The Temptation of the unholy Anthony

in #nsfw7 years ago (edited)

Inspired by the wonderful conversations with @steemed-open I felt I should have a look back at a major turning point in my life.

Things going on, always showed a direct reflection in my work. After some rather dreadful years in a difficult relationship, my work was only dead colors and looked like painted with mud anymore.

That was a big wake-up call and a major change could no longer be postponed...

I remember, when I did this painting at the turn of the century, after I had taken a new course. Its quite obvious, that my protagonist, "St. Anthony", a figure often depicted throughout art history, was more than tempted by the "daemons" around his head...


What I now suddenly became aware of is, that the "crown" is very reminiscent of the fool's hat in my Tarot!, clearly marking the fresh start and the beginning of a new journey!


I can't believe this for two reasons.

  1. THIS IS ABSOLUTELY PHENOMENAL!!! I cannot believe these visions that appear in your mind :O!!!!!.... when I see something like this I KNOW that there is so much more to our world as we know it.. raw talent, creation.. the capabilities of human kind,.. wow.. amazing!!
  2. I just posted a poem dedicated to @steemed-open too :O:O:O!! She inspired me!!!.. & THEN I saw that you did a similar one too.. also about demons of the mind. I am shocked , and a little.... scared :/!!!!!

Thank you very much your passionate words! Haha.. yes, there are some forces at work, beyond our horizon of comprehension and in a way, it can all be a bit scary, yet exciting ;-)

Thank you for making me aware of your new post. You are always welcome to poke me with a link to your poetry and I will certainly not consider it spammy :-)

On my way to my studio and again, I know your beautiful poetry will stay with me, while I paint... and I'll most likely come back, to read it a few more times through out the day.

You know, whats strange?

I cannot get over how enchanting this is!!..

tell me, where do you get the concept designs from?

.. Are they all from conceptions of the mind?

I love how everything is so exaggerated , it reminds me of dreams.. which is interesting because I often wonder , what really is happening when we dream?where are we going?- and where are you bringing me =]!!!
elongated legs, hat, and faces, all so ghastly terrifying !!!! Does the red hell smoke hail from his own nightmares???

There is so much to say about this painting.. and yet, it does not do any of this ingenious work the praise ( and/or voting power) it deserves!!!

Thank you for always appreciating my poetry! the applause is duly noted from someone of your talent!

Was a long and hard day, but I don't want to leave without any sign of appreciation for your wonderful comment. There is a lot to say, but I will have to come back to it tomorrow.. hope that is acceptable :-)

Of course I can accept that =] A day of creativity is hard on the brain to the point where it can actually hurt I understand completely & looking forward to interacting soon !!! Your latest painting is beyond words...

Todays painting posted and finally some peace at last and time to add my part to our conversation :-)

Alright, well.. yes, its all conceptions of the mind. I take "realistic" elements and sort of dream up my own reality.

Its interesting how you too mention dreams, but its also our conscious imagination, to create whatever we want in our head... and that's something I find quite amazing, if not a bit scary... Just imagine any figure, and even if you have only ever seen it in a picture, you can imagine that figure making any movement you want... one can actually "see" it with the inner eye..

You can even see an angel carved in stone, flap its wings and take off and fly around! All just by thinking it!!

The color in this painting plays a very important role, as color is closely related to emotion. Of course, a drawing, or black& white photography have an exceptional esthetic appeal but when you take a look at my text, you see, that at this moment there was a big shift in my visual expression.

From (dull) gray to adding a bright red... plus the red is "in front" of the other areas of the background too.

And then there is of course the other big aspect of art. Just like with your poetry, creating it, is only part of it... The other half so to speak is, what it does with the person perceiving it. And that can be quite different with every viewer/reader, because we compare the new "input" with everything we already have... past experiences, preferences, even fears.

I find it extremely interesting, how differently people can view the very same thing!

I am very touched that you've been inspired by our comment conversations lately. Me too, and I hope you know the feeling is mutual! Thank you for mentioning me here. 🙏🏽

Thanks also for being kind enough to tolerate and encourage me sharing my very novice efforts at interpretations of your art. You make me feel safe enough to share how I see things.

On this's so fun to see his efforts at propriety. Like the formal attire or uniform reflects he is trying so hard to behave how he thinks one is supposed to behave...abstaining. But then the uniform is wrinkled and disheveled indicative of loosing the struggle on that proper facade. His stiff upper lip, again effort, tension, resistance to what he really wants. His gaze, and his mind, seems in between straight ahead and upwards towards her...inner conflict? So all of that, and yet his grip is locked on her ankle. He's abstaining, but the ankle hold reveals that he really doesn't want her to leave.

Meanwhile she is having a blast of a ride up there. The background colors supporting the characters' differing experiences from black/white/grey down with him, while colors of fire and freedom rain above with her nakedness.

Just what I see here. :)

Remember, when you sent me a note, so I'd see you saw my comment and that you might need a little time for the answer?

I am way behind answering you for much the same reason. Your comments are so full of deep thought, careful observation and strong intuition, that I'm afraid to spoil this attentively woven manifestation of your thoughts and feelings with a reply, not equally meaningful.

Again your interpretation translates the image precisely, from the broad color composition down to the very smallest detail. You actually make me look at my own work from a new angle and become aware of elements I painted pretty much subconsciously.

Thank you for sharing these thoughts, I love what you see here :-)

another great splendid Artwork from you - TOP
you are my "Glasspaint Master" !!!

Thanks a lot 😁 this is just a detail... the most important part though. I'll do a post on the complete piece eventually!

Your work is fascinating! Thank you for showing more of your beautiful jewelry

this is great - now that's what I call temptation!
I had always wondered why there are monsters in all those other paintings: how could he get tempted by monsters?
Mind you, I love the one by Max Ernst - but it is hardly 'tempting'.

Seeing the Max Ernst one as an 8 year old, was a defining moment for me... could well be that I became the painter I am today because of this encounter!

there is a detail in it that made me think it inspired Giger in his alien design. The snapping jaw coming out of the monsters mouth.

Trying to find it... Giger did his alien 20 years before though..

Max Ernst, Temptation of St. Anthony, 1945 - Giger Alien, 1979
here is the detail I was talking about:

Yes, that's the painting! Sorry, seems there was a misunderstanding on my part, thinking, Giger die his alien 20 before my painting.

Thanks for pointing out the detail!

Super interesting art work! Very different indeed! Enjoyed!

What a fun painting. My wife is an artist and I can really appreciate how much work must have gone into this.

The colors and textures remind me of fantasy artist Kelly Freas, although the subject matter is a lot more whimsical.

Thank you for stopping by and your kind words. Kelly Freas is a master! Not the worst artist to be compared to! ;-)

hahahha is that sean king down her ? :D

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