Nexty Coin; A Bright Future for Daily Transaction

in #nexty6 years ago (edited)

SEO Description: While a lot of digital currencies are already trying to make this future payment a reality, none has been successful so far. That’s why Nexty Coin was created.

Nexty Coin; A Bright Future for Daily Transaction
The future of payment is expected to be totally different from the current traditional form. That’s right, this Future payment will enable people to make purchases without cash anywhere and at any time. Furthermore, they would incur no transaction fee.

While a lot of digital currencies are already trying to make this future payment a reality, none has been successful so far. That’s why Nexty Coin was created.
As a means of future payments, Nexty intends to support all types of businesses and eliminate the barriers of trading by implementing three factors;

• Instant Transfer
• Zero Transfer fees
• Price Stabilization


The team behind this platform created a very active service network through an already established link to Nexty’s system. The ecosphere is expected to attract startup businesses who will be able to raise their capital through Nexty’s token.
Nexty invented a Duo Currency Confirmations system to enhance user’s transaction experience on this platform. Here is how it works.


There are two different types of cryptocurrency in this system that are supposed to operate in parallel in the Dual Currency Confirmation System.
The first one, with the ticker name NTY, is the main currency used for daily transactions. The other one is NTF and is dedicated to the transaction confirmation system. This system is built on a peer-to-peer network that was designed to meet some criteria necessary for operation. What does this mean, you ask?

It implies that, rather than charging users for every transaction made, holders of the NTF will get a small reward in form of cryptocurrency. This will be given at a minor rate at the end of the sealing round. As such, users can enjoy zero transaction fee, while still enjoying the benefit of contributing to the transaction confirmation system.

A Proof of Foundation algorithm is responsible for creating this bonus. It is also responsible for determining the proportion of what will be created to pay for personnel operation and the pieces of machinery. Thus, ensuring the smooth operation of both NTF and NTY.

Here is the thing, NTY and NTF holders do not get to enjoy the same privileges. While NTY holders can decide the future of the cryptocurrency such as; the block size upgrade, the mining speeds and the transaction confirmation, NTF holders enjoy no such privilege.
However, they will be allowed to build mining and confirmation machine for NTY.


As said earlier, there are two tokens, so, we’ll talk about their specification separately.


The name of the token is Nexty, abbreviated as NTY. And it is based on a Proof of Foundation algorithm. The presale of the token occurred back on December 12, 2017, and the started five days after.
According to the whitepaper, the total token supply is 11,000,000 pNTY. That’s about 110,000,000,000 NTY. However, the pool that will be used for Smart Staking is 4,000,000PNTY. The rest of the token will be used for marketing, development of the platform and incentive for the team.

The minimum stake age is expected to be seven days, while the maximum is 360 days. The platform had a hard cap of 9,460,000 pNTY, which it has successfully reached. So all the remaining pNTY were sent to the Smart Staling Pool. This increased the initial amount for smart staking to 5,540,000 pNTY.


The name of this token is Nexty Foundation, with a ticker being NTF. It’s expected to be available on August 12, 2018. However, only holders of the first 10,000,000 pNTY will have access to it. The initial supply of NTF is expected to be 10,000,000, with the same figure being its maximum supply.


The developers of the platform are expected to release the RESTFUL API access just after the ICO. This access, which will be made available on, will enable the platform to work with other businesses and further develop the ecosystem.
The main aim is to reach a stage where Nexty will be used as a form of payment and users will be able to use it for their daily transactions.
Furthermore, the platform is expected to enter a partnership with other cooperate bodies to hunt and contribute to ICO startups. Paying more attention to startups in the field of FinTech, it’ll help provide a convenient form of payment, as well as become the currency of the future.
Of course, the startups will be thoroughly reviewed before being funded through an Initial Coin Offering.


There are many features offered by Nexty. As such, the team behind this platform raised the necessary fund to implement these features through an ICO. According to the whitepaper, here is how the proceeds will be distributed.
Part of the proceeds will be used for building the initial infrastructure on which both personnel and machinery will operate. This will enable the platform to serve a large number of users.
Another part of the fund raised during the Initial Coin Offering will be used to develop an ecosystem, for Nexty. The developers intend to do this by extending its connectivity to all businesses with a large customer base. It is expected that they’ll integrate Nexty into their system.
The last part of the proceeds will be used to fund many startups in the financial technology field. Consequently, this will lead to a stronger Nexty ecosystem and a more stable Nexty coin in the future.


Investors who have up to 10,000,000 pNTYs will receive 10,000,000 NTF coin. Bearing in mind that NTF coin was designed to be rare, there are many advantages it’ll offer investors in the future.
NTF holders will enjoy a substantial monthly income through the operation of transaction confirmation systems. They’ll also be allowed to buy the NTF for a lower price before listing on the exchange.


The Smart Stoking Program is part of the price stabilization system. It’s a monetary policy that is designed to regulate the demand and supply of the cryptocurrency. This will be done by issuing flexible bonuses and other reward systems, thus inspiring NTY holders to purchase, sell or hold the cryptocurrency as they see fit.
There are four types of staking programs offered by this platform. These include;

  1. 7-day staking
  2. 30-day staking
  3. 90-day staking
  4. 360-day staking
    The reason for dividing these staking into four is simple, to target create a short, middle and long-term effect. That means investors will be able to steadily increase their assets if they keep a minimum balance in their wallet.
    So, the bonus will be added to the owner’s wallet within seven days after the end of each staking period. Check out the white paper for details on how the staking is expected to work.


Nexty offers loads of features to its users through the use of Blockchain technology. More importantly, it was created to solve financial transaction problems associated with the current traditional system. These include;
Slow transaction
Transaction fee
Unstable price

Through the use of the superior features, Nexty will change the financial future of your business in decades to come. Furthermore, everybody on the platform wins.



Authored by: geeboy88
Bitcointalk URL:;u=1874835
Eth Address: 0xdcef7d27bbaae609accdaf43ccf41b042beaffb4
Nexty wallet: 0x193cbff9a312a663259c8b7f151cb313d580198c


@gbenga You have earned a random upvote from @botreporter & @bycoleman because this post did not use any bidbots.

Sounds a great project

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