Fireflies in The Dark Continent. Chapter 9

in #novel7 years ago (edited)

Chapter 9

Unlike other places in the grove, the center of the grove was cleared and had a direct view of the sky. It also had to capacity to contain more than five thousand people. 

An exceedingly large number of men of all ages were there when I arrived. Omur Alamsi was already on the podium. His smug smile had still not left his face. 

He wore a battle kaba and menacingly held a gun in his hands. His skills at oratory were still its best. 

The time is upon us. The time of cleansing, the time of our vengeance, the time when we cut the fat ones down to size, the time we bring down the tyrant, the hour has come.  

His grin grew as his eyes scanned the crowd keenly. 

The war has started. Our brothers have slaughtered more than half of Iriju’s regiments occupying their lands. Our enemies are on their heels 

The crowd started to cheer but he waved them off. 

The hour has not come yet for cheering; Tomorrow we of Oride attack Iriju! We’re headed for the heart of the war. It is us men of Oride that will burn the cursed land of Iribe down. The hour has come for us to kiss your wives goodbye. The time has come for us to kiss your children goodbye. The time has come for us to fulfil our duties to our goddess and ancestors. Tell them not to despair for the next time they see you they will by then be forever free. We now decide our own futures 

There was a light restrained applause. The sun had begun to sinking into the west. And tired men started trudging home in their muddied outfits. I guess I was now a soldier.  

The sun had gone down completely by the time I finally arrived back home. I wondered why it seemed like the only house in the entire neighborhood with no lights on 

I was worried and said a quick prayer to all the goddess that Ashti be alright. I swung the door open and immediately called her name twice.     

She replied from the spare room in the furthest corner of our house. Her voice didn’t sound normal; it seemed sad. I ran through the darkness, hitting my shin on a stool, it was very painful but I did not care. When I got close I heard sobbing.    

It was not the same sobbing from four days earlier. The sobbing sounded oddly familiar, it was a sound from my childhood. I walked in the room and saw my mother sitting on the floor. She looked haggard and worried. Her face was sadder than ever.  

Ashti tried to get her to stand up, but it was to no avail. I went down on my knees before her and for a fleeting moment she smiled. She grabbed my head and kissed my forehead and then pushed me away with all the strength in her scrawny arms and then resumed sobbing.  

I sat down beside her on the floor and signaled to Ashti do the same. We sat there, not speaking, just listening to her sob away.

After what seemed like hours. Mother spoke in a hushed tone, barely above a whisper “Do you know how I met your father?” I turned to look at her; she was staring straight ahead into nothing. I blurted “no”. I had never actually heard the story. Ashti stirred; she was already fast asleep. 

I was quite lively and outgoing in my youth. 

She said. 

I was at Iliri on a trading trip; I was there trying to escape my father who was breathing down my neck to get married to one my many suitors. I needed a break. So when the chance came to travel with my father’s workers for trade. I grabbed the opportunity with both hands 

There was intermittent silence as she breathed heavily as if trying to clear her sinuses  

 As I sat bored out of my mind under the shade of our stall. I saw him. He was free; he walked around as though he had absolutely no trouble in the whole world. I liked that! It was too burdensome being the daughter of my father. He wasn’t scared to approach me. He always spoke his mind, and his mind was always full of beautiful things. May the goddess bless his soul 

She started sobbing again; after a few sobs she smiled her voice suddenly became clear and happy; rousing Ashti from her sleep

We spent the next two weeks frolicking. It was days before I got to know his name 

 She paused and smiled

I totally forgot to ask him where he was from. I guess I was scared of knowing, or maybe I was too in love to care. I loved him right from the very beginning.

By the time I knew he was from Oride; it was too late. No one in the world could change my heart. With youth and love comes stupidity. We cared very little about the old stories. We thought we saw what others couldn’t 

I still clearly remember the day your father asked for my hand; I was sure my father was going to behead him; he would have, if not for that I was already with child… you, your father’s death might have come much earlier   

 She stopped speaking as the room became eerily silent.  


nice post ,,, you have good blog , Good luck. Comrade

Thanks friend. Much appreciated

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