Saying Goodbye to an Amazing 2017 and Looking Forward to an Even Better 2018!

in #newyear7 years ago (edited)

🎉 Happy New Year Everyone! 2017 has been an amazing and jam-packed year for myself and I'm sure it has been for many of you as well! 🎉

Every year I like to write down some of the most important things that happened to me throughout the year and I also like to ask myself a few questions and compare my answers from year to year.

I'd love to hear your responses to these questions and I'll also be sharing my responses in the comments below.

  1. If I were writing a book about my life what moment, event or person would I name as being the highlight of 2017?
  2. What is one of the most interesting things that I have learned this year?
  3. What am I most looking forward to in the coming year?

Please take this time to also reflect on the past year and think about all the abundance and great things that have happened to you. Focus on the good and learn from the bad. Exit 2017 with a positive reflection while you enter 2018 with exuberant joy for an even better future!

Technology, cryptocurrency, Steem and much more are going to have an amazing 2018 and I look forward to sharing this upcoming year with everyone here! Your support is what makes this all possible, and I couldn't be more grateful for it!


1). My highlight of 2017 is joining Steemit which allowed me to start building this amazing community!

  1. If I were writing a book about my life what moment, event or person would I name as being the highlight of 2017?

Winning WEGO Health's 'Rookie of the Year' Award for my advocacy work with people who have ostomies.

  1. What is one of the most interesting things that I have learned this year?

That I'm stronger than I thought possible. Many time I have pushed myself or been pushed to breaking point and still survived to see the sun rise the next day. Will it matter in 5 years. I think not.

  1. What am I most looking forward to in the coming year?

Growing my footprint on #steemit and finding a way out if my traditional job.

Happy New Year! I look forward to seeing you around the blockchain.

Thank you for sharing what you learned through 2017. It seems ironic that you won an award for your work in ostomies but want to leave your job now. Still I know what you mean by you want to find a way out of your traditional job. After graduation I worked a year in a lad studying tumor suppressors in graduate school. I though it would be interesting and useful to society but after just a few months I found it to be the most tedious worked I ever put my hands to. I kept a group of transgenic mice and isolated and analyzed their RNA on gel phoresis. After one year I couldn't stand it and came to Korea as a teacher. Here I was challenged and began to grow. I hope the best for you in 2018.

Thank you & you too. My traditional job isn't with ostomates (people with an ostomy). I work as an accountant. I hope to leave that to do more within the ostomy community.

Ahh, even more reason to leave that job.

Wow! You had quite a year, congratulations!!! Thanks for your support and as your footprint on #steemit grows, so will your ability to quit your traditional job!! I wish you all the best in 2018 and look forward to seeing you around! 🥂

Thank you! 😁

I'll remember 2017 like it was yesterday

Engines on, boosters on, next stop..... All the way to the moon!

Bless ya man. Happy new year @khaleelkazi

🚀🚀🚀🚀 Together to the Moon! Happy new year and thank you for all your support, it means so much to me! 🥂🥂🥂🥂

YEAH! 🚀🚀🚀🚀

(2-3)"What did I learn and what am I looking forward to?"

This year will be the year @mineopoly mines the heart. I learned from 2017 that only one kind of currency is profitable to mine. This is not XMR. The one currency profitable to mine is my own heart. By the end of 2018 I will be successful in mining my heart so that I will be able to begin to mine the hearts of others. I got rid of mining crypto this year and will focus on reading. This is the last week I will post on Steemit twice a day. From next week I will write only once a day. This will be more profitable and allow me time with family. Don't worry. I will still write thoughtful comments here. This one place that stirs me to think and rewards me for thinking. I'm glad to see more people participate here at @khaleelkazi blog. This is one of the places I will take time to mine my heart in 2018. I give my thanks to everybody who participates.

Thank you so much for your continued support and activity in the community, it is appreciated more than you know! I'm glad to hear that you'll be doing more introspection this year, I also plan to spend more time reading and learning! 2018 will be a great year for me financially, but I also want to make sure that financial rewards don't get in the way of intellectual ones. It's been a pleasure to meet you and here's to a brighter future that we will build together! 🥂

I am with you all the way. And I am learning from you every step but following you is like following a rocket.

Great idea! I also like to document things. It helps a lot!

If I were writing a book about my life what moment, event or person would I name as being the highlight of 2017?

Going on a cross North American journey in a van with no plan.

What is one of the most interesting things that I have learned this year?

This is the year I learned about blockchain technology. It was one of those great aha moments of my life. It just made sense! I then found Steemit.

What am I most looking forward to in the coming year?

I look forward to teaching and consulting with others at our local food shelter about technology that will benefit their lives.

Happy New Year and thank you for your insightful and educational posts!!

This is the year I learned about blockchain technology. It was one of those great aha moments of my life. It just made sense! I then found Steemit.

I had a very similar experience ^^! Working at a local food shelter is very honorable of you! Happy New Years 🥂

If I were writing a book about my life what moment, event or person would I name as being the highlight of 2017?

Reconciling with my sister in Mexico

What is one of the most interesting things that I have learned this year?

That I was missing community and didn't know it.

What am I most looking forward to in the coming year?

Behaving like a fully realized adult!

Great post!!!

"That I was missing community and didn't know it."

Wow, that's a great answer! I also feel that I was missing community and didn't know it until I made it to Steemit! Thanks for sharing!! 🥂

It is absolutely true. Working from home makes for isolation but volunteering and opening up has helped me recover balance.

Happy new year @khaleelkazi and all steemians..... May this New Year brings all of you a peace filled life, warmth and togetherness in our family and much prosperity! Happy New Year!

Happy New Year @sonny.dharmawan! Thank you so much for all your support, it is greatly appreciated and I look forward to seeing more of you in 2018!

First of all, Wishing you and your family a wonderful New Year and more energy to write more blogs and comments in the new year.

Coming to your questions as retro,

  1. If I were writing a book about my life what moment, event or person would I name as being the highlight of 2017?
    I would like to write about the moment I was introduced to Steemit by @composer and my journey on Steemit so far, that has to be one of the biggest moments of my life as that made me so busy that, I spend most of my day on Steemit, writing blogs, replying to comments and writing comments on the posts I like. Ofcourse, rewarding those good posts is always there.

  2. What is one of the most interesting things that I have learned this year?
    I use to write blogs earlier, but in this last 97 days of journey on Steemit, I learned to write blogs in a better way and made so many good friends and got to read so many nice blogs that only made me a better a blogger and writer, thanks to Steemit and wonderful people here.

  3. What am I most looking forward to in the coming year?
    I am looking to write blogs on different topics and write as much more as possible and interact with many guys via comments and reply. Improving my Steem Power to be of more helpful to those who write original contents and good contents is another aspect I am looking forward to.

Thanks for asking those questions and helping ourselves to set goals at the beginning of this New Year.

Wishing again a Happy and Prosperous New Year. :)

Sorry I'm getting to this super late, it's been a packed week! I wish you and your family a wonderful New year as well! Thanks for your answers, they are very insightful and inspiring! 2018 will be a prosperous year for crypto, STEEM, and steemians alike! I look forward to sharing this prosperous year with you and all of our fellow Steemians! Keep at it my friend! Cheers to a prosperous New Year!!!! 🥂

Thank you @khaleelkazi, yes the year 2018 began on a good note, we can Steem shooting above 8 and SBD is always around $10. It's not just the money, the more newer people means better circulation of Steem and that should make it more interesting.

Take care and Have a great day :)

If I were writing a book about my life what moment, event or person would I name as being the highlight of 2017? Driving off the dealer's lot in June in a new 2017 Nissan Leaf. Having the opportunity to drive an electric vehicle the past six months has been a wonderful experience.

What is one of the most interesting things that I have learned this year? That all fiat currencies eventually go to zero. Usually very quickly once the hyperinflation starts.

What am I most looking forward to in the coming year? The continuing adoption of cryptocurrencies worldwide, and seeing their positive effect in areas government manipulation and hyperinflation.

Happy new year to all!

"The continuing adoption of cryptocurrencies worldwide, and seeing their positive effect in areas government manipulation and hyperinflation."

🙏🏽 I look forward to this as well! 2018 will, without a doubt be a huge year for crypto! I'm looking to get my first EV soon as well! I'm glad you love yours, it makes me even more excited to get my hands on one! Here's to an amazing 2018 🥂

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