
Ok, so basically you are saying that if I do the following things:

  1. follow you
  2. comment on your posts


you will:

  1. upvote my comments
  2. since you have a lot of SP, the upvote will result in the financial gratification of 0.14USD per my comment, right?

Because I have augmented my opening comment by saying that I am not after financial gratificatuion. I basically need to write out of myself a number of articles in the evening on crypto, in the section "crypto" on Steemit, because I don't want to create the website-based blog, I don't want to write big pieces on "what's crypto" and similar stuff. I just need to practice writing. I don't need any financial gratification, because nobody's going to give me any good financial gratification for writing comments - that's an easy one.

Can you help me rev up my blogging career here, maybe? Maybe, you've got some ideas on "reverse-joining" or whatever?)))

Also, I am not sure that I need to get subcribers, because I will doing this stunt not to get subscribers, but to improve on my writing skills.

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