Updates About Afghan Peace !

in #newsdaily5 years ago

The first Afghan peace conference in the name of Bhurban (online) Lahore process is being carried out by the Pakistani city of tourism city, which is a prominent Afghan leader, Pakistan's Minister for Foreign Affairs Shah Mehmoodqishi addressed the conference, saying that mutual respect and non-intervention Pakistan is supporting the principle, joint enemies of both countries harm bilateral relations, Pakistan is hosting millions of Afghan refugees, Pakistan is the most influenced by Afghan crisis, solving Afghanistan's problem Pakistan is playing its role.

Shah Mehmood Pakistan supports a peaceful and stable Afghanistan, but peace and prosperous Afghanistan is in the interest of the region, Pakistan supports reconstruction and development of Afghanistan, Pak-Afghan goals are shared for sustainable peace, Afghan refugees For decades, it is a breach of brother-in-law to save shelter. Shah Mehmood Qureshi said that Pakistan has played a role in bringing peace to Afghanistan for peace process with a sense of good faith, good faith and joint responsibility.

Shah Mehmood Qureshi said that Afghanistan stands at an important stage of peace and stability. Fresh efforts of peace have created new opportunities. We should try that we should not leave this opportunity. Because we can not afford to waste the opportunity. Our equally objective is long-lasting peace and prosperity in Afghanistan. Thus, Mahmood Qureshi said that we want to make two-way relationship based on non-interference, mutual respect and principles of equal interest. This fact also wants to be clear in front of you. No one in Pakistan recognizes this so-called ideology that is the strategic depth of Pakistan in Afghanistan (i.e. using the Afghan region of the Pakistani army in difficult times) to mislead its goals, misunderstanding in propaganda or Afghan brothers' minds. To sow seed seeds, no one will allow anyone to survive this dead horse. Nehru told Afghan Zama that we should not allow anyone to take advantage of our interests in our own area. Shah Mehmood Qureshi said Prime Minister Imran Khan personally remained committed to peace and reconciliation in Afghanistan.

We are ready to work closely with the Afghan and the international community so that there is a favorable situation in which Afghan refugees can achieve the goal of the honorable, secure and voluntary return of the Afghan refugees. We want peace and peace in Afghanistan only. We do not have any interests. From Afghanistan to the conference, former Prime Minister and Hizb-i-Islami ER strategies are Gulbuddin Yar attend the main political leaders and dignitaries. The head of all the political parties of Afghanistan and the Afghan President's political advisors, senators and Afghan parliamentarians.

In addition to Hanif Atmar, who was considered a strong presidential candidate against President Ghani, Afghan President Khalili, Ahmad Wali Masood, Mohammad Mohaqiq , Atta Mohammad Noor. This conference has been crucial to the visit of Islamabad, during the month of Afghan President Ashraf Ghani on the invitation of Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan. This conference was held at the Lahore Center for Peace Research What has happened in Bhoruban area of ​​Marriott? At the conference on Laureate 's conference, contacts, trade, Various fields including economy and health are being considered. The Afghan refugees are also reviewing their country's return to the conference, which are in Pakistan for the past 40 years.


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