Learn again... 5 Minute #Freewrite: Prompt: window

in #nextcolony5 years ago (edited)

mi planeta1.jpg

mi planeta3.jpg


I wake up and open the curtains that cover the windows is usual

Because there is no day or night here, but I know I can see the passage of the ships of other colonists who are preparing to search for planets in the exploration.

Meanwhile I see it happen and I feel a little intimidated because I know they are preparing for a War.

I will not participate for the moment because I am a pacifier that is not peaceful.

I think we have the war suit written in our DNA.
Although we proclaim and acclaim peace. LOL.

It's crazy I open my site in the monitor window.
My center is a little crazy, I could not balance.

In my shop window there are several models of costumes.
One says love
I have to start dressing up with these new suits.
They will make us learn these new feelings.

Ancient people, in fact, were part of the first humans.

But then they disappeared in such a way that now they are labeled as new

Well, I'm going to pick up my training suit; When I put it on, I'll know how it feels.
Today I saw the post of my videos from the library. I have my ballerina friend @donatello.
I'll put it today because I want to dance with the love suit and he transmits it to me.
Pure love for things, although I do not feel it. I know what can help me identify the feeling.

I hope I can give a good report on the use of demand.

If you want to participate in the freewritte contest, from @mariannewest.

Enter here.

What was previously written is inspired by the NextColony game

Mi ficha.jpg

that was it.
happy life.
@ mariita52


Will I rather call this sci-fi or futuristic sci-fi.

Anyway, it's cool to read.

danke für den vorschlag
Ich habe gerade auf Deutsch veröffentlicht und ich werde es als Tag verwenden.

Beautiful beginning to a story of humanity venturing beyond our point of origin - I love view out the spaceship window of other colony ships passing in the darkness (presumably visible only because they're lit up). Magical piece! And you remind of Corinthians 13, donning the breastplate of this and the armor of that, when you write,

In my shop window there are several models of costumes.
One says love
I have to start dressing up with these new suits.
They will make us learn these new feelings.

And this is cool:

Ancient people, in fact, were part of the first humans.
But then they disappeared in such a way that now they are labeled as new

My understanding is that some who disappeared, e.g. Neanderthals, did so by mingling with us. The originals are gone. Some humans have no Neanderthal DNA, but other humans do (and redheads are said to have Neanderthal origins). But I digress!

Greetings @carolkean

Thanks for your beautiful comment.
All my writings are influenced by the Bible, it is the first thing I read and study when I get up.

That day he had read the writings of the Apostle Paul.

“But, besides all these things, clothe yourselves with love, for it is a perfect bond of union.”​ -COLOSSIOS 3:14.

"Strip off the old personality with its practices, and clothe yourselves with the new personality, which through accurate knowledge is being made new according to the image of the One who created it.”​ (Colossians 3: 8-10).

“The fruitage of the spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faith, mildness, self-control.”(Galatians 5:22, 23).

Those texts were my study that morning.

Yes, they definitely influenced my writing.

Thanks for; see beyond what is obvious.

I use a translator.

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