The Legitimate Truth About Making Enough Money so You Never Have to Work a Job Again

in #news3 years ago

The Legitimate Truth About Making Enough Money so You Never Have to Work a Job Again
The advice on this topic is mostly hyperbole at it’s finest.
Making money is sensationalized into some dream that takes you to a fantasy land of chardonnay and exotic cars. The entire point is missed.
Making money is not about being happy.
Making money is not about looking good.
Making money is not about traveling the world.
Making money is not about leaving behind your boss.
Making money, later, can be about selfless charitable giving.
Making money, above all else, is about buying your freedom and time back.
When you have enough money coming in you can choose what work you do. You can change the type of work you do without having to worry about your safety blanket disappearing or strangling you to death while you sleep on its’ comfy goodness.
This has been my goal for the last six years. It’s something I have lived. It’s something I have spent 10,000+ hours studying. This article is not a brag fest. What made me fall in love with this topic was this problem:
A Normal Job Means Other People Choose How You Spend Your Time.
I hate having people tell me how to spend my time. I hate feeling obligated to roll up to a meeting where I will say nothing. I hate following processes that don’t make sense, to keep people in jobs that hold them back from reaching their true potential. I hate being forced to be nice to people who really need a wake-up call and to have their egos bitch slapped.
This reality led me to not want to quit a normal job
— but to flip work on its head.
When your work has value, and people see the value in what you do, and you’re not reliant on them paying you for that work, your entire world changes.
Imagine this: you get a job. You tell them through the interview process your ground rules. You show them the value you can bring, but you make sure they understand you won’t compromise on your rules.
In this way, you set up the game to be rigged in your favor, because money isn’t your crack anymore. You take their money for the work you do as long as they keep following your rules for how you will work.
I’ve never understood why an employer sets the rules with a one-sided employment contract in their favor. When you don’t need their money, you rewrite the rules and reverse the entire employment process. This is what I’ve done so far in my career. My work is fitting more and more into this way of thinking, because I’ve made enough money to never work a normal job again.
You can too. I’m not special. Here’s how you can get there.
It’s 5 Years in the Making.
In one year you can do enough work after hours to build a side hustle. The challenge is most people get stuck inside hustle land.
They get, say, 20% of their money from their side hustle and the rest from the gatekeepers of the traditional working world. This means they’re always begging, never choosing.
It takes one year of solid effort to build a side hustle. It takes 5+ years to make enough money so you never work a normal job again. This is the legitimate truth, no bullshit. The way I approach work now took years to build. It only started getting serious about two years ago.
Going from the side-hustle-way-of-life, to the get-paid-to-do-work-as-long-as-the-payer-follows-your-rules-way-of-life, takes time.
The five-year timeframe is nothing new. Amateur entrepreneurship advocates Todd Brison, Gary Vaynerchuk and Ayodeji Awosika have been saying it for years. The truth about money and work doesn’t really change; it’s just said differently, time and time again.
The goal isn’t to find hacks or skip doing the work or take a shortcut to easy street on your way to Starbucks. The goal is to put in enough work and effort over a sustained period of time. You don’t have to hustle your face off either.
You can just consistently put in a few hours each day for five years and obtain the superpower skill of flipping work on its head.
You Have to Become a Different Type of Investor.
Most investing advice is terrible. It tries to put investing into a one-size-fits-all nuclear bomb, ready to blow up your life savings and everything you’ve worked for.
To never have to work a job again based on someone else’s rules, you’re going to have to invest your money. My goal is to give you ideas consistently about ways to invest your money, not tell you how to invest.
Ideas are what lead to money. Ideas make you think, and that’s when you start figuring out ways to make money that make sense for your lifestyle.
Where you put your money is based on your age, where you grew up, what country you live in, your risk tolerance, how you see the world, your past and your beliefs.
That’s why no one can give you the magic money-making formula. But what you can learn about are the ideas that help you piece it together yourself after work each night.
The type of investor you need to be is one who:
Has an open mind
Doesn’t fall for hype
Makes calculated decisions
Follows the data, not the biased opinions given on the data
You don’t win big with one investment. You win comfortably with lots of small investments that spread out your overall risk.
Help Others Get What They Want.
I don’t treat making-money like an ego-stroking dildo.
I genuinely want to help people with whatever it is they want out of life. The goal of helping people is how I’ve made a lot of money. I do my best to understand their problems deeper than anybody else.
Give people what they want and they’ll help you get what you want after enough time and effort on your part has passed. Don’t be noble — be helpful.
How to be helpful:
Create how-to guides on anything you know about.
Share stories from your life or the lives of others.
Ask people how you can help them via a direct message or a survey.
Be a teacher. Find your digital classroom, get behind the camera, and share what you know. If you don’t know what to teach, start by teaching whatever it is that you currently do to earn money.
Helpful people never lose in life.
The more helpful you become over time, the more money you can earn, that you can then invest into an asset that compounds that value over time.
Network with Other People Making Money at a Similar Level to You.
Networking builds your bank account.
I wish people knew this fact. The challenge is you try to network with people who are much further ahead in the money game than you are.
I’ve found it incredibly useful to network with people who are on the same level as me and who have a similar goal to me. (And by network, I mean have random conversations, not act like a robot and ask someone to “network.”)
The people you know at your level are each trying to level-up and learn the same skills as you. They will make discoveries you can’t.
Why not take your experience and combine it with theirs? For example, Shaunta Grimes taught me as a content creator that you can turn your writing into royalty revenue by publishing your writing through Kindle Unlimited.
Shaunta and I have similar goals and do a lot of the same stuff. But this huge discovery, after six years, was one I still hadn’t come across. She opened my eyes to this way of earning extra income. I am going to use her strategy to keep writing my own rules for how I will spend my time each day.
Get outside your own brain to make more money.
How to do it: Connect with 2–3 people per week who are at the same level as you and have a similar goal. Ask them how they’re doing, and most importantly, ask them what they’re working on and how you can help them.
You Never Have Enough Money If It’s About “Stuff.”
Making enough money so you can never work a normal job again won’t happen for you if your goal is to buy lots of stuff.
If you have stuff dreams, these stuff dreams will take money out of your pocket that could have been used to buy back your time.
The #1 way to buy back your time is to stop spending your money on stuff.
Stuff = unnecessary new technology, petrol-guzzling chunks of metal, large homes that contain rooms you rarely spend time in, flashy watches James Bond can’t even be stuffed owning, clothes that nobody pays attention to because they’re too busy worrying about how they look, and dining out at restaurants that focus on status (not food).
Taking a lot of the stuff out of your life, stops stuffing up your life. Without all the stuff, you can get to the goal of choosing how you spend your time each day much faster.
Get a Financial Education the Smart Way.
Getting a financial education is gobbledygook.
Let me translate: Getting a financial education means creating the habit of learning about finance regularly.
You don’t learn about money or investing once and then you’re done. That’s the university approach to life that will light your money on fire.
Finance is a complex topic. The more you learn about finance, the more money you make while you sleep.
Most of the money I’ve earned is the result of staying up late in my old 2004 Holden Astra that a relative gave me and reading books on my tablet via the Kindle App, like “One Up On Wall Street.”
Commit to getting a financial education so you can form your own opinions rather than follow the opinions of gurus who will rob you silently while you take an afternoon nap.
Dial down the Noise of Politics.
Too much politics creates holes in your back pocket. If the goal is to buy back your time and set the rules of how you will work going forward, politics ain’t gonna help ya.
Politics is the greatest form of work distraction.
Society wants you to be outraged so you’ll spend time arguing with them on Twitter, thus making them feel less lonely.
Care about politics, but timebox your exposure. Too much politics hurts your brain which you need to enjoy life.
Invest More Money than You Earn.
I know my spending is out of control like a drunk Karen when my bank statement shows the amount I invested for the month was less than the amount I spent.
The more money you invest now, the quicker you can get to a place where you never have to work a normal job again and allow others to decide how you’ll spend your time.
Invest your money so you get to decide where you invest your time.
There are two buckets you can invest your money into:
Assets — stocks, bonds, digital currencies, real estate, gold, etc.
Self-Education — books, online courses, live events.
How much money you invest determines how long you’ll have to be solely focused on using your time to earn money.
Learn About Your Purchasing Power.
With the current level countries are creating their currencies out of thin air (money printing), even if you made a 7% return on stocks every year, you won’t keep up with inflation, says financial expert Alex Saunders.
Your purchasing power is taken away by money used to give out stimulus, fund government spending, and enable the purchasing of assets by a central bank (quantitative easing).
If you can get ahead in the purchasing power game, you can reach a level of freedom to spend your time how you want, faster. The amount of money you make means nothing if it’s being eroded away by money printing.
How to do it: study inflation vs deflation, the Bretton Woods Moment, money printing, central banking, and currency vs money.
Final Thought
The goal is to make enough money so you decide how to spend your time and set the rules for any traditional job you choose to take.
You reach this moment of freedom when you buy back your time. Time is what you should value, not money.
“How do I get more time?” is a great question.
“How do I make the rules about where my time is spent?” will change your life.
The truth is you don’t need to make more money or save your money. The truth is you need to use your money to invest wisely and make it compound on its own without you having to constantly refill your cash reserves through work you wouldn’t choose if you had a gun to your head.
You can set the rules around the work that you do when you let your money do most of the work for you.
This article is for informational purposes only, it should not be considered Financial or Legal Advice. Consult a financial professional before making any major financial decisions.

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