Tips to Increase Quality of Your Publications.

in #newsteem5 years ago

Tips to Increase Quality of Your Publications.

Reviewing my latest publications on Steemit, I asked myself... How can I improve the quality of my posts? I hadn't been getting the expected feedback and, I admit, I was getting a little upset for my own results. I decided not to give up so easily and set about answering this question on my own. And to help myself and helping to you as well I got these simple but valuable tips that I consider very important to apply correctly to each of our publications.

I realized that these tips can not only help me in my growth, they can also help you, because I'm sure that at some point you have asked the same question. Whether you're a new user or an old one, this post may be useful to you. I hope it will be of benefit for you. Let's get started...



Many times we encounter many problems when writing a post. Sometimes, we don't know how to start, other times, we don't know how to intertwine the ideas so that they have coherence, these and other types of problems reduce considerably the quality of our post, making them unattractive for the public we want to reach. If this is your case, this post is for you, and also I´m creating something to myself, something to remind me why is too important do it well.

Here are some tips to improve the quality of your publications.

  • Follow the trends.



Steemit page in which you can visualize the tags that are in trend.

If you want to excel in any social network, not only in Steemit, it is important that you are always aware of trends. Regardless of your style and the central theme of your blog, it is always good to be at the forefront.

In Steemit you can find out which tags are most used here:, in addition, you can visualize which are the tags that have generated higher profits and even the amount of comments that have been made in publications that contain that tag.

You can always mold your style a little and combine it intelligently with current trends, so you can write what you like and at the same time attract an audience.

  • Define the goal of the content in advance.



The more you have defined what you want to do, the easier it will be to develop a theme.

Many pages recommend that you always, before you publish, be aware of what you are going to publish and how you are going to capture it.

Seek to publish useful, fun and updated content. The community will thank you for it.

  • Choose a smart time to publish.



Morning or evening? If you get the ideal time to publish your content, you'll get more visitors.

No, no kidding, the time of publication has a degree of importance that can significantly influence your post. Depending on the audience you want to reach, be they Americans, Latinos, Europeans, etc., it may be more convenient for you to publish at a certain time than at another.

  • Make a difference in your publications.



You can always talk about a common theme, but do it with a new perspective.

It is not something new that certain topics have already been posted by different users before. For example, you can find many reviews of the same topic, even tips on how to improve the quality of your post surely there will already be hundreds. But don't let that stop you, try to bring something new, offer a new perspective and make a difference.

  • Be yourself when writing.



If you're practical, you can reach a lot of people, which translates into higher profits for you.

That's where I read that it's good to write in a "friendly" way. Instead of using a specialized jargon, use a simple language that is able to reach a much wider audience. If you master the subject, this won't be a problem and you'll get the same information to your followers.

  • Use short paragraphs.



In very long paragraphs, you can produce an effect of excess information unattractive to users.

Long paragraphs are unattractive to the general public. Our brain is fooled into believing that what we are about to read is extremely boring and long, and we immediately decide to change post.

If you don't want to summarize, make the publication more attractive by dividing long paragraphs into smaller paragraphs, you will be surprised by the results.

  • Be concise, be practical.



Try to always be concise with the information you put in your publication.

Don't do a doctoral thesis, many just want to hang out and learn new, interesting and fun things. Also, you run the risk of becoming extremely frustrated if you spent an entire week writing a publication and in the end did not receive the expected feedback.

  • Use subtitles.



Subtitles will guide the reader and improve the perception of the information shared in the publication.

This makes your publication more friendly and organises the information in a very blogging and professional way. Don't hesitate to use them..

  • Think about the title.



Never judge a post by its title, but it is important to give an excellent first impression.

Don't underestimate the title of your publication. That's where I read the title that almost or more important than the content of the publication, because you can have the best post in the world, but if the title is not attractive nobody will take the trouble to read it.

  • Carefully select the main image.



A correctly chosen image will act as a megaphone attracting the attention of potential readers.

This, along with the title of the publication, is the hook. Use them well and you will see how many readers you will receive. Of course, the image has to match the content of the publication and don't cheat with sensational images, you can lose audience.

  • Check before publishing.



With this last step, you will guarantee that your publication has quality and is worthy of voting.

Check before publishing. You should always take two or three glances before clicking on "publish". There can always be spelling mistakes or some sentence that doesn't fit very well, sometimes we even want to restructure an entire section within the post. Take your time, it's better quality than quantity.

I hope I haven't been too long. I´m sure this post will be helpful for you and me at the same time. If you have any other advice and think that I missed something important that you would like to add to the list, please let me know in the comment section, It will be nice to read something from you.

A lot of hugs..!!



Hello dear @edgarare1, great topic.

Very useful your publication, to be honest, I do not pay much attention to the trends when publishing and some things that you advise here I do not apply, I will try to apply your advice to avoid the results.

Thank you for sharing this post, I know it will be useful for many of us.

Hello my friend @fucho80

Thanks a lot for your comment, you right, and it was the same for me because I didn't pay attention to the trends section before, also this publication is helping me too, and it is changing my mind for the #newsteem.

have a great time...!!

Well constructed and insightful. Be nice of Steemit to create a writer's or project lounge, like a mini blogging school/library.

Thank you so much my friend @machnbirdsparo

I hope it can help a little bit someone else, thanks a lot for the new suggestion..!!

Posted using Partiko iOS

That's an interesting post @edgarare1. Consider sharing it with others on project hope telegram channel.

Thanks a lot @project.hope

Posted using Partiko iOS

thanks to you for reading the post @pedrobrito2004

I hope it can help you a little bit with your next publications...

@edgarare1, You are doing two things at the same time and that is Self Improvement and with that you are sharing your experience with us. Keep up the good work and stay blessed.

Posted using Partiko Android

thanks a lot @chireerocks

Yeah, you right, I´m still learning everyday...

Welcome. Keep learning and keep expanding. Stay blessed.

Posted using Partiko Android

Enjoy your publication very much.

I share many of the tips with you, but sometimes I don't use them in myself. I must concentrate on that.

On the other hand, you have made me internalize the meaning of working with the trend. Going in search of that collective mind will get you to more people.

Thanks a lot for your comment @yonnathang it is a pleasure for me to hear that some of this suggestions will help you a little bit..!!

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And add some spaces between the text paragraphs to facilitate the reading 🤪

That’s right. I agree with you my friend @forykw

Short paragraphs looks like better and can read easily..!!!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Solid read @edgarare1. It's always a great thing to be able to refresh all that knowledge.

In Steemit you can find out which tags are most used here
Those are definetly most often used tags, but not most often visited lol :)
Using tags in theory can bring more traffic, bit that's just a theory. I asked several people if they ever check tags to see if they can find any post worth their time and the answer is pretty much the same. No. They don't. Hardly anyone does. At least that's my impression so far.

I wonder if you ever check tags to see what other people write? I'm fully aware that some (palnet,steemleo,newsteem) can get some extra traffic, but there isn't many tags which are attracting real attention.

Morning or evening? If you get the ideal time to publish your content, you'll get more visitors.

Ehm, that's an interesting question. Since our audience is usually scattered across the globe, then morning in your place can mean evening at someones else location :)

Maybe I'm wrong. However I've noticed that it matters only if you post something on weekday or weekends.

Great read. Upvote on the way.

Hello my friend @crypto.piotr

thanks a lot for your feedback,

I wonder if you ever check tags to see what other people write?

Yeah, before my publication I always check some tags, and check some publications as well..

Actually, you right... Nobody knows what is the best content, because sometimes I was testing publishing just simple photos and the results surprised me because the rewards are higher than a publishing of content.

I´m still looking for the best time to publish..

Ehm, that's an interesting question. Since our audience is usually scattered across the globe, then morning in your place can mean evening at someones else location :)

That´s correct ...!!! Right now here is on midnight and I suppose that in your place is almost morning ..

I think trying to do more effort in each publication will attract more visibility..

Or another one: Investing thousands of dollars buying a bunch of steem going attract a huge visibility for sure my friend...!! What do you think...?

I would like to know how it works and right now I’m testing my own content before checking new publications @tipu curate

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