
I've tested a few bots and it really isn't worth the money. Please see my most recent entries on the topic.

In other mediums, say like YouTube, this is the equivalent of buying subscribers and video views. In the end you are spending money and getting nothing of any value in return.

It's easier, although it might take a bit longer, and more worth while to increase your reputation by commenting and creating decent content.

I agree 100%
It never made sense to me so many early steemians supporters certain bots. Just never made sense to me

It’s all about making $$ or trying to anyway. Less work to make more $$. Giving people a false sense that what they have to show it amazing.

For new people it's a way of seemingly being heard very rapidly. But the numbers are a lie.
In reality it's always going to be about building a community of people to support your content, and making sure that the content produced is the best possible before posting it.

Exactly. It says they have 10,000 followers but 90% of them could care less what is being posted and don’t interact whatsoever. Dead followers

I've been railing about reward pool shennanigans for a while now.

Its one of the reasons I think Steemit may have a long-term problem. There are new user sign-ups, but I suspect a lot of them are bot-related, not living breathing beings.

Seeing bidbots makes me think the end will come sooner than later. Once there are no people left, or just a few, who is going to care?

Worse yet, you have people defending this crazy crap.

I totally agree, I did a live stream yesterday at lunch about it. This is something we all should get behind and support. Like you said, these bots are goin to cause big problems.
I need to head over to that post and flag it and leave a reply on why I flagged it. I think if one flags another should explain their reasoning.

You are right on target!

Thanks for the support.

What you can do, that you might not be aware of, is check someone's account and then click wallet. He spent 25SBD on something called "Promobot" and another 25SBD to something called "rocky1".

Oh ya just buy seats to you own concert and when it is show time the theater is empty. Lol

Yeah. There is no way of genuinely building something great and soon enough he'll get evicted. But the loss of money is ridiculous.

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