Shuper Shaturday Shitpost

in #newsteem5 years ago (edited)

There comes a time in every human's life when they go to the mirror,
take a good, long look,
and notice none of those other damn humans said anything about the mustard on the chin.

You and I, we're going to have a little talk.

NoNamesLeftToUse - Bananas.png


Why didn't anyone tell me? Hmm?

I don't know if you know this but you should know this:

I take great pride in the first few opening lines of my posts.


I said it.

Now, after all this time, why didn't anyone tell me the front end known as Steem Peak includes far more characters in the preview than something like Steemit, Palnet, or that awesome tribe everyone should enjoy known as Creative Coin where you can stake tokens and get paid to be entertained with the push of button?
(See what I did there?)

I've been making an ass out of myself!

I had a look at Steem Peak today and noticed my post previews make me look like some kind of amateur who just emerged from the woods after spending a lifetime of hunting squirrels, digging wild roots with a stick, and socializing with wild cats all while wishing to leave the forest someday to become a blogger who sometimes writes incredibly long sentences that end with a laugh.

The classic @NoNamesLeftToUse post goes like this:

  • intro/opening line(s) - always italics and centered
  • first image - I call it the 'cover'
  • then, hopefully, some kind of an article or blog post you shall enjoy
  • credits
  • publish
  • Miller time

The intro/opening line(s) above the first image must ALWAYS fill up the ENTIRE preview section otherwise the potential new follower who will adore me forever if I make a good first impression will read something like this:

I'll never be able to understand why so many people fall for bullshit. I learned early, I can only trust myself but that doesn't mean I'll have it all figured out. The Drunken Clown Walks Home After The Bar As Usual I've spent more time producing...

That's Steem Peak's preview version of this:

Screenshot (658).png

Notice how Steem Peak's version makes me look like I'm of the short bus crowd or maybe like a... like uh — like a case of writer's block mid-simile?

The opening lines, name of the image, and first header; they all blend together and some of it is capitalized! That is NOT how one formulates a sentence and makes an intro POP, people!

I'm so embarrassed.

I demand industry standards!

Ha! I'm just messing around.

I'm a busy guy. It took me this long to take a long look at how my blog appears on Steem Peak. I haven't had a chance to push all of the fancy buttons yet but I like it. Hopefully, moving forward, my previews won't look like a train wreck over there.

Gotta dress to impress.
Amirite #NewSteem?

We interrupt this blog post with more of the same shit, unfortunately.

I'm currently experiencing a battle with my inner beast.

I produce art but can't seem to art lately.

These things happen. Sometimes the brain just needs a break from creating things and I don't feel like forcing anything I don't want to do, for fear of the fizzle pop sound my head makes when I overload the circuitry stuff.

I can still sit here and shoot the shit-post though. I don't mind.

It's this, or none of this.

I suppose I could be out curating...

Speaking of which!

I have some interesting news.

In my previous post I had mentioned a few observations such as noticing more curators seeping out of the cracks to hit vote buttons again instead of getting paid to look away like crooked cops by selling votes, or getting paid to stare at themselves in the mirror all day, by self voting nonsensical shit posts used as filler to accumulate more of the thing they were attempting to lower the value of.

Getting paid to look, is sweet. Above, I said, "Get paid to be entertained." Does that line not trigger a few warm fuzzy feelings for you? That line is so much easier to sell than, "Get paid to create content," because:

1) Content producers get paid everywhere, that's what we do, we make content and get paid.
2) Where can you get paid to be entertained? Nowhere.

It's not a cold prickly!

And now I'll continue writing and explain why.

Curators should outnumber content producers by one thousand to one, at least. Think of a theater. One on stage, many many more butts in the seats. Think of a Youtube video. One video, millions of views, thousands upon thousands of 'likes' or upvotes, and yes, a few downvotes. People also walk out of theaters and demand to have money back as well. Life.

Anyway, get paid to be entertained is an easy sell and that's not the first time you've heard me say that (read me write that).


As I witness many content producers here freak the fuck out about lost revenue...

I'm interested in finding ways to increase the value of that 50% cut. As I had mentioned in that previous post linked above, having more curators around will most certainly increase the overall value of a post they like or a producer they prefer to support consistently.

More curators helps, yes, and there's another way to increase the value of that 50%.


LOL! Hit the damn vote button, too!

Seriously though. I did some calculations and I feel smart.

I currently have six posts published and waiting to be finalized after the seven day pay period. I selected the four posts with the lowest current values, because as a content producer, the lowest valued posts piss you off the most when half of the total is yours.

Utilizing my current Steem World statistics, I added up the current value in SP that is intended to be the curators cut of those four posts. 68.273 SP total, as of this writing.

With Steem World again, I hit the refresh button under the 'coming rewards' section, curation rewards department. 78.964 SP total, as of this writing, coming my way, because I consumed content and got paid to be entertained.

Bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing!

We have a winner!

I'm fine with that tally, especially after I had opened my big mouth long before the hardfork and these changes to say a content producer who powered up should be able to make up for some of those post losses, simply by curating. So it's not as big of a loss as it would superficially appear on paper.

Now, I realize many out there will want to look like the bigger person by standing up for the little guy and saying something like, "Now it's harder for them!"

I promise you, as someone who's been here for three years and has a decent pile of earned SP, it's a tough pill to swallow when you're about to take a pay cut. What's worse? Starting last month and taking a pay cut or being here for years and taking a pay cut?

It's harder for all content producers, so let's be realistic here, it's an equal pay cut percentage from top to bottom. Still far better than getting completely demonetized like some of those other folks who once enjoyed other places though.


Once again, things I said long ago came true, today.

I had said curation rewards would make up for post loss, and it's all on the blockchain. If you powered down and cashed out everything, and now feel like quitting, because you're earning less — please try to remember your own decisions led to that point.

When I wrote this post:

Screenshot (659).png

I was attempting to explain how for some, it's wise to run your blog like a business and be prepared for anything.

So now, as a content producer, maybe after you're reading this, you'll find a reason to hold on to a few more of those tokens and power them up, or stake them if you're doing the tribe thing. The incentive is there and if I'm not mistaken, finding ways to increase the value of these tokens was part of the reason we endured this recent hardfork.

Real Conclusion

Part two, of the end.

It just came to my attention that the only reason this article was so long and informational, is because I'm sitting at the lake, drinking beer.

I had no idea what I was going to write until I started writing it and now we have this — plus I have a strong buzz.

I hope whatever the fuck I just did actually helps someone, someday.

And with that, it's time for me to go paddle out into the middle of the lake and just float there for a bit because that seems like a damn good idea right now.

I wish you all the best.

Have a nice day.

All art and images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
NoNamesLeftToUse Outro.png
All content within this blog is 100% organic ACTUAL CONTENT and contains no paid vote additives!

"If there's a typo, that's your problem. I'll be back to respond in a bit."

© 2019 @NoNamesLeftToUse.


Hey friend! I'm going to harp on this because it doesn't seem like bigger accounts are really really getting it:

It's harder for all content producers, so let's be realistic here, it's an equal pay cut percentage from top to bottom.

Is just not true.
I don't mind 50/50. That isn't the problem.

Curve, you know. I'm sure you've seen me harp on it elsewhere. Anything that isn't attracting votes worth dollars also shouldn't (I mean, it's the wrong choice for users hoping to build influence) attract votes worth cents now, since there's essentially a disincentive to take a chance on an underappreciated user by a small user.

Rewards curve hurts not only how much folks earn immediately, but it also means that only whales can discover new content (or folks who run very popular voting trails, I suppose). It means if you like something that appeals to a bunch of small users, but no large users, you still shouldn't upvote it.

This is not a positive behavioral change.


I had said curation rewards would make up for post loss, and it's all on the blockchain. If you powered down and cashed out everything, and now feel like quitting, because you're earning less — please try to remember your own decisions led to that point.

Pretty much my thoughts too. Treating Steem as an income and not investing at least some of it back into Steem Power... To get oh, the dirty word rich, or let's say wealthy (because soft language is trending nowadays) you have to own something. It's easy to blame the whales and the world for not getting enough (and especially the curve, oh the crushing curve, destroyer of hopes and dreams), and while some people have gotten rich by corruption, what if some people got rich wealthy slowly: adding to their own wealth, powering up to that SP, bit by bit, and waiting for that second marshmallow instead of eating the one and only immediately. What if only few manage to do that, because that's the secret and it's genuinely hard to do? Not just in Steem (afterall, "no one in Steem got rich from content because ninja mine")
Skin in the game – Steem Power isn't possible to be cashed out immediately, what if they should also be rewarded for it, after all, they are the ones who fund the growth of other users, those who claim they don't earn enough.

I refreshed my pending curation rewards: 16 SP. That is about DOUBLE what I saw pre-HF21. It's not more than what I earn from posts (even without @ocdb), but it is growing to a more significant source of SP by day.
I have still have some auto-votes going, but I actually decreased those vote weights, because I noticed I was finding myself finding new authors and content to vote on, especially on creativecoin, some of those posts I later found on SteemPeak's curated content – I feel like a genius! I actually am involved with a new curation project myself, so for those who decide it's not worth it to create content anymore: there's an increasing amount of curation efforts coming left and right.

About the "horrible curve": I'm not yet judging whether it's good or bad, but what if it's point is to shift authors' focus from quantity to quality – up your content game, so that the better post will get a boost when it gets more votes. Of course people will figure an excuse not to do that: "Already famous people get above the curve all the time just for being popular." Yes... that might be true, and life isn't fair, proof-of-brain isn't perfect either, we're humans after all. But still, that person who's popular – do you know their history? There's a good chance they've been here for a long time and actually done something good for the Steem ecosystem. There were cases in my early days when I thought "how does this content creator deserve so much rewards all the time", only coming to later re-evaluate my position to realize that what they are doing isn't actually that simple after dipping my toes into content creation myself.

Power Up folks, it has never been a better idea than today, especially on these prices. With little disposable income I managed to add a substantial amount even to my dolphin account that it's crazy.

that second marshmallow

Yes. I know exactly what you're referring to.

there's an increasing amount of curation efforts coming left and right.

100% truth. It's so damn early in the game and many producers in panic mode need to settle down and realize hard times aren't meant to be permanent. People will figure this shit out, especially since there are incentives like curation rewards. I hope that Steem World is giving me accurate results.

Screenshot (661).png

I received some since publishing, so it's down a little bit, and it appears I'm not even at my full potential. I curate manually, and I'm often late to the party. I think the reward pool still needs to settle in yet as well, so I'm not sure if I should expect these numbers consistently just yet; maybe more, maybe less, I'm unsure. The fact remains. I can still make up for some of the post loss, and it was my choice to put myself in this position. Everyone else is free to do the same if they want.

"Already famous people get above the curve all the time just for being popular."

I had wrote long ago about how popularity is a thing and it won't just go away. At the same time, anyone who is popular, they started with nothing. Same playing field. Someone who recently started a band can't expect to play stadiums tomorrow, and they most certainly wouldn't look at the popular bands playing the stadiums today and accuse them of doing something wrong. That's where setting goals, doing a good job, and being consistent take people.

I haven’t really changed anything and my numbers seem to be bigger. I’ve cashed out twice (one was a test) and never powered down and also haven’t yet sold the tokens I don’t want for ones I do want (I’ll get there when I feel like it) so maybe there’s something in that 😜

Posted using Partiko iOS

It's working my quirky content producer!
Your consistency is paying off, a fine example of how doing your thing can work out now that some curators are lurking about. Even if you're not arting at your highest levels currently you're at least being honest, bringing something to the table and not sharting up the place..

Miller time!

Posted using Partiko Android

Unavailable in my country 🤔 must be too hot for someone 😂

I get the long run on sentence part but what do you mean by laugh?


Eh, you know how’fa king funny that was, right? Thanks, nonames, that was great. Even had my wife twice like “what are you reading? What’s so funny??”

Was it actually funny though? Like haha funny or just ha? How many has out of has?

I never know because I know how everything ends. As I'm writing I often find myself wondering how those who don't realize I'm just joking will take it. If they're reading it with their angry tone of voice, I'm screwed.

Oh man! Eh, I know exactly what you mean. The funny ones are the toughest I’m always “I hope I’m not the only one who thinks this is funny....” They’re the toughest for me.

Nah dude, way more than two ha’s. Out loud, interrupting whatever my wife was trying to read ha’s. Good stuff.

I screwed up awhile back. Stumbled across a post where the writer was completely destroying themselves, talking about how pathetic their life is, and those were the words used. Pathetic. It seemed so outrageous that I honestly thought it was intended to be self-deprecating humor. In Canada it's almost normal for us to laugh at ourselves. I laughed and recommended the writer use the 'funny' tag. I was later called a bully. Oops.

To write humor here, you have to keep at it and hope enough people find you, and get it. Once the comments start coming in steady then it becomes safe to push things a little further because guaranteed someone will stop by to laugh or goof around, making it clear to anyone else new to the place that it's humor.

Flippant humor and satire are tough ones when presented in writing. I almost feel like adding a disclaimer at the top but that completely ruins the jokes.

Having so many different cultures around makes it difficult as well. We don't all joke the same way.

Good luck on getting a standardized look to your post on various front end feeds. Kind of how some internet pages looked good on Netscape and like shit on MS Explorer. Steempeak does give 3 options for feed view, the third one is similar to the steemit and other front ends.

!BEER a virtual drink for your digital assistant if the brewmeister is not falling down on his job.

Yeah, I'll have to stay on top of these things moving forward and ensure I'm delivering the same experience in every direction. They won't sell a magazine with typos on the cover. That's life. Though I take a rather unorthodox approach to all this, it still doesn't hurt to at least maintain some degree of professionalism.

Watch out for O’Leary’s boat...

There's a few with those fancy planes that land on water. You make damn sure to give them room.

Your writing skill is excellent, I should learn from you.

I came back to this post to finish reading all of it after i had already voted and realized i didn't vote fairly.

Deserved much higher. :)

I appreciate the actual curation!

I hope you're enjoying getting paid to be entertained.

Curators should outnumber content producers by one thousand to one, at least.

That would be an ideal entertainment setting but doubt it will happen. Yeah the pay cut sucks for perhaps it is for the good of all concerned. God that sounds socialistic. Enjoyed the article.

edit: This is the best game in town for older people with some money and time, me thinks anyway

This is the best game
In town for older people
With money and time

                 - michealb

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

With a solid foundation of quality and the right marketing campaign, timed well, you'd be surprised.

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