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RE: Arsenic Lullaby blog- NSFW Captain Marvel and the important difference between a complete b*tch and a snotty c*nt

in #nsfw6 years ago

I am arms deep in some commissions ...that I should have had done by, sigh. So I'm not gonna track down all the links for shit that's been going on. If your newsfeeds haven't be deluged with it....just count yourself lucky and move forward.

The gist of it was her comments about race and speech about not enough reviewers being women and how she doesn't need to hear what some "white dudes" think about -wrinkle in time" because it "wasn't made for them"

NOW...THE IMPORTANT THING she came off like a snotty condescending cunt, to a large percentage of people. Me I don't need to hear a hot rich 20 something who hasn't work a day in here entire life, nor dealt with the world outside of the film industry since age 16, lecture me about gives it a tone and subtext that is cunty. If this had come from Angel Bassett or Kate Blanchett, that would have come across less cunty to me because those women have been around to see a lot of change and have done a lot in the industry.

While Brie was in the 90s learning how to walk...I was in a long term relationship with a black woman, and later I married a black woman, so I assure her that any spec of understanding she has about race and/or sexism in this country pales greatly compared to mine...and to most everyone else who hasn't been in the cocoon of Hollywood for their entire adult life.

Her beef with how many movie reviewers are white...does not ring true as words actually written by her. She is young enough to understand, and I am sure she DOES understand that the reviewers that matter NOW are all online and on Youtube and you can have equal footing on that whether you are a "white dude" or a female martian with horns.

**What I am trying to say here is "the truth has a certain ring to it" when you are actually pissed or actually care about something you are speaking comes across. and when you don't that also comes across. **

Having said all that, I freely admit I have only seen cuts of her speech, and I have never met her. SHE MAY BE A VERY CHARMING PERSON. But...THE FACT IS SHE CAME ACROSS like a snotty cunt to a lot of people, and that's not great for business.

Whether or not you agree or where put off by her comments....only a complete moron would not be able to predict a likely 70% of the MCU fans are white dudes ( specifically fat white dudes in pony tales.)

as for are correct, I dont like the character, and would not see this movie no matter what went on in the peripheral.

I think it is a travesty that Hank Pym and Janet Van Dyne where not in Avengers to begin with, and I am HUGELY disappointed that the Scarlet Witch is not getting center stage. She is, in the MCU and in the comics, far FAR more interesting and so is her history in both.


If your newsfeeds haven't be deluged with it....just count yourself lucky and move forward.

I genuinely had been trying to keep out of it but after seeing your other Captain Marvel post then this one and all the comments I mean.. now I am too curious! Now that other headline about the reviewers being white and male is ringing a bell! When I seen her talking about smiling I knew that could not be the issue. I will not reply further on this for now though because I want to find that interview and watch that thing in full and find some context for her comments. It f'n sucks when a decent flick would get held back by her bullshit interview talk though. Like I had said, I just see the murmuring and headlines online but I wanted to see the film unbiased so stayed away from actually reading all the stuff going on, now that I have seen it I guess I will go back and see what she was saying.

Since you may not see it anyways, dude Monica Rambeau is in it and is actually well done and timewise might work beautifully to see her show up in this upcoming Avengers!

and I am HUGELY disappointed that the Scarlet Witch is not getting center stage.

The world is. So much of Scarlet Witch is hard to even watch on screen sometimes to me. No joke she is probably my least liked / least well handled character with the most screen time out of all the main characters out right now. I don't know if it is the actress or the story and things they are giving her to do, but until her last scene with Vision and Thanos there, I don't think there was one scene yet I can name with her doing things right. Which blowssss.... Vision & Scarlet Witch should totally be a bigger thing. Bah. I believe though she will be used properly, I just hope it won't take until seeing Magneto in a scene with her for that to happen.

There is SO MUCH they could do with Wanda. They could make it creepy and mystical, they could have her hunting down Hyrda people who experimented on her, they could flashback to bad guy stuff she did when she was in hydra, they could have a simple love story/adventure with vish...instead they pulled Captain Marvel outta the .50 bin...and are going to make a Black Widow movie which I suspect will be a cheap Borne Identity knock off.

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