Arsenic Lullaby blog- NSFW Captain Marvel and the important difference between a complete b*tch and a snotty c*nt

in #nsfw6 years ago (edited)


This blog is based on WHAT WE HAVE BEEN TOLD, which is that Captain Marvel will play an important role in Avengers Endgame, and be the figurehead of the MCU going forward.

There are three problems facing the comic book industry because of Captain Marvel in the MCU.

There is the snotty c*nt factor, the lack of good comic book material to supply fans with, and the possibility of it ruining the MCU.

Let's start with the snotty cunt factor. Brei Larson comes across like a snotty cunt. I'm not talking about any message she has, I'm talking about her personality. I don't know the woman, she might be charming and pleasant as all get out, but the fact is that she comes across like a snotty cunt whenever she has a microphone in front of her face.
I don't have any real reason to believe she is a snotty cunt, but those are the optics. That is what is coming across. That is the attitude that a lot of ticket buyers see. It's the attitude that I see, and I agreed with pretty much everything she said....she just said it like a snotty cunt.

This is different from being a complete bitch, and that's important.

The difference do I explain an's that the root of the behavior has a different vibe. A complete bitch, at her core, her anima, is angry and/or trying to accomplish something. Sometimes when you're a woman you have to be a complete bitch to get something done. Just like when you;re a man sometimes you have to be a complete asshole. It is an attitude and behavior founded in combating outside forces. That is what is driving a complete bitch to act like a complete bitch. A snotty cunt is employing similar behavior because...she saw someone else do it, and get away with it. And thought that person looked interesting...and hopes to seem interesting as well.

Brei Larson is a standard, hot, rich, blonde actress and so whatever she wants to bitch about falls flat to most anyone who's had a real job and actual problems and her disposition is that of a snotty cunt. That's just how she is coming across. It's not playing well, and it's not going to. See, being a complete bitch is about force of will. Eventually people will buckle to that/come around to it. Having a figure head of the MCU that a large percentage of your fans think is a snotty cunt, is not good for business long term. This current movie is doing fine...but it has the benefit of being the first MCU movie with a female lead and of it leading up to Avengers Endgame. If fans hadn't been told that this movie is important to see before seeing the movie you've been waiting 11 years for...I doubt it would have beaten Wonder Woman.

So there's that.

The problem for comic book stores is that, as far as comic books, there ain't a hell of a lot of quality material you can sell to fans. Captain America, the Avengers, Black Panther ect...all have DECADES of back issues featuring them that are well done quality, as good as good gets. Captain Marvel's comic book history is a convoluted , half assed mess. If someone reads a collection of the early appearances of the Black Panther they are getting some of the best stories Marvel ever published. Those are books that will make newbies into fans of the entire comic book medium. If someone reads the first few stories of Captain Marvel ( originally called Ms. Marvel) they are going to go "well...okay...the movie was defiantly better".

The problem for the MCU is that IF....IF what we are being told is true- that Captain Marvel will play a large role in Endgame- it is setting that whole franchise up for a fan mass exodus. Imagine if you will that in the final season of Game of Thrones, the person who ends up on the throne is a character they just introduced 6 weeks earlier.

That's pretty parallel to what they say is going to happen here. You have fans who have come to know and love Thor, Iron Man, the Guardians of the Galaxy, and the rest, for several years and several movies. They have an emotional connection and investment in these characters. They are going to see Endgame to find out the fate of these characters, and the outcome that has been building up for 11 years...if the person who saves the day is a character they just saw once, 6 weeks ago, that is going to go over like a lead balloon. We're talking a final episode of "Lost" level of fan disappointment.

All of this could have been avoided by paying more attention to the source material for the MCU which is Marvel Comic books. It the comics history the Scarlet Witch, the Black Widow, and the Wasp are all FAR more important than Captain Marvel. is Spider-Woman...which for some reason we have yet to see, and have not heard jack squat about her ever showing up.

the tags list on Steemit is generated by code...which puts tags up there based on ONLY popularity of use. You will notice that #comics does not exist there...yet. So I ASK THAT YOU USE #comics ON EVERY COMMENT YOU LEAVE ON MY BLOGS


My interpretation — and lets be completely frank here, that’s all it is, pure speculation — is that the MCU is going into space.

So it’s not so much that Mar-Vell is going to spearhead it, but the whole galactic society that’s “out there”.

So hopefully we’re going to see Nova, Silver Surfer, Galactus, the Shi’ar Empire (could we see an x-men x-over here perhaps?), etc...


everything they've done in space so far has been interesting. Galactus would be tough to get right...and would almost defiantly disappoint me hahaha. Seeing the Shi'ar empire is long over due!

Fantastic Four is on their roadmap somewhere which will get us Galactus and Silver Surfer and a return of Thanos no doubt.

Also Namor just about confirmed

Going back to space though, I like your line of thinking with Shi'ar could easily dip into mutant territory.

I love the space stuff!!!! Silver Surfer was one of my top 3 titles back when I was an avid #comics collector. I thought the F4: Rise of Silver Surfer movie sucked!! I’m hoping a re-jig of F4 too.

The two GOTG films and the Thor films have provided us with some cool potentials....

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soooooooooo are you just like....... complaining about how she seems to you?


cuz no offense, man, but you're coming across exactly like what you are accusing her to be 'like'

(disclaimer: i donno the actress cuz i dont have an active eye on twitter and social media stuff cuz i dont really pay attention to what celebs are saying and how they are saying it)


I'm pretty sure I said several times that a large percentage of people have a shitty opinion of her. ( You may have not seen all the backlash to the actress...but it happened)
What I personally think of someone has the grand total affect of about 10.00 ( the price of my movie ticket) ...If it was just my opinion this would be a completely different blog #comics

Google brie larson controversy or type that into''s a typical arguement over is she a SJW or are her haters just sexist and blah blah blah. She didn't say anything off the wall, as far as I'm concerned, but she did come across like a snotty cunt and the whole dust up where you get left vs right about a main character is no good because either side you fall risk only getting half the money and having the whole thing be less fun.

I am unable to engage with most popular social media contents during office hours and I am also disinterested in the entire obsession of judging an actor or an actress outside of their roles. Celebrity culture is not my cup of tea. I trust your report that there has been some kind of online controversy, which thankfully, as I have stated previously, has not been echoed in my real life interactions.

I acknowledge that you perceive her to be problematic.

nope. hasn't seen, but i have seen a fair bit of the opposite reaction from my circle of friends. they aren't hard core comic book fans though, just people at work and regular people.... uh, do you call people like us 'normies'?

well, we are that type of people

and, anyway, seems like the 'backlash' is a bit silly, tbh. i cant foresee 'mass exodus'...... relax, man, your tits are flailing all over the place~

...the "mass exodus" wasn't about the controversy or the actress it was about a dumb way to end the movie...I think maybe, you might wanna go back, re-read the blog. You are commenting in such a way as to make me wonder if you read any of it.
and by the way you're being pretty impolite with the "tits are flailing all over the place". I don't recall ever being so dismissive to you...I can be if that's the way you'd like to treat each other from now on.

? It's just a phrase. Sorry :O I thought the tone in your article wasn't particularly serious or there was a bit of juvenile attitude that may have only been my perception since there was a lot of 'dismissive' phrases contained in this article that led me to respond, (I thought), in similar tone. I am guessing now that you have reacted this way, I had assumed incorrectly. I apologize.

Peppering your post with the words and attitude that you did, I am surprised that you are reacting this way, to be honest.

I talk like this with friends but if you aren't interested to be my friend and would prefer a non-informal approach, I can do.

I was commenting on various different parts of your post, I didn't realise I had to dot point which comment relate to which paragraph.

I shall talk without my personal style of speech when commenting on your articles from now on.

Personally speaking:

  1. With regards to your points about her personality: the actress doesn't seem to be like what you are alluding her to be (to me)
  2. With regards to your concerns that MCU might endanger their future success. In my opinions, MCU seems to know what they are doing and I don't think there will be mass exodus.

I don't think it's that tough to get that me being gregarious when talking about a public figure doesn't mean it's Katie bar the door as far as how I let you talk to me. If Brie where to get on here and call me a jackass that'd be fair. I made no slight to you, so you slighting me is out of bounds...lest you want me to return fire.

as for your points
1-It doesn't seem like that to you...but you admit to not having seen anything I'm commenting about
2-The people who made "Lost" seemed like they knew what they were doing ...until they didn't. That was one of the biggest shows going, there was talk of spin offs and movies, and then they made a garbage fire of an ending and no one has talked about it since.

Again, I had thought (incorrectly) to respond within similar tone. Again, I apologise.

My friends use the phrasing fairly frequently to me when they perceive that I should calm down about some thing or other. Again, I am now informed that you do not perceive the phrasing in similar innocuous manner. Again, I had assumed wrongly the various nuances since I had thought that the usage of the c-word was far more problematic in how language is decoded for most people, specially to a potential women audience. Again, I apologise.

I apologise for having caused this upset on you. It was not my intentions but stepped on toes are wounded regardless of intentions, so I apologise. I did not think my jocular request for you to calm down as tantamount of calling you a jackass. It was a failed attempt at being humorous. I will try not to use informal phrasing with your person in the future.

Continuing for the dot points:

  1. Yes, I was speaking from my limited exposure that I heard from second hand sources that she seems fine.
  2. There is always possibilities that a given train will come off the rails, but I do not share this concern for the current MCU.

...You're in a weird mood today, you know that? Im gonna message you on discord.
as for the MCU, Hopefully I'm wrong, and its always possible the whole statement about Cap Marvel being the new lead was a misdirection. We'll all find out soon

I haven't seen anyone in person speak ill of her, the only stuff I see is online. Like I see headlines talking about backlash, but I am not seeing the actual backlash. I finally went on YouTube and searched for Captain Marvel controversy and found this video which seems actually pretty accurate and I would agree with her point in it

But I swear I have seen other headlines about her but I can't remember what they said, so I can't imagine this smile issue is what cause you to post, but can you share some links of her cuntyness?

This is the first movie I have seen Larsen in, I hear "Room" is amazing but I had always refused to see it because of my love/hate of "The Room" and never wanting to give the other room movie attention.

I think you might be overthinking or giving her way too much power. I seen the movie, I think it is pretty good. It was way better than Doctor Strange and Ant-Man 1 and 2, but not like Ragnorok or Black Panther good. And in no way do I get the sense that in the huge everyone coming together to save the universe in Avengers do I believe any one hero is going to be the one, she is powerful as all hell, but there is too much going on with Thanos where she will just one piece a way bigger thing than her.

I will say though I get the sense you blog post is speaking of something I just haven't seen is all, and no one likes a cunt or wants to support one plus I know you already wanted the other Captain Marvel so now Larsen is just on your shit list that I am not sure you will even be able to enjoy the movie at this point lol.

I am arms deep in some commissions ...that I should have had done by, sigh. So I'm not gonna track down all the links for shit that's been going on. If your newsfeeds haven't be deluged with it....just count yourself lucky and move forward.

The gist of it was her comments about race and speech about not enough reviewers being women and how she doesn't need to hear what some "white dudes" think about -wrinkle in time" because it "wasn't made for them"

NOW...THE IMPORTANT THING she came off like a snotty condescending cunt, to a large percentage of people. Me I don't need to hear a hot rich 20 something who hasn't work a day in here entire life, nor dealt with the world outside of the film industry since age 16, lecture me about gives it a tone and subtext that is cunty. If this had come from Angel Bassett or Kate Blanchett, that would have come across less cunty to me because those women have been around to see a lot of change and have done a lot in the industry.

While Brie was in the 90s learning how to walk...I was in a long term relationship with a black woman, and later I married a black woman, so I assure her that any spec of understanding she has about race and/or sexism in this country pales greatly compared to mine...and to most everyone else who hasn't been in the cocoon of Hollywood for their entire adult life.

Her beef with how many movie reviewers are white...does not ring true as words actually written by her. She is young enough to understand, and I am sure she DOES understand that the reviewers that matter NOW are all online and on Youtube and you can have equal footing on that whether you are a "white dude" or a female martian with horns.

**What I am trying to say here is "the truth has a certain ring to it" when you are actually pissed or actually care about something you are speaking comes across. and when you don't that also comes across. **

Having said all that, I freely admit I have only seen cuts of her speech, and I have never met her. SHE MAY BE A VERY CHARMING PERSON. But...THE FACT IS SHE CAME ACROSS like a snotty cunt to a lot of people, and that's not great for business.

Whether or not you agree or where put off by her comments....only a complete moron would not be able to predict a likely 70% of the MCU fans are white dudes ( specifically fat white dudes in pony tales.)

as for are correct, I dont like the character, and would not see this movie no matter what went on in the peripheral.

I think it is a travesty that Hank Pym and Janet Van Dyne where not in Avengers to begin with, and I am HUGELY disappointed that the Scarlet Witch is not getting center stage. She is, in the MCU and in the comics, far FAR more interesting and so is her history in both.

If your newsfeeds haven't be deluged with it....just count yourself lucky and move forward.

I genuinely had been trying to keep out of it but after seeing your other Captain Marvel post then this one and all the comments I mean.. now I am too curious! Now that other headline about the reviewers being white and male is ringing a bell! When I seen her talking about smiling I knew that could not be the issue. I will not reply further on this for now though because I want to find that interview and watch that thing in full and find some context for her comments. It f'n sucks when a decent flick would get held back by her bullshit interview talk though. Like I had said, I just see the murmuring and headlines online but I wanted to see the film unbiased so stayed away from actually reading all the stuff going on, now that I have seen it I guess I will go back and see what she was saying.

Since you may not see it anyways, dude Monica Rambeau is in it and is actually well done and timewise might work beautifully to see her show up in this upcoming Avengers!

and I am HUGELY disappointed that the Scarlet Witch is not getting center stage.

The world is. So much of Scarlet Witch is hard to even watch on screen sometimes to me. No joke she is probably my least liked / least well handled character with the most screen time out of all the main characters out right now. I don't know if it is the actress or the story and things they are giving her to do, but until her last scene with Vision and Thanos there, I don't think there was one scene yet I can name with her doing things right. Which blowssss.... Vision & Scarlet Witch should totally be a bigger thing. Bah. I believe though she will be used properly, I just hope it won't take until seeing Magneto in a scene with her for that to happen.

There is SO MUCH they could do with Wanda. They could make it creepy and mystical, they could have her hunting down Hyrda people who experimented on her, they could flashback to bad guy stuff she did when she was in hydra, they could have a simple love story/adventure with vish...instead they pulled Captain Marvel outta the .50 bin...and are going to make a Black Widow movie which I suspect will be a cheap Borne Identity knock off.

Sup Dork! Enjoy the upvote!!!

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