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RE: Banksters, and Why I don't Give Them My Money

in #news6 years ago

If by 'these tactics' you refer to my own abnegation of wealth and property, then yes. Most people would consider the cure worse than the disease, however.


I reckon this pic illustrates the purpose of the jurisdictions undertaking prosecutory profiteering. The essential power of banksters is creating scarcity, and I have no confidence in state agencies like courts to prevent this power being effected. Lawyers being vectors of predation is nothing new. Rather such is exemplary of the means being used to decrease the freedom ordinary people enjoy.

I suspect that improved technology has eclipsed medieval means of preying on people. One poorly understood feature of the Alfie Evans story is that the hospital has recently admitted to stripping the organs of children and selling them to pharmaceutical companies. People are becoming merely industrial raw materials.

That's much worse than even the horrible depredations possible with medieval technology.

This is why I don't consider my opting out of financial markets as a worse evil than participation. If enough of us do this, the power of financial institutions and manipulations is not only reduced, but destroyed. Putting out brushfires like the predation Indio and Coachella are undertaking isn't solving the problem, and defending piecemeal results in scattered efforts.

Loggers don't cut planks out of trees for lumber. They topple the trees and profit from the whole. That's what we need to do to the entire corrupt and predatory system intending to turn us into nothing more than profit centers for rentiers.


I can't picture living without owning property, myself; it's the only way I can get far enough from people.

I wonder if sufficient understanding on the part of the public couldn't bring it all down peacefully, like the collapse of the Soviet Union.

One needn't own the dirt one lives on. Indeed, the beasts of the field that know no other home are the freer for not owning their home. I spent 2016 living in the woods across Western Oregon, all on dirt I did not own.

I remember the tanks in Red Square, and the tanks in Tianenmen Square too. The tanks in Tianenmen Square turned on the people there, and no fewer than thousands died. The tanks in Red Square did not, and the transformation was not marked by slaughter. I reckon it was a near thing, and it seems likely to me that Vodka played an essential role, as I recall Yeltsin seemed to be drunk at the time.

Perhaps more important than the understanding of the people is the pacification of the military, and them as control it. China kept it's empire, and Russia did not.

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