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RE: Steemit Photo Challenge Human Body: ∞§∞Nudity Is Natural∞§∞ READ it.

in #nsfw7 years ago

Quinn, I applaud your efforts in regards to this issue. We have to normalise nudity again somehow, even if it's only for ourselves at first. I really wrestle with the fact that I have been programmed to be uncomfortable with my own nude form, even when completely by myself. I've recently started spending time naked out in nature, but it is challenging. The first time I tried it, a chap in a micro-light flew over, lol - I felt like Eve hiding from God in the garden! ;o) My Raven was naked most of the time as a child, until about 3 or 4 it was just the preferred mode of being. Then societal influence started kicking in, that awareness of self in relation to was sad to see, honestly. I did my best to protect and hold a safe space for natural, at-ease nakedness, but unless one has the support of the 'village', it's kind of doomed. I'm glad that you've created such a safe space for the people who live with and visit you. I love that! And I love this photo and the fact that you and its subject are happy and at ease with sharing it - it's just wonderful! Bravo! x


Thank you very much for this comment. You speak to something that is relevant for many people and also why my life is so special.

What you have gone through is very common and many are even far more uncomfortable and judgmental of nudity than you. All this does is seem to create more and more stigma around it.

At least you can acknowledge it. There is hope of healing and transformation in responsible awareness.

This is exactly why I created The Garden of Eden. So that I and all those I love have a extraordinary safe place of abundance and freedom.

Everyone who comes here gets to experience the most free and safe place of their lives. People are free to wear what they like or wear nothing at all without judgment from "peers". They are able to speak their mind honestly and express them selfs without fear of what others will think or what they "should" be saying/doing.

This is only a facet of the many benefits of being here but a very important one.

Great to get to know you and hope to exchange more importance in the days to come.


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