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RE: It's almost time for the November #FreewriteMadness! Are you ready to be a #NovMadFan? (20 shares of Steembasicincome to be won!)

in #novmadfan6 years ago

Idiots ... oh my goodness, that really does sum up how I feel right now. 😂 I now have support from a group of people living near me who are doing #NaNoWriMo too, so that really helps.


That is wonderful!! Now, get them all on Steemit!!

Oh, man, I'd love to get more of my family and friend and fellow authors on Steemit.
I've tried. Two nieces gave up after a week of posting. Several authors tried and gave up.
One author even got curied and has something like $150 in his wallet now but he, too, gave up on Steemit. He could have cashed out when that money was worth more than $500 but didn't bother.
Discouraged? Me? Always. But giving up? Make me!

WE are sticking it out and hopefully, someday, we are the ones laughing all the way to the bank - and the could haves are sad. But that might never happen. In the meantime, we are having a good time and get better at what we do :)

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