Trump has the Servers, We have Silver and Gold! J. Johnson's Latest 7/18/18

in #news6 years ago

  Good Wednesday Morning,   

     We start our daily planetary spin around our star with Gold trading lower with the current price at $1,223.30, down $4 in between a high of $1,229.10 and the low at $1,220.90. Silver is held in check as it too is continually pounded by additional short trades “in order to supply liquidity” even though the demand for physical jumped with the trade now at $15.45, down 16.7 cents with a low at $15.41. The US Dollar, once again during the London Bop, has continued its rally and is now at 95.165, at the very high of the trade today sometime before 6am pst. 

      July Silver’s Open Interest is now at 745 contracts with a volume of 13 so far this morning. Yesterday, after my report and much later in the trading day, the posted volume within July reached well over 300 but the number was disappeared after the close, I didn’t write it down, and my memory doesn’t work too well with one cup of triple latte espresso. I need another one. Harvey Organ sent in an email late last night confirming the fact that the EFP did a mighty jump placing 4,254 Silver contracts into the EFP format heading to London, and we thought it may have been slowing down. Apparently not, which means the demands at these prices are still … inviting. The overall OI for Silver now stands at 212,744 contracts, an increase of 1,039 short obligations to keep this market in check.   

   The mistrusted main stream news services were in full swing the past few days attempting to make a mountain out of a mole hill but could not even reach the surface of questions being posted on social media asking what the media conglomerates refuse to ask. Why?  Because they involve answers comprising details with no conjectures. Jim Sinclair posted a cartoon involving a media game show called “Facts Don’t Matter” explaining it all in picture form. Here’s a fine example of social media blowing drowning msm hype and why I think it has helped expose the fake in news; When did the Russians interfere in our election? 2016. Who was President? Obama. Who was head of the CIA? John Brennan. Who was the National Intelligence Director? Clapper. Who was head of the FBI? First Mueller, then Comey. It is 2018 & all of them are blaming Trump.  Or the other fine question which Jordan Rachel had thought of; Why didn't Mueller indict Putin? He indicted 25 "people", whom we have yet to see, but he didn't indict the one and only person whom everyone is blaming...? These are defining questions and there will be no answers coming from Comey, Brennan, Obama, and the rest of the group including the msm. Why?     

    Maybe the reason why all this activity over the past 7 days was all about political positioning. Trump went to London and Russia, yes, Trump misspoke, yes, BUT did Trump bring back evidence that will open up the Deep State criminality? At the meeting in Helsinki, Finland, between Presidents Putin of Russia and Trump of the USA, the Russians gave to Trump at least 160 TERABYTES of Russian Intelligence Intercepts which expose horrifying activities of many, many, people to deliberately foment social, cultural, and political chaos, violent riots, demonstrations, media smears, phony scandals, and fake news. I am not claiming this is true (yet) but so far I cannot argue against what has been presented. Then we have the opposing side NOT giving any court dates or accusations with evidence over these last 17/18 months as Comey now claims “anyone who votes Republican in the upcoming midterm elections is un-American”. Like he knows anything, geezuz what a clown. Left/Right no longer matter when it comes to positioning against those that are not applying truth or justice within government. All this needs to all be fully exposed, and I think we’re about to see it all when Trump makes good on his statement of releasing ALL THE DATA!   

    As mentioned yesterday, the world of politics has become volatile, same goes with the currencies under each governments control. We see the attempts to have peace in the world on a global scale, then we have a group within (all) government(s) that will lose their incomes (and their lives) if that is to happen. This is going to be something to see, because Trump has the servers, and we have Silver and Gold. HODL to the factual truths, keep those precious metals close (and in hand), and as always …   

 Stay Strong!

 J. Johnson  


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I have a little bit of silver. I had to sell a majority of it years ago when i was in a crunch. Need to start banking some again... @webbotreader

Silver is real, useful, and has been considered money since the beginning of this time .... If you read Cliff High's ALTA reports, you may see a need to acquire now before the price goes um ... higher

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