglie naturali e storiche.
Come resistere alla bellezza di Isola Bella, una penisola bellissima, di fronte alla spiaggia di Taormina.

Un acquarello è proprio quello che ci vuole, per fissare dentro l'anima un paesaggio come questo.

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For the possible travelers, I share the geographical location of the small Sicilian island in the province of Messina.

Condivido, per i possibili viaggiatori, l'ubicazione geografica della piccola isola siciliana in provincia di Messina.


Map of the Sicily region, where you can see Isola Bella, highlighted.

It is strange that high tide covers the small and single access to the islet.
This small peninsula island is called the pearl of the Mediterranean and you can imagine the reasons: crystal clear water. lush vegetation, cleanliness of the beaches and widespread biodiversity with nature reserves.

In fact, very rare plant species have been planted on the small island.

After passing from private property with sales, mal crowns and auctions, the islet is purchased by the Department of Cultural Heritage of the Sicily Region and declared a natural monument creating the nature reserve.


E' singolare che l'alta marea copre il piccolo e unico accesso all'isolotto.
Questa piccola isola-penisola è chiamata la perla del Mediterraneo e potete immaginare i motivi: acqua cristallina. vegetazione rigogliosa, pulizia delle spiagge e biodiversità diffusa con riserve naturali.

the narrow strip of land that separates Isola Bella from the beach.

Infatti sulla piccola isola sono state piantate delle specie vegetali rarissime.

Dopo essere passata dalla proprietà privata con vendite, malaffari ed aste, l'isolotto viene acquistato dall'Assessorato dei Beni Culturali della Regione Sicilia e dichiarato monumento naturale creando anche la riserva naturale.

sunset on the island

In 2006 Isola Bella and Taormina were entered in the UNESCO Tentative List to obtain the recognition of a World Heritage Site.

Nel 2006 Isola Bella e Taormina sono state iscritte nella Tentative List UNESCO per ottenere il riconoscimento di sito Patrimonio dell'Umanità.

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A view from above, in Taormina.
Una veduta dall'alto, a Taormina.

Here I am, with my backpack and watercolor album, always with me!
The photographs are never enough for me, I have a short memory.
A dream hug.


Eccomi, con il mio zainetto e album da acquarello, sempre con me!
Non mi bastano mai le fotografie, ho la memoria corta.
Un abbraccio da sogno.
Armando go for a ride, for art lovers.

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Perfect color and compositional balance

[nTopaz Curator]

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Wow, you can almost feel the wind, your painting teleports me to that place, beautiful. I hope you're having a good day Armando.

[nTopaz Curator]

The comments from curators are for information and encouragement. The upvotes from nTopaz and rankings are based on the popularity of your art work when posted to the nTopaz platform. Join nTopaz Discord Channel

Mediterranean sea has the strong sunlight. Not warm and tender but blading down and exploding. So many writer wrote about that, Nikhos Khazantzakhis, Albert Camus and others. Anyway, even a gentle light looks so strong in your work. Italy has so many historical place. So I am so jeolousy of you to draw the history of yours. Free and peaceful to appreciate. It is another paradox in your work. Thank you armando. See you later ~~

곰돌이가 @trueimagine님의 소중한 댓글에 $0.017을 보팅해서 $0.006을 살려드리고 가요. 곰돌이가 지금까지 총 4495번 $51.097을 보팅해서 $56.971을 구했습니다. @gomdory 곰도뤼~

Wow, that spot seems to be perfect for a swim. The water looks really clear.
Amazing artwork, Armando! Nicely done!

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