Intense Steem Weekend

in #newsteem5 years ago (edited)

I don't usually do "metaposts" where I talk about some other post, but holy damn, I didn't expect anything like this: finding my own face on top 10 Trending, 100% organically, and still hanging there around #30 after 48+ hours of posting it. The last time I was on Trending was over 2 years ago with my introduction post – also with a thumbnail of my face (although with a shitty iPhone camera).

Maybe I should post more pictures of my face.

Like I said, I knew that Haejin might retaliate my downvoting, but I also had a feeling that if that should be the case, the community would have my back, because I knew I had been a decent community player, even though saying that myself. But the degree of "counterstrike" I definitely didn't see coming, raising all my pending posts greatly above zero, and upvoting "the post" to 70+ dollars. I'm not the best content creator out there, but I guess I've done something right during these 2 years to end up there, since I don't believe that nothing in this life is given free, that's what I try to embrace at least.

Ironically enough, part of this is thanks to Haejin. Hopefully I will not develop Stochkolm syndrome with him.

Want to give me another round? XD

Ok, let's not get cocky...


Preference falsification

When flagging cost voting power, it lead to a situation where people, despite holding the opinion that a user x should not receive an y amount of rewards because of reason z, it wasn't prevented because there was a direct loss associated with the action. When there is too much preference falsification – people not being able to express their private preferences without negative consequence – it easily leads to a system where only a minority is happy with the current system, because the majority is disenfranchised of their opinion. A recipe for authoritarianism.

DSC_0198 Custom.jpg

In Steem's case the expressing opinion doesn't mean "loudly ranting about bid bots", I'm talking about the voting over reward pool – downvoting especially. Because in #oldsteem for an individual to perform a downvote to redistribute a perceived abuser's rewards, it would've required purely altruistic behavior and self-sacrificial from the profit of curation rewards. With #newsteem in post-HF21 and 2.5 free downvotes per day though, people are no longer discouraged financially to express their negative opinion on some user, except indirectly off the fear of retaliation flags, which can still lead to some users implying a different public preference than what is held privately. However, observing how the community comes to back users even in the most extreme of retaliation, it raises my confidence for the honesty of opinion – which is vital for proof-or-brain to be realized. We already saw in #oldsteem how proof-of-brain didn't work, because expressing honest opinion was discouraged on infrastructural level, luckily all we needed was just a software update, and we are headed to a much healthier direction quickly where we are free to express opinion, downvoting being an important part of that process to really direct the reward where we think it should go.

What I really enjoyed besides the big upvotes, was the incredible amount of engagement down in the post with over 170 comments thus far – more than I could find on any other post in Trending. I almost forgot eating altogether on Saturday when I was looking at my post like an :eyes: when observing upvotes stacking on top of each other and making dozens of replies to comments.

It's been amazing these past few days, and these events have only made me more bullish about Steem, and I cannot be but grateful. Makes me want to go poetic af and say "it feels like I'm embracing angels right now."


~Smartsteem Curation Team

Believe it or not but it is possible that Steem will have made you a millionaire a decade down the road.

Well, I'm willing to find that out.

A person can hope, right?

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Brought to you by @tts. If you find it useful please consider upvoting this reply.

Well...wishing you many more where that came from... You're definitely a team player so ...well deserved

Thank you :)

Sounds like you're riding a well deserved trending steem post high right now lol.

Keep up the awesome post!

I'm also liking the new direction that steem has taken with the more recent hard forks. It seems like the changes will help the platform survive and thrive in the future.

Posted using Partiko Android

Sounds like you're riding a well deserved trending steem post high right now lol.

As long as I don't get addicted, but if that happens only every 2 years, I should be fine, haha!

Hahaha true. You never know though. Maybe you hit a turning point and you'll be in the trending pages from here on out. we will see :)

Posted using Partiko Android

I am now using my downvotes and I think everyone should exercise their right to rid the chain of scam and trash. I am also glad that that gluttonous hog retaliated and boy does it feel good to know someone deserving to be on the trending page is getting the attention they deserve.

Shiiiiine 🔛🙂

I am now using my downvotes and I think everyone should exercise their right to rid the chain of scam and trash.

Giving downvotes to spam or malicious actions is becoming the new norm now :)

Yes please. Forward :)

Hi @celestal!

Your post was upvoted by @steem-ua, new Steem dApp, using UserAuthority for algorithmic post curation!
Your UA account score is currently 4.489 which ranks you at #2182 across all Steem accounts.
Your rank has not changed in the last three days.

In our last Algorithmic Curation Round, consisting of 109 contributions, your post is ranked at #32.

Evaluation of your UA score:
  • Some people are already following you, keep going!
  • The readers like your work!
  • Try to work on user engagement: the more people that interact with you via the comments, the higher your UA score!

Feel free to join our @steem-ua Discord server

Hello dear friend @celestal.

It's been amazing these past few days, and these events have only made me more bullish about Steem, and I cannot be but grateful.

Recently I felt the same way, since I experienced a similar situation where I was a victim of unfair downvotes. But then this became a rewarding experience when I received full support from the community.

I have come to think that downvotes in the hands of the community in general where it is the guarantor of controlling abuse and shitpost, became a utopia. I think it's too much power to be in the hands of the crowd.

What do you think of the creation of an agency (similar to the witnesses) within the blockchain that will be in charge of giving downvotes?

All best, Piotr.

What do you think of the creation of an agency (similar to the witnesses) within the blockchain that will be in charge of giving downvotes?

I don't think that makes sense. The community itself needs to filter content (downvotes are part of the process), a few selected ones simply cannot do that with big volume, and it also takes away from the diversity of preferences. What we have now with the community guarding itself is exactly what we want and needed. There are and will be bad apples for sure, but the good is outweighing the bad by orders of magnitude. And if those few bad actors give unjust downvotes, destroying a single user, the community steps in to counter that if they see the downvote unjust – that is exactly what proof-of-brain is about: public negotiation on rewards. But if you want, you can still give the authority of downvotes to someone you trust, like @curangel which is a curation project, but also uses downvotes to users selected by the delegators.

Thx @celestal

After second thought, I actually agree that this idea wouldn't make much sense.

Thank you for taking the time to reply. Appreciate it :)
Cheers, Piotr

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