
Wow! Thank you so much. Glad you enjoyed it :)


I love old houses like that, I want to live in one! :D

Haha, really? It sounds romantic, but I'd probably burn it down after a couple of day. :D

Yeah it might also get pretty darn drafty in the wintertime :D

Oh shoot, this guy actually got you bad

No vikings no fun :(


Du vet nøyaktig hvorfor denne post ble Down Voted.

Du sprer annen informasjon enn denne video sier, til tross for at du er gjort oppmerksom på dette flere ganger:

Could you give some example of this?

Hello @the-ego-is-you

It is very hard to do now. @Scandinavianlife made the choice to delete the post it all started with. I respect him as a member of Steemit and his choice.
I wish him all the best in the future. I will also vote for his post in the future as I did in the past. I have no hard feelings for him. It was just about that he misunderstood something badly about economics of Steemit and I had to stop it.

If you know him please tell him I will not down vote him anymore about this case.

I hope this answer is what you asked about.

Have a nice day!

PS. I did not hurt his reputation. Just some low value post.

Thank you for your answer. =) Yes that's what I thought, so I would have to use Steemd then.

I've only talked to him once before, but someone asked me if I knew what happened. I will forward to the guy that asked. ^

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