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RE: Arsenic Lullaby blog- NSFW Captain Marvel and the important difference between a complete b*tch and a snotty c*nt

in #nsfw6 years ago

...the "mass exodus" wasn't about the controversy or the actress it was about a dumb way to end the movie...I think maybe, you might wanna go back, re-read the blog. You are commenting in such a way as to make me wonder if you read any of it.
and by the way you're being pretty impolite with the "tits are flailing all over the place". I don't recall ever being so dismissive to you...I can be if that's the way you'd like to treat each other from now on.


? It's just a phrase. Sorry :O I thought the tone in your article wasn't particularly serious or there was a bit of juvenile attitude that may have only been my perception since there was a lot of 'dismissive' phrases contained in this article that led me to respond, (I thought), in similar tone. I am guessing now that you have reacted this way, I had assumed incorrectly. I apologize.

Peppering your post with the words and attitude that you did, I am surprised that you are reacting this way, to be honest.

I talk like this with friends but if you aren't interested to be my friend and would prefer a non-informal approach, I can do.

I was commenting on various different parts of your post, I didn't realise I had to dot point which comment relate to which paragraph.

I shall talk without my personal style of speech when commenting on your articles from now on.

Personally speaking:

  1. With regards to your points about her personality: the actress doesn't seem to be like what you are alluding her to be (to me)
  2. With regards to your concerns that MCU might endanger their future success. In my opinions, MCU seems to know what they are doing and I don't think there will be mass exodus.

I don't think it's that tough to get that me being gregarious when talking about a public figure doesn't mean it's Katie bar the door as far as how I let you talk to me. If Brie where to get on here and call me a jackass that'd be fair. I made no slight to you, so you slighting me is out of bounds...lest you want me to return fire.

as for your points
1-It doesn't seem like that to you...but you admit to not having seen anything I'm commenting about
2-The people who made "Lost" seemed like they knew what they were doing ...until they didn't. That was one of the biggest shows going, there was talk of spin offs and movies, and then they made a garbage fire of an ending and no one has talked about it since.

Again, I had thought (incorrectly) to respond within similar tone. Again, I apologise.

My friends use the phrasing fairly frequently to me when they perceive that I should calm down about some thing or other. Again, I am now informed that you do not perceive the phrasing in similar innocuous manner. Again, I had assumed wrongly the various nuances since I had thought that the usage of the c-word was far more problematic in how language is decoded for most people, specially to a potential women audience. Again, I apologise.

I apologise for having caused this upset on you. It was not my intentions but stepped on toes are wounded regardless of intentions, so I apologise. I did not think my jocular request for you to calm down as tantamount of calling you a jackass. It was a failed attempt at being humorous. I will try not to use informal phrasing with your person in the future.

Continuing for the dot points:

  1. Yes, I was speaking from my limited exposure that I heard from second hand sources that she seems fine.
  2. There is always possibilities that a given train will come off the rails, but I do not share this concern for the current MCU.

...You're in a weird mood today, you know that? Im gonna message you on discord.
as for the MCU, Hopefully I'm wrong, and its always possible the whole statement about Cap Marvel being the new lead was a misdirection. We'll all find out soon

Discord is better, sometimes, alright.

Yes, we will find out soon. I await Endgame, and I am hoping it will be good. I am hopeful myself, but cautiously so.

yep, discord was better...predictably the issue was me taking something the wrong way. LOL

We might have broken Steemit with our mangled communication, Doug. Because it decided to die during our terrible back and forth. Let's never do that again. For the good of internetkind.

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