Nth Society Writing Competition - Imagine the World through the eyes of Leo

He had been sitting over his computer for eight straight hours, the bags were starting to form under his eyes...

His housemate came up to him and sat down, pinching a piece of his pizza.
"You can't have that - it's mine!"
"You haven't eaten it yet. Posession is ownership! Get over it! What are you doing? You look like a zombie!"
"I feel like one! I'm addicted - I can't help it - I'm addicted!"
OK - I could ask what it is. Then again perhaps I should already know. You pinch most of my games anyway."
"It's not just a game. I've fallen into it. I've become part of it."
His friend looked into the computer screen and next thing he knew, he was being born.
"What the hell are you doing to me?"
"Shut up! Babies can't talk!"
"Well obviously I can and I'm not your normal baby! Where am I?"
"Nth Society. My partner has just given birth to you. So shut up, listen and learn. There is a lot to absorb."
I'm changing already - I'm a child already..."
"Time is but an illusion. Take a look around you. What do you want to do? What do you want to explore. There is a whole new world all around you."
He reached out - sensations were different. Thoughts were different. Different from what - he didn't know. He realized he was constantly growing. He saw a gorgeous girl pass by and felt the hormones. He realized, life was happening and he had no concept of time. There was no control over his life, no politics.
"Where does this end?"
"From where you are now, you become a Grad student and explore an area of you life that is developed. Then you become an expert - a master in your life and your specialty. You have a greater insight."
"This is a bit too much. I'm getting a headache."
At that instant, he was drawn back by a vortex, back to what he realized was the lounge room of his share house. The house mate, Leo, was still sitting there, staring at the computer.
"What happened?"
"You were run over by a bus, you idiot. You weren't watching the road."
"I don't believe that. That game draws a person in. It's dangerous!!"
Leo turned to face him - eyes open wide: "How do you know whether or not we aren't living our lives in a simulation right now?"
"Oh My God!! You're crazy!! I'm moving out!"
He turned around and stormed out of the room.

Image source: http://jeannekolenda.com


Thanks for your entry 🙂

I enjoyed this and had a gentle guffaw at your run over by a bus twist at the end :)

I had a go at this challenge too.

I invite you to read it HERE ~ should you be so inclined :)

I wish you well.


Very eXistance-esque story. The dangers of virtual and augmented reality.

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