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RE: One Bit News - Technology - Issue 10

in #norway7 years ago

This is a subject that concerns technological development and its positive impact on the service of the population and consumers in general and in particular the negative ones on labor or employees and their substitution by machines.

In my opinion, and considering the positive impacts of technological development and the trend of automation of services that continues to develop, one of the possible outcomes for the resolution of this problem will have as objectives:

  • The guarantee of the satisfaction of the customers and users by the various companies and public administrations providing services;
  • The absorption of the graduated profiles of the various institutes and universities as well as the less qualified workforce at the academic level.

Review the education and teaching orientation system so that the profiles of graduates are in perfect harmony with the needs of the labor market.
The aim of this approach will be to adapt early childhood curricula to the needs of the job market by conducting prospective and statistical studies to draw the architecture of jobs of the future.

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