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RE: Oh Noganoo - A Wecomicname

in #noganoo7 years ago (edited)

And if you continue to escalate this situation I assure you grandma will be getting a call.


uhm...isn't that too disturbing? I mean, this goes way further than simple spam...

You should probably get the fuck off the internet, go outside and go talk to someone that can help you with the obvious mental health issues. This behavior isn't remotely something acceptable from an individual that claims to be a god loving christian. :/

I believe under the newer terrorist bills this would be viewed as an act of terror under the American Law.. Not that I'm a huge fan of the governments hold on people but when you start saying crap like this and threatening public events it's not long after that cops show up, bootfuck your door down and go throw you in a cage for 2-10 years for uttering threats, conspiracy to commit murder, etc etc..

Take it from someone who knows man, if you're not having a good time step away and focus on something else.. Hell of a lot more respectable than having some violent delusion meltdown and getting your ass smashed in while doing time in the clink for saying careless words.

hey @klye its @ackza , i have the posting key for this and @command and will try to use them to upvote some good content whgile noganoo is "away" in jail , and i feel like noganoo never meant this comment as a threat, and reviewing the situation I can see that he just feels left out like he probably wanted steemit to be his internet family and he probobly is hurt at everyone attacking him when theres a lot worse users out there, but hey maybe im wrong i just think we should all move on and MAYBE not tho, this dram,a creates a lot of eyeballs and is great content for contents sake just like youtube, lol all that drama creates views! and steemit needs content!

But hey i am just over simplifying and i know im being "that guy" who tells everyone to forget everything and move on, and actualy its been months so i believe we are moving on

but yeah man anyway u can go pm me on discord so u know its actually me, lol its crazy man, i just wanna heal people

io just wanna help the talented people of steemit to not in fighta nd we should understand each other better and I KNOW that is easier said than done

and hey maybe i shoukdnt even chime in here i am probobly not helping hah

This is precisely why you cannot have nice things @noganoo.

I'll leave this comment unflagged because I think the community deserves to see the type of antisocial behavior that has been a catalyst for your account being flagged into oblivion.

1082 votes lol damn hey by the way this is not noganoo, right now this is @ackza (noganoo gave me posting keys and id be happy to cooperate with anyone with plans for them, i already talked to steemspeak about it and offered to give em up to @fyrstikken or whoever wants em, of course when noganoo gets out of jail he could use the master key to change the posting key but he said i could have them to help out minnows and poor people etc, ok i know i know but before you scruitinize that let's just see if we could make lemons out of lemonade with this hah

And i just realized wow it must be really easy to pretend to be someone else here

like i could have just started having a convo with you man and you would never known it was me and that is scarey! I could have just pretended to be noganoo and created reactions out of you or other users, and then go and talk as my actual account @ackza and really screw with people, we should all be careful!

Anyway i can prove that this is me @ackza now and not noganoo who is in jail right now for DUI and maybe other things from what ive heard

I know my situation is unique because I just started talking to noganoo and never had any beef with him, but I don't think he is as big of a problem as we think....

I mean hey if he didnt create all those steemit accounts, then someone else would have, and it would jhave possibly crippled us in the future if we didnt deal with this isue today!

hah i am just trying to make lemonade out of bot net lemons

anyway brian good to see you keep your cool in these situations!

Crazy how all 1000 or so accountrs were focused onhis comment lol

Also if we start calling the cops on every steemit comment we don't like, are we any better than facebook? No seriously and don't give me this crap about "threats" its not a threat he said "blast all of your asses away" how do you know he wasn't talking about sex? XD

You won't do shit little man. I'll give you my address, come see me you woman beater.

tsk tsk, what would jesus say about that comment?

how the fuck do you have so many upvotes to your comment?

@noganoo took advantage of an exploit in the signup system early on and has thousands of accounts. Evidently @command-center is one of them.

we're doomed, aren't we?

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