Gaming on Steem: Planet QUACKsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #nextcolony5 years ago


So I'm obviously biased. Splinterlands is my jam. It's quite possibly the best game in blockchain.

I know that seems like I'm tooting my own horn since I work on the game. But for anyone who's tried playing any other crypto games, you know it's true. Splinterlands has a healthy lead in critical areas that other games in the space have trouble with. But I'll get into that in another post.

But that doesn't mean that I can't enjoy and appreciate other games too. I like tacos, but that doesn't mean I want to eat them for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. There's room for some variety.

Any game on Steem is going to automatically get my attention. I like Steem, so I'm always excited to hear about new apps on the blockchain. NextColony is a good example of this.

I've been playing since the game launched. For most of the time I've played, it's been pretty uneventful. I log in once or twice a day, upgrade a building or skill, and...that's it. I mean, THAT'S the game. List views and timers.

Which is fine.

There's room for all sorts of games. And this one does not require a huge investment in time, which many would consider a good thing. In fact, some might say that's the reason they LIKE the game.

So for the past two months, I've been mining, mining, mining. Building, building, building, building. Then finally, I was exploring, exploring, exploring, exploring.

Two months.

Well over 100 explorations.

I found nothing.

Pretty depressing. I start wondering how long I should keep doing this. How many lost spaceships before the population of my home planet revolts and shuts down the space program? So far, it seems like a gross misuse of funds. I'd be pretty pissed off I was a contributing taxpayer.

Luckily, the planet DOOM is ruled by a tyrant that has convinced the populace that there's only two options: (A) Join the Space Marines of DOOM or (B) Get tossed in a volcano.

So that's that.

Well, today it happened. A courageous crew of cybernetic monkeys reported back that a new planet has been discovered! The EMPIRE OF DOOM is now that much more glorious.

Unfortunately, it's only a Common planet. Over 100 explorations, and I get a stupid Common.

If I played Splinterlands for 2 months straight with the promise of getting a new card...and I finally got my card. And it was a Rusty Android? I'd go ballistic. I would start throwing puppies.

Okay, fine. When the universe gives you lemons, you make the planet QUACK.

The planet QUACK is the home of a race of Quackians, evil sentient ducks that have developed brain powers like telepathy and telekinesis. They also shoot laser beams from their eyes.


The DOOM EMPIRE will be assisting with a Ducks in Space (DIS) program that should accelerate the Quackians' space exploration capabilities just in time to discover that everything's already been explored. But I'm counting on them being really pissed off, since that means they'll want to create a war armada that is capable of pooping on the entire galaxy.

Genius plan, right?

Welp, guess I'll keep exploring from planet DOOM for now. We're almost out of cyber-monkeys though. We'll need to start using pandas.

I've already decided what to name my next planet. As a tribute to the BEST Splinter in all the Splinterlands, the next planet of the DOOM EMPIRE will be known simply as:



Of course, if I have to wait another 2 months before I find another planet, I'm pretty sure I'll be the one that's experiencing death (at the hands of all the players who have the resources to develop huge, plasma drive, warp traveling battle cruisers, armed with death rays and space torpedoes...crewed by scientists, engineers, and fleet commanders...all seeking my coal).

Hmmm. Who needs uranium? I'm going to create steam ships that are powered with just coal.

Welp, there's only 16 hours left until the season ends in Splinterlands.

So my coal-fueled space conquest will need to wait.



Sounds like a fun ducking place.

I just reached the 100 explorations mark and havent found shit, whats worse is my neighbor just destroyed 3 of my explorers... fun game! lol

Oh wow. That sucks!

I didn’t know you could attack explorers.

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Nice! I am soooo looking forward to when I get my first explorer ship it took some serious effort to get there.

Space games tend to be like MS Excel.
Remember EVE.

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