Oh hai Noganoo, what's up. Thanks for the follow. Are you here to make me rich and famous with a flagging? :D Don't you have somewhere better to be? Like prison?

in #noganoo7 years ago (edited)

Oh hai @Noganoo, what's up?

Thanks for the follow. Are you here to make me rich and famous with a flagging? :D Don't you have somewhere better to be? Like prison?

Can't wait for you to start your petulant little rage flagging on me. It will be the best thing that EVER happened to my account if you do.

So what's holding you back?

Still mad from when I used to ban your sock puppets in PAL/MSP last summer? Did you get a boo-boo?


@noganoo now follows you
Details of @noganoo account:
Account created: 618.26 days ago
Reputation: -60.5
Steem Power: 644.480 SP (283.138 + 608.169 - 246.827)
Followers: 10132
Follows: 181405
Time: 2018-02-16T01:39:09



*I guess I 've made it as a witness here since we last met. I've had a @sneak flag, a 100% @dan upvote and a brief chat with @ned on accountability. I know @transisto listens to some of our radio shows on our streaming network and I once rickrolled @nextgencrypto in text by pasting the lyrics on his blog, when he asked for witness bids for his votes. I've been around. LOL. (I'm still never gonna give you up or let you down, Bernie! lolololol)

Now you Nog! be still my beating heart, my steem life is complete!!!

/smh fuck off.


Good news @sircork, the demented creep offered to stop spamming... if I send him $3000. Do you think he needs to buy 20 more drones, airplanes, and helicopters? The poor guy only has 40 so far...

Send me 3000 dollars for the accounts and help that I gave you.
Mark Bretl [email protected]
Wed 2/14, 10:32 PM
I will stop posting on you and your friends blogs if you send me the money. Surely you can afford it now. If you do not send the money by tomorrow I promise you the comments will never end.

Tell you what, have I got a hot deal for you Mr Pepper! (see what I did there?)

For only $1500.00 I'll create a more entertaining troll account and just replace him, lowering your labor costs by 50%.

Whaddya say?


Haha. Send me $1500 and ill personally play my violin out of tune under any of your enemies window. Now thats trolling for you. 😂

Really? You'd do that for our community! I'll give you a "preferred troll discount" and drop it to $1375, but just because I do not prefer some of the other trolls.

Sure, why not! I'm the charitable witness, after all ;)

Were you serious in this post when you wanted me to flag you and make you famous? @Sircork I could let you have the first @flagstorm of my the botnet if you want. I suppose it'd be worth it to lose one post and then gain a bunch of whale votes for being an anti-nogger. Let me know! Botnet will be up by tomorrow. Peace.

That sounds AWESOME. Hey look @everyone! I get to be first in line! :D

Bring drones. I wanna see myself on TV :D

Oh wait, everybody already does. ;)

Ohh man I just found some more accounts this is gonna be good.

To clear things up the money I asked for was for all the Steempower loaded on a bundle of accounts I gave Pepper for his family and friends. I am not greedy. I gave away 30% of last years earning to the sick and the poor. I bear a lot of good fruit and I have great relationships in real life. Pepper used to be a best friend but now we have not talked in a year thoughout serious trials for me, I was hurt that he did not care about me anymore and was too busy with Steemit and new friends. I felt deeply betrayed. But now I know how he feels about me too.. He thinks my name is a curse word and he wants me to quit Steemit. I'm not quitting. I'm going to start releasing my best content with all the "toys" I bought. like 4k high definitions videos with my new 360 degree cam. When I said I am poor I meant I have no cash right now.. but that was 2 days ago.. I just made some good money on my advertising so I'm good on ferret food now. Now I just need to fix my car. I apologize deeply for all of my evil words and I am seeking a deliverance this week. I am sorry for the trouble I caused you Kevin but at the same time I did bring you to Steemit and set you up for success. I had you on 100% autovoter for over a year with what would now be over 120,000 dollars of Steempower, those votes in addition to the bot votes are now worth 10s of thousands. I don't regret that. Plus I got you hooked up with Bernie and whales early on and put you on the top of Streemian fans with all of my bots. I love you, Kevin. I hope we can live peaceably together on this platform in the future. Pray for me my deliverance from the demons of lust and bitterness and whatever others are hiding in my heart. I want to change today!

When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest, and findeth none.

Then he saith, I will return into my house from whence I came out; and when he is come, he findeth it empty, swept, and garnished.

Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first. - Matthew 12:43-45a

Here is evidence of theft from Stray who accused ME of being a scammer. I will start defending my "cursed" name now! God bless you all.

2016-12-11 08_53_42-@Stray.png

2016-12-11 08_53_51-@Stray.png

2016-12-11 08_53_59-@Stray.png

2018-02-15 03_28_01-2016-12-11 08_54_09-@Stray.png ‎- Photos.png

2016-12-11 09_11_05-@Stray.png

well both of those in a row was schizo mental. That much is certain.

glad to found you here as you are an organizer of youarehope sir cork ;)) congratulations for the thousands of followers you had hehe

ps i vote you as a witness . Cheers! :)

Thank you very much !!! Cheers indeed! :)

Hello, @Sircork. Noganoo here to answer your questions. You never banned any "sockpuppet accounts" of mine from discord. This is what Ausbitbank accused me of.. I don't hang out with you losers. Don't flatter yourself. This post is PERFECT example of the maturity level of people running the "peace and abundance" discord. Perhaps you should rename it to Southpark Enthusiasts. The only 1 time I was banned from PAL is when I asked Ausbitbank to fix my reputation. Maybe you just wanted to use my name to get some attention. That's fine with me. Are you "chaotic-good" too like your father Ausbitbank? LOL

I'm gaining 1,000 followers per day and receiving massive amounts of views compared to the entire last year. I'm moving up in this platform and if you want to put down the little guy with your petty insults that is ENTIRELY on you. I had never heard of you before.

Dude you run a discord server with 10,000 people on it and are not attacked by any whales as I am and only you get 80 views? That's pathetic.

I resigned from it last September, maybe you should stay up to date with the platform that loves to hate you. That was so last year.

You buy your followers and get 32 views on your posts, you pathetic little slug.

Your account is ridiculous, like you. Go away. Your best post in a week has 45 views, most have 14. You fucking delusional freak. Weirder still is it the's bot accounts of the little dolls you play dress up with at your house at night.

Say it like it is! Preach sister 💓

You know it dude! <3

Just got a follow from this guy Noganoo which took me on a journey to the ugly side of Steemit. I dont know much about him except for what he wrote about himself. The bots, the exploiting etc. All this begs the question: why even do this?
He has a 2 year old account with -60 rep and 500 SP. In 2 years he could have achieved much more just by posting pictures of cats and dogs.
Its like he exploited the system to his own detriment. Weird.

He's a completely bizarre sociopath with a keyboard.

All of this seems very unusual.

By the way. Um, what's a dog pic fetching these days?

I'll wait till that sinks in...


You didnt say: No pun intended. 😁

I did very well last year.. and would have been attacked either way.. the attacks had nothing to do with my bots but were based on my faith in Jesus Christ the Lord.

Jesus Christ your lord is completely ashamed of you and hasn't shown his face on earth in 2000 years because he already knew you'd be here, and ain't nobody got time for you.

What a clapback 😂😂😂

Oh this a chance for small steemians like us. So thank you for sharing

I'm just little too, but I've got cajones the size of Texas. And friends. Something this guy can't imagine having.

Lmao. Love the tags.
Suck it nogapoo


That's the sound of this platform smacking you like a teensy tiny little flea. Only fleas have more brains than you.

He must be before my time because I don't recognize the account.

It's best not to.

Still enjoy your voice of warning, sure is loud and clear, keeps me up to date with trolls in here.

With great appreciation to hear a witness give good warning, thanks @sircork have an amazing day.

Be well, be safe. We'll keep the idiots busy over here for you.

This is just an other example of the phuq you stupid,sense of humor I love about you.I love the snarky,smartass approach.

I learned it by growing up on 80s movies. ;)

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