
Asteroids can provide us with great information about the birth of the Solar System. Some, NEOs, however, pose a threat to the Earth.

Sizes of asteroids

The dimensions of asteroids are extremely variable: from a few tens of meters to more than 1,000 kilometers. We also note that the larger an asteroid, the more spherical it is. Below 160 km in diameter, their shape becomes frankly elongated and irregular: this shape is due to gravity.

Origin and formation of asteroids

Asteroids are not the result of the bursting of a planet but in fact that of the fragmentation of planetesimals resulting from the coagulation of dust during violent cosmic phenomena.
These bodies were thus formed at the same time as the Sun because, like the latter, it comes from the condensation of the protosolar nebula. Asteroids have a close connection with the Sun but also with the planets resulting from a new coagulation of planetesimals and other bodies. Most of these bodies are in a ring between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. Because of the proximity of this last planet, the agglomeration of planetesimals was interrupted, thus preventing the formation of a fifth planet deduced by the law of Titius-Bole.
For information, this law empirically gives the relative distances of the planets to the Sun from the rotational speeds of these. It finally tells us that the asteroid belt should, without the influence of gravitational disturbances, agglomerate into a planet.

I believe there is intelligent life somewhere out in space! There has to be other planets to far away to explore with today's technology! That's why I like to watch the show Star Trek, it's like they have explored every possible scenario I can think of.

Hi @tbnfl4sun
Of coarse it is!
Star Trek is cool stuff. Did you know that captain Kirk (William Shatner) is a really cool volcalist?
for @Onebitnews

Since the first discovery of a planet orbiting a star similar to our Sun by Michel Mayor and Didier Queloz, in 1995 at the Haute-Provence Observatory, the search for "new worlds" has exploded in Europe and the United States.

How was the asteroid spotted ?

Before being named "Oumuamua", the object was named C / 2017 U1, which means, according to the provisional comet designation rules, that the asteroid was observed for the first time during the third week of October 2017. On October 18, the Pan-STARRS1 telescope in Hawaii locates this visitor, after passing close to the Sun.

Immediately after its discovery, other telescopes around the globe, including the Very Large Telescope of the European Southern Observatory, in northern Chile, begin to observe the asteroid to determine its characteristics. Little by little, other telescopes are starting to track him down. Between 18 and 24 October, the asteroid is observed 34 times. His strange trajectory challenges.

Some high-powered terrestrial telescopes continue to follow the asteroid, while it quickly disappears away from the Earth. Two space telescopes from NASA, Hubble and Spitzer, also record all possible information about it. On November 20, the object was traveling at a speed of 38.3 kilometers per second and was about 200 million kilometers from Earth. Oumuamua passed into the orbit of Mars around November 1st and will cross Jupiter in May 2018 before continuing its journey beyond Saturn in January 2019. Then it will come out of our solar system to take the direction of the constellation Pegasus. Observations with large terrestrial telescopes will continue until the asteroid becomes virtually undetectable, after mid-December.

Hi @redouanemez

Quite amazing that anyone could discover this thing. With an apparent luminosity of only 19.8 to 27 it is not exactly bright.
Best regards @erlendgroseth
for @onebitnews

Some place out there ;)

And so am I.
When you look at that image it's becomes clear that so called "travel agencies" don't know much about traveling...
Best regards @erlendgroseth
for @OnebitNews

Nice post I follow you but follow me and Upvote my posts please !

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