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RE: Sick and tired of working for someone else!!

in #nigeria6 years ago

Working a job doesn't make you rich. Being the boss does. I watched people all my life including family work themselves to death (literally), only to reach retirement too damned old to enjoy any part of the rest of their lives. That power chair and those pills come at a high price...

It IS a weird kind of slavery we impose upon all of ourselves but until the way everyone's mindset works changes, it's a sad fact of life I suppose. There are other ways to make money, but no one really addresses them.

Great post by the way.


You are absolutely right. Modern day slavery is more prevalent than we care to admit, and as you said, people literally work themselves to death all for a paycheck which may not even take care of their bills when they eventually retire.
We have to teach ourselves to be more self reliant and to work towards coming up with a lasting solution to this unfair distribution of wealth.

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