One Bit News - Technology - Issue 15

in #norway7 years ago (edited)

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Travel to the stars anytime soon? Join us and discuss the topic in the comment field below

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with our current scientific and technological progress, I can say yes we can manage to send such a spacecraft to Proximal Centauri b in the next few decades. But if we found this planet habitable, Which I exclude because this requires several conditions similar to those on earth, how can people with such mass go there? I think this will take several decades if not less than several centuries to acheave this goal.

I think travelling at light speed is impossible for human being.
Have you ever heard about teleportation ?
Anyone of you have ever heard about Philadelphia Experiment ?

yes you are right @souada. In my view, a physical body like that of a human being can not move at the speed of light. Unless we talk about teleportation. in this case, we enter the field of parapsychology and science fiction.

Hi @hasmez and @souada
It is possible for a human being to accelerate to light speed without any severe consequences, even with a moderate acceleration of 1G (9,8 m/s) a traveler will reach close to lightspeed in approximately 350 days. (remember, 1g will feel like standing on mother earth) ;)
The tricky part is that you will have to carry with you energy in some form to propel your craft, and the amount of energy needed will be enormous. That's why the suggested craft in the article above weighs in at about 1 gram.
For @onebitnews


In My head It’s simple enough. If someone can dream it, someday someone will make it. Everything that has been invented in the world has always been made after a dream or a fantasy. So yes this will be a part of the puzzle on how we can do this in the future. It might not be the sail that solves this, but some kind of material and some smart persons will find the right technologies we need. It will be like Mr. Musk just proves everything is possible you just have to want it enough. And yes there are people wanting to make this come true. The proximity to get enough energy will be solved during the next few years I gues. The development on this area is going incredibly fast and will not slow down for many years.
Walt Disney

Hi @everydaycoach
"If someone can dream it, someday someone will make it." - That is true, and there is a good side and a bad side to that statement. On the good side you have people like Columbus, Galileo Galilei and Carl Sagan but great minds can also set us back, like R. Oppenheimer.
Sails is definitely not the answer to our dreams of conquering space, but it can be a cheap quick-start.
For @Onebitnews

Jeg var også glad i Walt Disney, mannen som har laget fantasi for oss alle i oppveksten.
Helt til den dagen jeg fant ut at Walt Disney var en frimurer, og har laget NASA til sin fantasi produksjon.

Space might be the final frontier, but its made in a hollywood basement

Ser den, men har ikke alle store tenkere og personligheter i USA vært eller er medlem av slike samlinger. Alt fra Einstein, W. Shakespeare, B. Blinton, B. Obama osv. Om de er frimurere eller medlem av "klubber" som består av samfunnstopper og unike mennesker med spesielle egenskaper. Slik har det nok vært i de fleste år og kommer nok alltid til å være. Om det er rett eller galt skal jeg ikke uttale meg om. Men at det finnes slike grupperinger med mennesker og at det gjerne er de ekstremt kjente unike menneskene som er medlemmer i slike er etter hva jeg har lest meg frem til, helt normalt:-)👍

That is very interesting, I would assume the laser is powering a solar sail?
I wonder if it would have the same problem you talked about last week with the Tesla car. Would radiation be a problem or could they use it somehow to power the sail? I sure hope I'll be around at least long enough to see things that happen in the next 25 years!

Hi @tbnfl4sun
That's a good question!
The radiation some scientists claim will decay Musk's car is high energy particles from our sun. The radiation level drops of quite quickly when you move away from the sun. (decreases by a power of four over distance). So for most of it's journey it will be safe.
For @Onebitnews

Me too @tbnfl4sun I really hope I'll be there to see the discoveries in the next 25 years, when we'll be there we'll always hope to stay alive the next 25 years to attend the other discoveries lool, I think it's is not reachable but it is good to have always hope to live and attend good things that happen thanks to technology.

I hope so too @tbnfl4sun! Otherwise we'll be like this skeleton lol :


No conspiracy in this issue?
Oh well, I will have to give you some conspiracy stuff to think about then.
Don't get your hopes up for space travel anytime soon.
think about this for a minute:

Same stuff different creator:

So, how small would that make Proxima Centauri from our perspective? and we can still see it in the nightsky?

Hi @deeprabbithole
Wow, you amaze me. It is intellectually challenging to deny absolutely all common sense.
I think you got a bit too deep into your rabbithole on this one.
If your evidence for proving that the stars cant be so far away is based on scaling pixels in a youtube video I think you should take a astronomy 101 course on a random university.
Cheers, @erlendgroseth
For @Onebitnews

Why we will not live right away on Proxima B ?

To know that it exists is great. But from there to move in, better not to count on it right away.

The discovery of Proxima B, the planet closest to the Earth outside those of the solar system, is certainly encouraging.

To travel the forty thousand billion kilometers that separate us from Proxima B, it is estimated, Michael Gillon, 50,000 years aboard a space shuttle equipped with current technology. Even at the speed of a space probe like Helios, the fastest object ever built by man (70 km / s), it would take another 18,000 years. The only reasonable hope for the astrophysicist: "Mastering nuclear fusion", a technology that would reach 30,000 km / s and approach Proxima B in forty years.


Du skal få meg til å tro mye, men en 4x4m alufolie som reiser i umennesklige hastigheter? uten å gå i stykker? Ikke sjangs i havet! Alufolien hadde vert en krøllball lenge før den kom opp i 100km/t.

Hei @Flatman,
De kjøper nok ikke alu-folien på Kiwi. ;)
Hilsen @erlendgroseth
For @Onebitnews

Albert Einstein's theory of the speed of light, which has believed in humanity since its appearance in 1905 was not correct, was reversed. Researchers have found that the real speed of light is much lower than the miracle speed that we believe for more than a hundred years.
According to Einstein's theory, the speed of light in the vacuum is 186282 miles per second (about 300,000 kilometers per second), but the new study found that Einstein was wrong, and that this speed is exaggerated, because the real speed of light is less

Hi @agdali
Thanks for your comment.
It was not Albert Einstein who calculated the speed of light, but a Danish astronomer called Ole Røhmer back in 1642 by measuring the the time it took for one of Jupiter's moons (Io) to appear from the backside of Jupiter. The time of the occultation wearies by the distance between Earth and Jupiter.
More on that topic here:

The video you are linking contradicts what you are trying to get across by the way.
Cheers, @erlendgroseth
For @Onebitnews

Tror det vil bli en kombinasjon av flere typer fremdrift. Kanskje solseil og så over til en motor som tar over etter en stund. Vi trenger uansett en motor for å bremse/ styre fartøyet.

Får vi se en slik ferd, eller starten på en slik ferd i vår levetid?

So close, and yet so far. On a galactic scale, 4.25 light-years, this represents a jump from a chip. At the level of our current technologies, it is an almost impassable ocean. The discovery of a potentially habitable planet, in orbit around Proxima Centaurus makes dream all astronomers. But before you can get there, or even send a probe, it will take major technological advances.

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