[5x SBI ContestKings Giveaway] Upside Down Landscape Photography at Sile River

in #ntopaz5 years ago (edited)

We are friends, nature and I.

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It sounds good! ;)

I respect nature very much, I love it and I try to protect it with what is within my reach.

Well done, mate! ;)

Foto spettacolare come il Sile e Treviso, quando insegnavo in Veneto ho anche fatto il supplente ed il tennista a treviso. LoL con affetto Armando

Spesso diamo tutto per scontato, senza essere grati della tanta bellezza che ci circonda.
In un mondo a tutta velocità, anche il fotografare può essere utile per rallentare e meglio osservare.

Grazie del commento, Armando: non smetti mai di stupirmi... sei l'uomo dalle 1001 esperienze! 😎

来自于WhereIn Android

ah ah è semplice...ho fatto la gavetta nel lontano 1989 fino al 1991 ero nelle graduatorie del provveditorato del Veneto. Poichè amo il tennis andavo in giro per tornei, e mi è capitato di giocare al Circolo Sportivo Club 82? Non ricordo bene...persi al terzo turno comunque...quello me lo ricordo.

Eh, io in quegli anni ero ancora un milanese (ora sono un ex-milanese, pentito d'esserlo stato, LOL): sono in Veneto da soli 23 anni! ;)

Come mai ti ricordi così bene d'aver perso? Avresti potuto vincere o, al contrario, l'avversario ti ha massacrato? :)

No mi ricordo molto bene l'ambiente, l'avversario inoltre i primi tornei sono indimenticabili.

My relationship with nature is like that of a child with the mother, when I am inside a surfing wave it is as if I return to her womb. Nature is also my goddess and I pray silently for her every day.

WOW Pedro!
What a magnificent image you gave us: you made the sensation very well!

What kind of what pray do you recite?

Thank you, I think "prayer" was a metaphor, it is more in the sense of meditating in silence, with the feeling of thanking. As for the womb phrase, I heard from a friend who also practices bodysurfing, but I forgot who. The important thing is that the idea is alive. See you later!

Meditate in silence it's probably the most effective way to connect with the divine. Well done, mate!

I love nature!
Every time I find myself in nature I am so happy I feel that nature is my real home!
For this reason, most of my posts are about nature.
Very beautiful photo!

Oh yeah: I feel that most of the human being misunderstood Nature and think to possess it. The truth is that we are part of the nature, right?

A huge hug 🤗


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Of course we are a part of it!

For me it's quite simple. Every time I spend time outside in the nature, especially in the woods all by myself, I forget about all my worries, all my wishes and all my desires. I fell that in that particular moment, I am as close as I possibly can be to my true self, to my true being. I just hope I'm not the only one feeling this special and mystical love.

Cheers to you and congrats for this profound question.

Yes, mate: we are part of the Nature and we need to re-take connection with here! 😍

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Thanks for your kind support, @steemdunk: I appreciate it very much!

I practice surfing and like trails and crossings amidst the exuberant nature.

I have a real passion for nature and wildlife. I'm a little wild, and sometimes I feel trapped if I spend a lot of time in an apartment.

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Lucky you practicing 🌊 surf 🏄‍♀️: It is a sport that fascinates me and I have always admired the spectacular art of those who practice it! 😍

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Hello @amico
Reflection is looks real and real is looks reflection..
Great photograph my friend...

Thanks mate for your kind comment: I appreciate very much!

What about my daily question? (What’s your relationship with the Nature? 🤪)

I think very impossible if we dont have a relationship with nature. I am very sure we all have a relationship with nature. It's just how much our relationship with nature. And the answer is very relative. We think that urban society sometimes care less about nature, but many natural maintenance programs are born in the city, rural society sometimes take care of nature not with programs but because of culture. But I as a person who comes from a village and I lives in the realm of coffee plantations, I love nature very much, nature is a thing that I really miss now. Sure. When I can't reach the natural atmosphere, the next thing I do is make the nature as an object from my camera. Oftenly, I upload landscapes and write some motivations as caption. I do this because nature always offers itself to be enjoyed, not to destroyed. and I'm very proud because our forest has been set as the world's lung and the biggest carbon producer. May we still love nature wherever we are. Thanks @amico for this great initiative. God bless you

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Thanks, mate for sharing your thoughts!

A huge hug!

You are welcome, the thought born because of you are inspiring me.

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