in #nigeria7 years ago

Great Minds,
There are these questions that beg for answers so long in my mind each time I look at a friend who is addicted to smoking. How did it start? How can one come out of it? To answer these questions I have made some researches and also made some investigations. In this piece therefore I will share my findings.

Source: Google image
Addiction has been defined in different views, psychological, emotional and otherwise, but for the purpose of this post

Addiction is an act that results when someone takes a substance such as alcohol, cocaine, nicotine or engages in an activity (e.g gambling, sex, shopping) that can be pleasurable but the continuation of which becomes compulsive and interferes with ordinary responsibilities and concerns, such as work, relationships, or health. People who have developed an addiction may not be aware that their behavior is out of control and causing problems for themselves and others.
In fact addiction is gotten from a Latin word meaning to be enslaved or bound to. If you know anyone struggling with addiction you can relate to this easily. The question is how will anyone wants to be enslaved or captured?. IMG_20171125_013520_949.JPG
Source: Google image


The reason people get addicted to drug or habit differs and usually it starts with an innocent and seemingly harmless activity. Starting from one simple act and the effects spread. There are different arguments of how people get addicted but an aspect of it pinpoint the fact that People are motivated and drawn by pleasure. While what brings about pleasure can differ from one person to another (sports, drug, game,sex, music, art, nature, etc.), how the human brain processes pleasurable sensations is scientifically universal.
When people engage in something that makes them feel good, the brain releases dopamine (feel good hormone). This makes them to seek out this activity in the future for that good feeling to be repeated. The human brain stores these memories. The feeling is connected with what activated it. Dopamine changes the brain on a cellular level, commanding the brain to "do it again," which heightens the possibility of relapse even long after the behavior (or drug) has stopped. Dopamine also helps to explain why intense experiences can be just as addictive as drugs.

The sweet feelings caused by this hormone are so powerful and last long so much that the brain urges the user to find more of what did it. Normal activities – once enjoyed – now fade in value to the user. Drugs or the addict become the only well of fulfilment. Eventually, the body and mind become so enslaved on the drug/ activity of choice that to not do or take it again causes discomfort, possibly becomes painful and withdrawal symptoms set in. It is at that point that a diagnosis of addiction is certain. Desire turns to craving, and living without drugs or an addicted lifestyle becomes unimaginable.

There are some risk and contributing factors to addiction. These are some of them;

1 You are likely to be a drug addict if you have Family history of addiction.

  1. Pressures at work or school can lead to an addiction
  2. Having a mental health condition (such as anxiety or depression).
  3. Peer pressure (to drink or smoke). If you have friends that smoke, you are likely to be lured to smoking and eventually become addicted to it.
  4. Stressful home environment can also cause addiction.
  5. Lack of education about substances being taken. Some start taking substances unknowingly until it becomes uncontrollable.
  6. Access to more of the substances or other drugs. Availability of some of these drugs leads to its abuse or become addiction.
  7. Good times with others such as having fun with friends and family can lead to addiction
  8. Negative emotional states such as anger, sadness or stress.

Source: Google image
There are so many dangers associated with addiction ranges from health challenges, relationships loss, loss of self esteem and eventually loss of life ( death).
Addiction puts you at risk of violence, self inflicted injuries, motor vehicle accidents and sexually transmitted diseases. When you’re addicted, you can hardly make wise decisions about your body. Addicts often neglect their health and may not know of their declining mental and physical condition. Because denial is a big part of addiction, an addict convinces himself that he’s perfectly okay, even if he’s losing weight, has heart palpitations, suffers from paranoia or has serious dental problems. Other dangers of addiction include;
Addiction esp drug abuse can cause irregular or rapid heart rate and in some cases heart failure.
It leads to blood borne diseases like hepatitis or HIV (injectable drugs).
High blood pressure (cocaine, meth, PCP)
Impotence or infertility (marijuana, meth, narcotic drugs)
Addiction brings about learning and memory problems.

Another serious danger of addiction is that it separates the user from his or her loved ones, so that the addict’s relationship with the drug takes precedence over everything else. Addicts turn secretive, isolated and defensive in the early stages of substance abuse. As time goes on, they may abandon their marriages, children or intimate partnerships so they can engage in their addiction without any restraints.

The last phase of addiction evils is the loss of self. You can lose yourself by damaging your health, by tarnishing your integrity, by abandoning your personal relationships and by killing your dreams for the sake of drugs. Many addicts are in constant struggle and fight between the part of them that wants to recover and the part that intent on destruction. Very few drug addicts who are genuine to themselves fight this battle alone and win.

Source: Google image
When one is struggling with addiction, sometimes it can seem like an impossible goal. But recovery is never out of reach, no matter how hopeless the condition may seems. Change is possible with the right action, treatment and support, and by addressing the root cause of the addiction. Though you might have tried severally ways and failed in time past, don’t give up. The road to recovery often involves bumps, pitfalls, and setbacks. But by examining the problem and focusing on change, you’re already on your course.
When struggling with addiction the most difficult and first step toward recovery is deciding to make a change. Committing to change involves changing many things that have dealings with the addiction. It may involve changing

Who you allow in your life

The way you deal with stress

How/what you do at your free time

How you think about your life


Keep track of what you are addicted to, including when and how much you use. This will give you a better sense of the role the addiction is playing in your life.

List the good and bad of quitting, as well as the costs and benefits of continuing your addiction.

What are the daily annoyances caused by your addiction? For example, if you are a smoker, maybe you're tired of having to leave your office every time you need to light up

Consider the things that are important to you, such as your partner, your kids, your career, or your health. How does your addiction affect those things?

Let someone you trust tell your about their feelings on your addiction.

Ask yourself if there’s anything stopping you from changing. What could help you make the change?


Keep reminding yourself of the reasons you want to change.

Reflect about your past attempts at recovery, if any. What worked? What didn’t?

Set specific and realistic measurable goals, such as a start date or limits on addiction.

Remove reminders of your addiction from your workplace, your home and other places you frequent.

Let friends and family know that you’re committing to recovery, and ask for their support.

Fill your free time by engaging in exercises. You can take up new hobbies like cooking. You can also distract yourself by hanging out with friends.

Keep clear of your triggers. Keep away of those things, people, or places that take you back to your addiction.

Dont let a relapse end your recovery journey. Continue and keep at it. Dont let shame and guilt of not getting it right with the effort you put in so far deter you.

Celebrate your accomplishments. Anytime you meet the goals you set for yourself do something nice for yourself. Buy good food or cloth. Treat yourself nice.
Dealing with addiction is a tough work and you deserve to be rewarded when you achieve a mark no matter how small the progress might be.






Thanks for reading

Your comments are welcome


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Great topic and appreciated your work. I especially like your post's title. It is properly selescted because it indicates implicitly that if there is an evil side of addiction and drug, there is also a goodness side of drugs. Drugs and addiction can very be helpful in the medical purposes.

Thanks my friend.
Any reason you use anchor logo as your display image? I like it

Yeah that is my account identity because i am the seas' captain who is sailing in the sea of jokes ;)
Just see my Call2Action Gif (below)

byt, If you look carefully at the anchor, you will see a smily face :)

This post has received gratitude of 0.89 % from @appreciator thanks to: @princeso.

To whom we should put this to blame? Is it the producer, the consumer or the parents?

They all share some portion of the blame. The bulk of it goes to parents for failed upbringing, followed by consumer in that order

Indeed, good personality starts at home.

Thanks for the useful input.
You are awesome

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Keep up the good work and original content, everyone appreciates it!

Wow, I am so happy. This made my day. I am so encouraged to work harder.
Thanks a lot

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