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RE: Think Big or Don't Think At All: World Domination Stems From Lessons In History

in #newsteem5 years ago

I remember that post, remember thinking for not the first time they should hire you to do their marketing...I don't know why I didn't comment on it, but I flipped through my blog and found I did resteem it lol.

It reminded me I haven't seen @brandt in awhile, hope he makes a comeback.


they should hire you to do their marketing

I hear that a lot. I'd feel more comfortable having an advisory role. It does get kind of annoying some days, sitting here behind yet another failed attempt at comedy or freaking people out with my art, when I can do more. So I do this stuff, these writings, that more often than not got overlooked for three years. Or maybe some read, but refuse to vote, because it's me... Things are getting better though, now that I can drop my words in a few places and gain some organic visibility. Today I'm not even going to drop this link anywhere, so I can gauge more accurately if the community is behind this sort of thing. Why am I rambling?

I just saw brandt the other day. Stopped in and enjoyed the re-release of Haffanower. I was testing the waters there with that post and it seems there's still not enough interest for something like that.

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