New rape at Swedish Festival.

in #norway7 years ago (edited)

 Women in the comments field in the biggest newspapers are in shock! 

How could this happen? Why didn't anyone help? It seems women are clueless about the muslim rape games (taharussh) that we evil white men warned them about. They surround their victim , 20-30 of them and then they have their turn. This is now common in Sweden. But according to feminists these things are nothing new. Apparently we are no better, so I don't understand the shock. 

I suspect that poor 15 year old girl had forgotten her " tafsa inte" ( don't grope) arm band which the swedish police issued and asked girls to wear after last years festival-rapes.

Well..just keep ignoring it sure it will just go away..


To be ignorant of Islam is to submit to Islam. Nice words and candlelight vigils will not deter a population bent on malice. God help the swedes to awaken to their own peril.

My hypothesis is that Islam is going to disappear, and that we only see that last gasp now with all the terrorism and stuff.

That may be very well true, but at the present governments are using them as a hammer to suppress the rise of individual sovereignty. It may come to pass as we begin using alternate sources of energy other than oil. Break their societies by wrecking their financial stability.

The least racist thing to want for muslims is to hope islam will dissappear. Look what happened to us when we got rid of opressive religious doctrines under the enlightenment period. What was needed? Criticism and ridicule. Unfortunately the msm are not doing their job.

Yes, they are being abused and suppressed by their own ideology. It's a very destructive cycle they are under. I wish we could all live in harmony, but they really don't want to.

Sweden is the mortally ill patient who have accepted death. I dont think they care anymore. The fear of social reprecautions and fear of being called racist is larger than worries of a potentially broken country. I dont think most people can rationalize the fact that this whole multiculti project may very well turn into a nightmare.

Maybe this is a good idea for white people who do not want to be dissolved in Islamic Europe to create some territory with apartheid laws? And this is not the end for the white race, as long as there are people like you.

It IS a nightmare! Multi-culti has never worked anywhere! I could have written 100 of post about the problems in Norway, but again, we must be proactive and find our own way!

The problem is the welfare state. It incentivize all the wrong people to come here. And of course..who has to pay the biggest price? Those in actual need of help. Both here and there.

Totally! So you have identified to problem. What is the 'realistic' solution? Inflammatory perhaps, but we almost got welfare states over night when women were allowed to vote. The net contributor to the welfare state (more taxes, less social benefits) are single ethnic Norwegian childless males (such as my self, no pun intended).

The only answer is freedom :) I mean..the welfare state destroys us as humans. The school system makes us into morons. Our parents are violent ( not nesceserally in a physical sense, but if they support taxation they support theft and threaths and this mindset comes to show in all aspects if your upbringing) then you start working and paying taxes, but you are mentally weak because of the chains youve worn your entire life. You have no hope and dreams other than bizarre perveted sexual fantasies, getting a nice home ( the obsession of an enebolig) and redecorating. Then you either fall apart and end up on welfare, which is understandable that people do. I dont blame peoplr. They are victims. Or you stay strong and become the super-cuck, like you are , sponsoring the lifestyle of single moms on welfare.

Very true, if people were required to work to obtain welfare this issue would self regulate. Of course im more of a purist and would like to see the welfare state end almost entirely. It's an interesting theory that doesn't work in practice.

True and sad my friend.

They really should make those wrist bands more visible.

I know. Maybe a hat? Big yellow paper hat?

Or, maybe a balloon. They can wear white ones if they are still a virgin.

This is serious stuff man! Glad you have the courage to post it: Not many people have. I have contemplated about at writing a post about the UK muslim grooming gangs, which I tried to get the MSM in Norway interested in. No luck so far.. If we struggle with the status qou, do not worry, we will find our own way!

I have nothing to be ashamed off. I enjoy bits of all cultures. But certain cultures are not compatible. Unfortunately the view on humans and especially women are in general pretty bad in those countries swedish women have been the most generous to. But the fear of being called racist is bigger than being raped or killed. It makes sense. People are for example more afraid of public speaking than death. Thanks :)

Write about whatever you want to write. You should be free to do so. There are still a few people that believe the downvote/flag is there for disagreement and I believe that makes them jerks, but most people do not. So post what you will. If it is NSFW use NSFW as one of your tags and you should be free to do as you like. I believe the people that flag over disagreement will make it easier for me to reduce the number of people I follow. I have decided just now that people that flag for such things I will not support by following or voting for as a witness.

This was greek for me... But happy to have other opinions!

What is nsfw? Thanks for the openness!. can i see if anyone downvoted?

He is correct in his reply to you. It has not happened here.

Thanks :) i try to be respectful to everyone who is respectful to me. And i hope others are the same way

You see it at the votes: Nobody has downvoted the post so far...

anytime you are looking at a post or profile if you hover over the vote section it'll show you the top votes... including downvotes. down votes appear as a negative. For complete detail in the web address where it says change it to This will give you a different view including a complete list of the voters, how much they voted and all sorts of details.

Awesome. Thanks. Thats useful

NSFW means Not Safe For Work... basically... if someone sees you looking at it at work you'd potentially lose your job.

Haha. Omg. How sensitive are people? Its crazy that its dangerous to read something that is critical towards rape rituals.

I wasn't talking about this post. :) I was speaking in general

Got it. :) i will check out that tag

And ultimately if they lose their job then whether you though they were oversensitive or not suddenly is pretty irrelevant. They just suddenly are wondering how they are going to pay their bills.

I suppose if youre stupid enough to watch porn on your work computer there is no hope for you..

that was my point. If it was porn and not tagged NSFW then it will show up in the feed for EVERYONE without them choosing to click on it. So it has nothing to do with them being stupid. Now if it was tagged NSFW and they still clicked on it at work then yeah that is STUPID.

To give you an example. When I first was here animated gifs as your first image would still show up in the feed fully animated.

One day I'm cruising along just looking at post titles and there is a very graphic animated blow job going on.

This doesn't bother me personally, and I work from home. Yet we are trying to build a community here. Some people would be greatly offended by that being shoved in their face. We also have children.

What if it had been someone being brutally murdered as an animated gif?

It doesn't have to be just porn.

So the NSFW tag does not censor it. It creates a situation where a person voluntary clicks on REVEAL to see it. Thus, there is NO accidental or involuntary viewing. It becomes a choice.

Considering some and likely increasing amounts of people here are children and teens it is also important for that aspect.

I hate FI they are claiming to fight for all the woman but instead they sympathises with the rapest.....they dont know what they are doing....I was asleep.....crazy but that can make u go sick is that.
We have to stand up for our belives and not except muslims ideoligi, they are soo far from our way of life. If they are going to stay then here are the rules.....u break one u get trowing out and never to return. Anyone who sympathises with is......get out. Close al mosks
Just some of the things......I use to love living here and be proud of Sweden but the way the goverment accepts whats happening and blaime sweds who whants them out.....yeah like we are the problem.....Mabye I should move to Norway or these country.

Sweden has truly become a sick and self destructive society. I have an earlier blog post where I try to analyse sweden a little bit, if you scroll down quite a bit in my blog list!


Every day, more and more, I feel like I need to move in to the middle of fucking nowhere. Preferably with a army of vikings protecting me. Scandinavia is a fucking joke nowadays.

I will protect you! And you are to hot for school:Followed you:)

Jej! One down!

It is. Where do you live? Unfortunatily they have this very childish and naive view on the world. We have been protected from most of the horrors and struggles of billions of people. But with globalisation reality hit us in the face. The feminists and the political correct arent rational. They dont manage to have two ideas in the head at the same time. They cant both like and value other cultures and at the same time be critical towards them. Either you are a racist = critical, or an anti racist = oblivious.

I live in central Finland. Well, clearly reality hasn't hit enough people in the face. We should talk less and act more.

True. But i think they rather sacrifice western values than aknowledge that their utopian fantasy is exactly that - a fantasy. Nice to meet you! Followed

People are fucked up in the head, thinking these exotic cultures are some sort of way to happiness and good life. I limit my appreciation of foreing cultures to things like persian rugs and tequila, not rape culture and having to cover my "indicent" and dirty shoulders and legs.

Real horror

Sweden is the rape capital of the world! It seems outlandish, but it is true. Norway is better, due to various reasons. We still are Vikings, we protect our women!

Regressive feminism..its an illness

It's sad to see this ongoing madness. Maybe we'll find refuge on a pacific island and can pay drinks with Bitcoin.

Haha. let's hope so! I heard Greenland is pretty empty. We might just end up there. Not exactly pacific Island, but hey..

For me this is the most evil crime anyone can do. Its so wicked RIP for that girl. I hope she can achieve justice one day.

Probably not..Id be surprised if theyd even get a sentence at all. Maybe community service and then rewarded with welfare for the rest of their lives. Sweden has become a very ill society.

Community service for a Rape? OMG thats not acceptable.

Nope. But you are a sensible person. You wouldt understand the madness :)

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