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RE: Quality talk about @BabsBoard GarageSale Issue 10

in #norway6 years ago (edited)

Hi @ramta and @babsboard sir.I would like to introduce with my country's local sports.Bangladesh is my country and it has got very rich cultural tradition.We have got some unique sports too.
Every nation of the world has its own national or cultural games and sports. They are as necessary for life as food and drink. A man eats and drinks to satisfy his hunger and quench his thirst. He takes part in games and sports to receive pleasure and refreshment to build up his body and character. Bangladesh is tropical country, therefore, has games and sports suited to her climate. There are many types of local games of Bangladesh. Ha-du-du, Dariabandha, Kanamachhi, Gollachut, are examples of Bangladeshi cultural sports. Young children mostly take part in these unique cultural games during their leisure period.
Ha-du-du: Ha-du-du is a very popular game. It is a game that is played in the open field. It is a game of joy not only to the players but also to the spectators. It costs minimum but gives maximum joy and thrill. This game requires a small plain ground. The ground is divided into two equal parts. A line is drawn across the mid field.The young and strong boys of the villages play Ha-du-du. There are two teams. Each team has equal number of players. The players stand face to face on a line. Each team stands within one part of the ground of the opponent party. He utters du-du all the time holding his breath control. He tries his best to touch one or more players of the opponent party. If he is successful in his attempt and comes back to his own area, the touched players are called dead. And if he is caught within the area of the opponent party, he is called dead. In this way the game goes on. The game comes to an end when all the players of a party are dead and the other party wins.index.jpg
Kanamachi: Kanamachchi is popular village game. A number of children stand in a circle. One of them becomes the kanamachchi. He is called so because a piece of cloth is tied over his eyes and he cannot see. He runs after children. If he can can touch anybody, then the touched person becomes the new kanamachchi.index.jpg
Dariabandha: It is another village game. In this game a field is made under certain rules equally divided with lines keeping equal distance from each other. The players are divided into two equal teams. One team stands outside the field and each of the players of the other team stands on each line facing at least one opponent player. The players standing outside enter into the field one by one and try to pass across the field to the end. If any player of a team can cross the field from the starting point to the point and vice-versa, the team concerned wins the game.1491418948.jpg
There are few other games also.Once villagers used to play this games a lot,but now a days it is almost forgotten.Even most of the villagers have forgotten all these games.We must do something to protect it from loosing this games from our culture.
Info source-
I call your name @Ramta Reddington to judge my comment.

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